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I love chilling with my girlfriend, don't get me wrong, but we had been lying there for what felt like an eternity. My ADHD brain and I had to get up and move. I stand up and reach down to pull Clarisse off the ground. 

"Oh thank gods, I didn't want to say anything but I was dying to get up and move." She stretches and pops her neck. 

"C'mon," I grab her hand and start pulling her towards the woods, " I have something to show you." She doesn't move, but instead sits back down. 

"I'm not moving until you tell me where we're going," Ugh, go figure. I was going to surprise her, and it would have been sweet, but I guess not. I try again.

"Um, it's a surprise Clarisse, but I promise you'll love it! Well, I promise you'll like it." She still doesn't look convinced. 

"If you don't like it we can fight when we get back to camp." She mutters something about being able to fight me whenever she wants, but reluctantly gets up. I grab her hand and drag her towards the woods before she can change her mind. 

I found this spot a couple of weeks ago when I was looking for spiders - never mind. Anyways, its deep in the woods and kind of closed off. The best part about it is the waterfall. It's near a giant cliff and the water cascades into a hidden pool. 

"Woah" I hear her whisper. I know she would never admit it, but she secretly has a thing about waterfalls.

"Obviously we don't have to swim, because it's the middle of the night and it's a little too cold but, yeah," I flush red, embarrassed that I had been rambling. 

Clarisse doesn't seem to hear me, and is walking around. I sit under a tree and watch as she dips her fingers into the pool. Half of me wants to get up and push her in, but the reasonable half of me says that if I do, I'm not leaving the grove alive. I decide to listen to the reasonable half of me.

"Risse," I say tentatively, "Is it just me or do some people still treat me like a traitor?" She frowns and comes to sit next to me. She rarely shows any affection towards anyone, but she knows I need her to be real. To be there for me like she always is. She grabs my hand and leans into my shoulder.

"Chris, you were a traitor. Key word, were. No one can judge you on your past actions. I mean take a look at Luke. He was awful and mean and a traitor, but in the end, he's the reason we won. And Silena." Her voice breaks, and I hug her, letting her cry into my shoulder.

It shatters me seeing her like this, knowing the only thing I can do is be there for her. And sometimes, even that isn't enough.

Eventually, we break apart, and Clarisse lies down, with her head in my lap. We talk, and I play with her hair. Or, I played with her hair before she threatened to break my nose if I didn't stop.

Before long Clarisse is asleep, curled into me like I'm the only thing keeping her tethered to the ground. I listen to her deep breathing and after a couple minutes let myself succumb to the darkness.

And for the first time in years, I don't have a single nightmare.

-Ahhhh this chapter was really bad! And short. That's probably why it took so long to update. Maybe I'm just making excuses. I just wasn't really inspired. I hope you enjoyed it - or didn't, I'm not really sure. This next chapter will be the last one, so hopefully it will be good. Please comment and vote, and I'll try to get the next chapter out sooner! Stay safe!


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