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It was nighttime as I fly into Death City. I jumped off my longboard and landed on the DWMA ground safety. With no students around, I had stretched my back as I felt my body crack. "Ah, that feels so good!~ I really need to get a chiropractor to help me with my bones!~" I yawned out, smiling to myself.

"What took you so long, (Y/n)?" Looking to my right, I saw Spirit - or Death Scythe - glaring at me. "Lord Death has been waiting for you to come for an hour.. What took so long for you to come from Australia?"

I walked towards him. "I fell asleep on my board and almost got caught up in some blizzard. Give me a break, I'm still here." I stood next to him and stuffed my hands in my pocket. "I apologize for the worry.."

He sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose. "It's alright.. You just keep the both of us on edge."

"I know.." Walking towards the entrance, I let Spirit follow. "Let's go.. Don't wanna keep him waiting any longer than he needs to.." The both of us walked towards the Death Room in silence. I didn't know why I was summoned here, seeing how I had another mission set out for later tonight in Paris. We both walked into the Death Room and was greeted with Stein and Sid.

"Hi there! It's so good to see you again (Y/n)!" Lord Death cheered as he bounced in the mirror. "How was the mission is Australia? Was it easy enough for you?"

"It took longer than expected by it was still fairly easy. Is there anything you need? I was on my way to Paris for my next assignment." I asked.

"As you can see, I asked Stein and Sid here as well. Don't worry, they knows about your secret and know better to not say a word. The reason why I asked you three here is to give remedial lessons to two pairs of partners. As for your assignment, I already let someone else handle it, so I hope you can do this new assignment."

I sighed. "So you cancelled my assignment to take care of some dumbass kids that need a lesson? Not to be rude, but you asked a mad scientist who happens to be the best meister the worlds known, a zombie incredible in knife combat, and the world's deadliest combination for something such as this?"

"Watch it, my daughter is one of those kids! That's also your future meister!" Spirit growled.

"..Excuse me, what?" I glared at Lord Death, seeing how he knew about I felt having another partner after my first.

"Oh that's right! I haven't told you yet." Lord Death reminded himself. "His daughter and her weapon will be your new partners soon. She is the only scythe meister, like yourself, in the academy."

"Lord Death.. You know what happened last time when I had a partner.. She died because of me.. Because of what I am.. I'm not going through that again.." I said lowly.

He formed an 'x' with his arms. "Sorry but no can do.. The two are already informed and are ready to meet you. Their names are Maka Albarn and Soul 'Eater' Evans."

Growling mentally, I sighed and accepted what was going to happen. "Is that all, sir?"

"You will leave with Stein tonight and come up with a plan that will work for you two for the lesson. Please remember not to kill my students as well."

Nodding, both Stein and I left the Death Room and proceeded to head towards his laboratory.

"I apologize for what happened in there. But you must know that you are a secret student that takes on some dangerous missions for the sake of other students. I hope you understand that." Sid told me as we walked out.

"I do, but I was looking forward to Canada.. Never been there. And besides, I'm more useful in the field alone than with a partner." I stated, looking ahead.

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