Small Filler

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Just a small thing to get a grasp on something I had in mind. Based off of the picture above.
I drew that... Looks better than I thought.
No one's POV

Walking through bustling streets of a popular underground city in southern California of the US, three teenage girls easily shifted through the busy streets. It was around 3 in the afternoon and there seemed to be a lot of people rushing from place to place as if they need to hurry and stock up before some big bad thing happens.

Oh wait...

Anyway. The 3 teens were heading to a small convenience store to stock up on snacks because they were starting to run out and their roomie Cohl was starting to panic at the fact that they only had 4 packs of ramen noodles and cold soba. So they kinda had to go before Cohl completely stopped functioning as a whole. (They are almost exactly like Mista when it comes to that number)

"Hey Cosmo, Cate?" Said the youngest who is actually the tallest of the 3 addresses the other two, her eye slightly twitching to show her anxiety.

Beeps came from the teen known as Cosmo, her Tv head putting a message on it's screen, "What is it Sarah." Cate just looked up from her phone and took one of her earbuds out to listen, feeling her companion's stress making her want it to disappear before it ruins any peace.

That doesn't mean she doesn't care. She just shows what care she does have a little differently.

"Do you two have the feeling that we're being watched," she pauses and looks around at all the people around them that kind of hide them from prieing(sp?) eyes, "I know we are difficult to spot in this crowd but I can't help but-"

"Your highness. Please relax. If anything comes this way, we can handle it." Cosmo messages as Ian and Will hadn't really given her a voice yet as they are busy with some other projects of theirs. Cate on Sarah's other side shifts into a Miku plush and sits on Sarah's shoulder, already inside her own mind listening to her music and browsing her phone knowing that any possible danger had been avoided.

Sarah continues to look at her computer companion until she looks away and forgets her worries.

But unknown to them, there was someone watching them. But not for danger thankfully.

On the rooftop sits a young male at approximately the age 18 or 20. His black wings open behind him as he stables himself and continues to watch the girls.

"How does Tetiana expect me to find out what those three like just from watching their shopping trip. If she wants help throwing them a party, she should find it out through someone who actually cares," the boy looks away and into the distance towards the giant house their group has decided to occupy, "I'm sure she'll believe me if I tell her I just lost them in the crowd. I have a picture of my view anyway."

With that, the winged male starts flying in the opposite direction of the calming trio and towards a more loud and honestly very concerning group.


"Do we need all this candy. Or does Akasha just want us all to get cavities?"

The trio has successfully reached their destination.

But they didn't think to read the shopping list before they arrive, so now they are gonna have a longer trip than planned. And oddly enough, despite being underground, it was actually hot outside the store so they will end up delaying their trip a little more.

"Cosmo I don't think that's the one the list is talking about." A bag of questionable content is set back on the shelf.

"Cate, Cosmo, help me please!" A lot of stuff is falling off the shelf.

"Your highness! How did that happen?"

"I said call me by my name..."

"Oh right. Sorry Sarah."


"WHAT!?" Angry shouts from the young mermaid Akasha and young neko Tetiana escape into the air.

"I'm just saying. It is rush hour down here so it was easy for me to loose them." The winged male from earlier is lounging on the biggest sofa in the living room, which at the moment is crowded with party decor but he doesn't care.

"I'm sorry. It's easy to loose Cate because she likes to avoid certain things. But how do you loose a walking TV screen?" Cohl butts in, less antsy about the 4 soba and ramen situation. Someone ate one of both 4s.

"Yeah. For what we know, they could be kidnapped if they disappeared before your eyes." Comes from a concerned Courtney, her pixie wings now fluttering a bit to show her now growing anxiety. Everyone in the room with obviously not human features start showing hints of a growing concern.

"They're fine. I can't pinpoint where it is but their souls aren't disturbed. Startled but nothing to show they are struggling." The winged male says, now well on his way to falling asleep.

Faith enters the room and stops the male with a shout, "Ryūji! You weren't supposed to stop watching them! Go back out there and look after them. Since you show no interest in the original task of finding out what they like, you just have to look after them instead," she turns to the other people in the room who have calmed themselves from nearly rampaging, "Will, Ian, you have permission from me to look through their computers to find anything they like. Everyone else is gonna try and set up something they might like."

"Wait, what's the party for again?" Comes the voice of a now confused Akasha as her 'wife' Jadyn has a look of agreement splayed on her head.(I just thought of her wearing a sign on her head that said "yes, agree with wife")

"We are celebrating the fact that Cate has successfully survived a large amount of our idiocy without leaving us. And the fact that Sarah has yet to die from stupid means. The girl is bipolar and accident prone, the fact that neither of them has died is a relief." Julie tells them.

"We are also celebrating the day that Cosmo was even thought of." Ryan curtly inputs, liking the fact that people are actually listening to him.

"Oh, alright! Well let's get to work then." Akasha says and they all disperse to do different tasks but end up bickering. It's a surprising they have all been under this same roof for months and haven't destroyed the place.

Much later the 3 teens who went to the store come back with bags of food and junk food only to find the interior humbly decorated. Nothing extravagant, just nice and homey.

"Congratulations on your individual achievements!" Everyone comes out and shouts.

The place was in ruins a second later.

Lesson of the day:
Don't surprise the walking time bombs.

But hey at least they're all okay!
This was a random filler I felt like doing but now I think I need to explain a lot of things.

I also just wanted to post something for this story so people won't think I forgot about it.

One more thing:
Please check out the drabbles for this book! I really want you guys to use that to your advantage and mine. It will get more content for you and more practice for myself along with ideas for this book.

Anyway, have a wonderful day/night and hope you are making the most of your time during the quarantine!


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