Chapter One

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This is it today's the day. I'm auditioning for Newsies! EEEPPPP! It still shocks me that Kara is leaving. But Katherine is my DREAAAM role. 
        I got into the shower and as always I was singing at the top of my lungs. ehh I shouldn't but I'm just so excited. When I got out, I straightened my hair, did my makeup, and picked out a cute outfit. I ran out of my small apartment and down 43rd street. The audition was at the Nederlander. I had to prepare one song that wasn't in the show, prepare Watch What Happens (to see if we can handle it), and then they'd teach us a tap dance. I'm not the best dancer, but I think I could pull it off after all it is just one number. 
        When I got into the lobby there was a ton of girl lined up. Greaat! okay I need to take a deep breath. "I can do this" I said. The girl in front of me turned around. She was really pretty. again.. Great! "Nervous?" she asked.
"Just a bit." I said kind of sarcastically. She laughed and took a deep breath.
"Yeah me too." she replied. There was a long and very awkward pause. We took one step ahead in line. "Hi. I'm Caroline"
I smiled and stuck out my hand, Caroline shook it. "I'm Sydney." She smiled and Turned back around. Soon we got up to the front of the line. At the front stood the Director, Thomas Schumacher, Ben Fankhauser, and Kara Lindsey. WAIT WHAT?!?! I started to silently start to freak out. Caroline turned around and laughed. I was confused.
" How are you not freaking out right now!?!" I asked.
"I've known them for a while now." I gave her a puzzled look. "I'm in the show but I'm a swing. The director wanted us to reaudition so it would be fair and I guess he opened it to the public." She stated. I gave her an 'OHMIGOD' look! Then Ben stepped forward.
"Hi Ladies, I'm Ben and I play Davey. Here's what's going to happen, the next 5 will go in the theatre and sit in the front row. Then you'll each get up on stage and sing the song you prepared. After everyone's gone Thomas and Kara will pick out the ones they'd like to see more of and send you up to me" He gave us a funny kind of conceited face and we all laughed. "From there I will teach you a dance and then chose who will go to the final round where you will come together with all the final round girls and each of you will sing Watch What Happens and one by one you will be asked to leave until we have our Katherine." He said and took a deep breath. I got extra nervous but shook it off. I was the 3rd one from the front, so I'm next. We walked to the door and Kara handed us a number. She handed me the number 113 and smiled, I smiled back. 
        I sat next to Caroline who was 112 and some other girl who was 114. The girl in front of Caroline went first. She was good but her confidence level was low. After her was Caroline. "Break-a-leg" I said. She got on stage and sang. Wow! she was amazing. We all clapped and soon it was my turn. "You were amazing." I said passing her in the Isle. "Thanks! And Break-a-leg!" she said. When I took the stage it felt like home. I know probably everyone says that but I swear it's true this time. It's like I belonged. I looked over to Thomas and Kara, Kara was smiling but Thomas had a straight face.
"What's your name Hun?" Kara said. 
" I'm Sydney Allison"
"And what is the song you're singing?" Thomas said writing down my name.
"The wizard and I from Wicked." I replied. I know it's overdone but I can sing really well.  The music started and I waited for my que. I sang my song as perfectly and I have always have. I was really surprise. I usually mess my auditions up completely. They clapped and I sat down. After the other 2 went the director took the stage.
"Okay. I need 111, 114, and 115..." shit. " exit the theatre. I'm sorry but you didn't make it. For the other two, Kara will lead you down to where Ben is." I smiled widely and shot up hugging Caroline.
        We followed Kara down 3 stair cases and under the stage. There we saw Ben. "These are the only 2" Kara said smiling. She walked back upstairs. Ben stood in front of us smirking. "So you've made it this far?" he said being all cute. I smiled. "And what's your names?" He asked.
"I'm Caroline."
"Never heard of you before." Ben said chuckling. Typical Ben to be the funny guy. "And you?" He said smiling at me.
"I'm Sydney." I replied.
"Well Sydney," He said. "I know why Caroline wants to Katherine, but why do you want Katherine?" He said.
I took a deep breath. This is easy. "I want Katherine because it's my dream role. I saw the movie when I was little and I fell in love with it right away. I wanted to be her from the very first time she was on my tv. I just recently moved here from Indiana. I don't know anybody. I've seen this show 10 times since I've been here for maybe 3 months. I love it." I said smiling. Ben started to clap. I laughed.
"Okay now that dance. It'll be very basic but some moves might be a little more difficult." he said turning around facing the mirror. 
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ABOUT AN HOUR LATER~~~~~~~~~~~~ 
We just ran through the dance for the last time.
"well considering there's only two of you this wasn't very hard. You both are going to the final." He said. I started smiling like so big. Caroline walked back to where all the other final girls are but I was stopped by Ben. I was confused. "Sydney," he said. The fact that he even is talking to me is the best thing in the world. "I think you have a lot of potential. You have a shot at getting this role. Honestly."
"Thank you so much! Hearing that from you of all people is just awesome!" I said he chuckled.
"Hey I could show you around and introduce you to a few people if you'd like." he said. 
"I'd love that." I said smiling he smiled back. 
"Come find me when this is over and I'll give you my number. Now I think they want you on stage for the finals you better go!" I smiled and I ran back up the steps and into the theatre. The girls were still walking in so I was good. They called us all on stage. 
Thomas, the director, stood in front of us with Kara next to him. "This next part will be difficult." He said. "Here's how this is going to work, You will all sing the song at once. Me and Kara will be walking around examining. You will have one mess up. Meaning if one of us is around and you aren't keeping up or struggling we'll let it go but if it happens again we will tap your shoulder and you will have to leave the theatre." He finished. 
        Kara went over the stereo and pushed play. The song started and we all started singing. It was weird singing the song with other people. I just blocked them out of my head. In the first minute of the song 1/3 of the girls were gone. I was actually surprised I was still standing. By the song was over there were 5 of us. Me, Caroline, and 3 others. The director made us sing it one by one. He got rid of 2 of them at the end of that. He called Ben up.
"Usually we would've found our Katherine by now," Thomas said. "But there's something about you three that we can't let go of. So we're going to have Ben help us and you guys are going to the dance he taught you. We'll decide from there." 
Ben put the CD in and pushed play. The dance was maybe 4  minutes long. after like the first 2 minutes the other girl who I didn't know fell. She started crying and swearing left and right. Ben carried her out to the lobby while Caroline and I stood there in shock. We didn't continue dancing for the other girl's sake. Soon Ben came back in and we started the dance over. 
        About a minute in the director stopped the music, "I've seen enough." He started talking to Kara and Ben. They were huddled together and occasionally they would sneak a look at both of us. Once they broke out of the huddle my heart raced. "Caroline," Kara said. "I'm sorry but you didn't get the part. You will continue being a swing" Caroline left the theatre. WAIT! that means.... "Sydney," she said. "Congratulations you're the new me!" I jumped up and down.
"YAY! thank you so much!"
"Rehearsals start Monday!' Thomas said gathering up his things. EEEPPPP! I ran into the house and gave Kara a great big hug and then I gave one to Ben. 
"You were simply brilliant!" Kara said.
"That means the world to me, especially from you. You are my role model." She smiled. We exchanged numbers and she left. I turned to Ben "I Found you." he gave me a puzzling look. "You told me to come find you after this was over so you can get my number... you said you were going to introduce me to people and then show me around." He gave me an 'oh yeah duh' he held out his arm and I took it. Together we walked out to the lobby. I grabbed my purse and got my phone. We exchanged numbers.
"Be prepared for a call tomorrow." He said smiling. I smiled back.
"I'll be waiting." I said as we exited the theatre. We waved goodbye and walked in our different directions. I took me dear sweet time walking home. Now I know I'm here to stay. When I got home I called my mom and my sister. They were happy for me and they are going to fly up for the opening. I couldn't be any happier than I am right now. I put on my pajamas and climbed into bed falling asleep to the sound of the movie RENT playing in the background. Tomorrow might just be as perfect as tonight.

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