Perfect (Lime)

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(SPOILERS FOR STEVEN UNIVERSE FUTURE. Hey there! This is my first time writing for Steven Universe and I am excited! There's no major warnings other than the fact that it gets slightly sexual at the end, hence the lime in the title. If you don't know what a lime is it's slightly sexual content that doesn't go all the way to sex. Thanks for checking this out. Reader is briefly mentioned to be female at the end~)

The peace of your house's silence shattered as your door slammed. You ran out of your bedroom, tossing the book you had in your hands heading towards the pink glow. Another bang ensued as you reached the living room, the wall cracking under your boyfriend's fist. Steven's mumbled voice filled the quiet as you slowed down your speed. The pink boy was hunched over, one hand flattening against the wall that he hit, heavily breathing.

You approached slowly, "S-Steven?" He turned his head slightly away from you, not that you could really see it anyway. You wanted to ask if he was okay but you knew he wasn't. Shaky fingers reached out when you were close enough to him, flinching back before resting on his shoulder. "What happened?"

He let out a small hiccup before sniffling and standing straight, still not looking at you. The hand that rested against the wall went to his face, wiping tears away you assumed. You inhaled deeply, you weren't going to force him, especially not when his pink hue flooded the previously dark room. You pressed your body flush against his back, resting your head on your shoulder as you wrapped your arms around him. You pressed a quick kiss on his shoulder before settling a your chin, trying to get a peak at his face. "You know you can talk to me."
His body shook as he cried harder, clearly trying to stay quiet. "Let it out Steven, it's okay I promise."

He shook his head before moving slightly. You took it as a sign to let go so you did and moved back a step or two. The pink diamonds in his eyes were accompanied with tears before he shut his eyes tight and leaned against the wall. You didn't stop yourself from moving in between his legs and wrapping your arms back around him. He stiffened again at the touch but whimpered and grabbed you tight. His hair tossed and messy, his body shaking and well pink, one hand rested around the small of your back the other clenched in your hair, and his face tucked against your neck. Steven's form shook as he cried, mumbling words you couldn't make out.

"Steven, honey, tell me what's wrong please," your fingers found themselves tangled in his curls. You eyes shut lightly as you inhaled his scent, keeping yourself calm because if you started worrying it would just make it worse. His tears hit your neck as he tried to steady his breathing

"I-I can't," Steven took a deep breath, "I can't control myself anymore."

He pushed you off him gently. His pink glow shined bright in your face, you tilted your head. Steven grit his teeth, tears streaming down his face, as he grabbed your shoulders.

"I can't do this anymore!" Steven shouted, tightening his hold, "I'm so... I'm so afraid! I'm Afraid I'm going to hurt someone! I'm Afraid I'm gonna hurt you!"

You reached your hand up to his face. The light stubble felt familiar and you smiled up at him. You cradled his face in your hands, pushing away his tears with the pad of your thumb, as you pressed yourself against his heating body.

"Steven, you won't hurt me," you began.


"No buts Steven, I know you. I'm not afraid I know you'd never hurt me," your pressed your lips against his cheek, "we're in this together, me and you, Steven. Trust me."

He took a deep shaky breathe, nodding, as the glow began to fade slightly. You pressed your body more against him. Soft lips meeting his in an attempt to make him calmer. Steven settled his hands on your hips as he leaned into to the kiss. His lips matched your rhythm and he let out a quiet groan. You reluctantly moved away from his lip and he moved slightly closer as response but were held back by your hands still cupping his glowing cheeks. Your breathing intermingled with his as the diamonds in his eyes met yours. You moved your hand to the back of his neck as your other trailed down to rest on his chest.

"I love you, Steven."

The pink boy bit his lip and smiled. It's not like you two haven't said it before but it still made him happy to hear you say it, "I love you too (Y/N)."

Your hand continued its journey downwards, palming him through his jeans as he let out a surprised yet satisfied sigh. "Do you wanna come sit down?"

He nodded, "yeah that, that'd be nice."

Your fingers wrapped around his, guiding him to your couch. The boy sat down, trying to ignore the uncomfortable feeling in between his legs. They'd been sexual together sure, but he didn't want her to do something because she felt bad. Her hips swayed as she put in a movie that she doubted they'd pay attention to. Steven subconsciously licked his lips while he watched you move about the living room, you really were a treasure.

You moved towards him. Steven inhaled sharply as you seated yourself on his lap. Trying to ignore it would be much harder with this. You straddled him, pulling him towards you for a kiss. His arms stayed stiff at his side while yours wrapped around his neck. Sensing his nerves you smiled into the kiss, before leading his hands to your waist.

There you sat, comfortably in his lap with your lips locked with his. The moonlight pouring in through the window as a cool breeze swept through your home. The perfect night was truly made better by his company. You were glad he came to you when he did.

(1011 words)

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