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I check my watch, midnight. I was too scared of the nightmares that plagued my dreams to even try to close my eyes. Ever since my trip to the labyrinth I was haunted day and night. Of course Clarisse had helped a lot, but some nights I just couldn't force myself to revisit that unwanted nightmare. 

I listen to make sure my siblings are asleep, when I'm satisfied with the deep breathing and snores I slide out of bed. I never wear pajamas so I just have to put on my sandals, and run a quick hand through my hair. I jump over sleeping bags praying to the gods that I don't wake anyone up, or worse, step on them. I'm almost at the door when a pair of shadows blocks my path. 

"Well, well, well, what do we have here?" They say at the same time.

Shoot, Conner and Travis, I should have known. Thinking fast, I pull them onto the porch, so nobody else will find out I am sneaking out. 

Before I can even open my mouth they are bombarding me with questions. 

"Where are you going?"

"Who are you meeting?"

"Is it a girl?"

"Is she from Aphrodite?"

"Is she your girlfriend?"

The sword fighting arena. Clarisse. Yes, she's a girl. Aphrodite, haha think again, Ares. Yes she's my girlfriend you idiots. But there is no way in Hades that I am going to tell them any of that. No one even knows Clarisse and I are dating. That's our secret, not yours. 

I know they would keep pestering me until I answered their questions, and I really, really am not in the mood for that, so I used the only lie that would get them them to shut up, and get me out of the cabin all at once. 

"I'm going for a walk, scouting for a prank I'm pulling in a couple days," I say with my biggest Hermes smirk. They beg me for details, but instead I zip my lips and throw the invisible key as far as I can. 

"Travis, Conner, let's make a deal, you let me out tonight, and I'll let you help with my prank, tomorrow," I put stress on tomorrow so they knew there would be no more talk of it tonight. We shake on it. Before going into the cabin Conner gives me a warning.

"Chris, buddy, don't get caught, but if you do, we were asleep when you left. And you better remember that, cause if not, well let's just say you have it coming for you."

Conner smirks, Travis does a very cheesy wink and finally I am alone. I don't stress about the prank, I am actually planning one for the Athena Cabin, but that'a a topic for another day. 

I start jogging, I'm not worried about getting caught by Argus or the Harpies, so I don't try to be too quite. Being Hermes son, well let's just say that I don't get caught sneaking around all that often. 

Nearing the arena I slow down to a walk, so Clarisse doesn't hear me. Technically she shouldn't be here, but in the weeks after Silena died she would do nothing but train, all day, all night. Chiron gave her special permission to use the arena whenever she wanted. That was the only thing she let someone do for her. Instead of talking, or letting someone help her, she would push everyone away and then train and fight the grief out. Clarisse acted strong, but I knew on the inside she was crumbling. It shattered me watching her grieve over the loss of her best friend and knowing their was nothing I could do. She had gotten better over the last couple of months, talking to me a little bit, but she still spent the majority of her time in the sword fighting arena. There was rarely a night she wasn't there and tonight was no exception. 

I hear her before I see her, slashing and stabbing with a sword. I am well accustomed to the sight of her in the arena, but every time it strikes me just how beautiful she really is. She now moves on to using her spear, Maimer. Maimer is a gift from her dad, Ares, and is perfectly balanced in her hand. She chucks it over and over. It crackles with electricity as she throws it through the air, piercing the dummy every single time. First its head, then its heart, then the stomach, repeat.

While some might view her fighting as vicious and having no real pattern, I think it is amazing. I would never tell Clarisse this, but watching her makes me mesmerized. It is like watching a dance only she knows the steps to. She is graceful, lithe and calculating, always one step ahead. 

Gods, she is gorgeous. 

-All characters belong to Rick Riordan, but the plot is mine! This is my first fanfic please don't hate, but reviews and constructive criticism would be awesome!!! I'll update as soon as possible! Stay safe, stay inside and don't get corona!


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