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I smile and put my head in Chris' lap. 

Today had been a good day. I curl into my boyfriend and fall into a dreamless sleep.

Snap. Crack.

I jump up, reaching for Maimer, before I realize: I don't have my spear! I look around, completely disoriented before the events of last night come flooding back. I smile down at Chris, making sure he's still asleep, before looking around. 

I check behind a couple big rocks, behind the tree Chris is sleeping on, next to the pool, and a couple other places. Finally satisfied with my search, I decide it was a squirrel that broke the twig and not a monster.

I'm walking back over to Chris when I hear him mumble something along the lines of "Spiders? Athena Cabin? Whaaaat? Never." I sigh, what a punk. Well he's my punk so, back off. Unless you want your face smashed. No? That's what I thought.

I lean down next to Chris and try to wake him up. I gently shake his arm, and he shoots up like I'm the devil.

"It was the Stolls!" Chris practically screams before trying to get back his cool.

"Oh, I mean morning babe," he says bending down to kiss me. I count to five before pulling apart and leaning into his chest.

"What time is it?" He looks down at his watch, and I see his face pale. 

"7:49," he replies, his voice shaky. Shoot! That means we have eleven minutes to get back to our bunks, shower, change, and be at the dinning pavilion. We pull apart and start running through the woods. Even though we are sprinting, it still takes us a solid five minutes to get back to camp. I mutter ancient Greek curses under my breath as I pull open my bunk door, running to my bed. I grab a towel and a change of clothes before dashing back out the door. 

Remembering I'm the head counselor, I lean into the cabin, yelling, "Hey Sherman, I'm gonna be a little late, kinda lost track of time, you're in charge! Okay?!" I don't wait for an answer, instead running up to the showers.

I take a cold shower, as usual, scrubbing the dirt and grime off my body. I don't bother with my hair, because I don't have time. I'm just going to put it in a ponytail anyways. I put on my camp t-shirt, black capris, and my red bandana before jogging back to Cabin 5.

I put my dirty clothes away, and slip on my adidas. I tie my shoes and check the bunk clock, 8:07. Great. Just peachy. And to add the cherry on top, Chris and I walk into the dining pavilion at the same time. Now it looks like we were together. I mean, we were together, but they don't need to know that. That's our secret, not yours. Ugh, I can already hear the Aphrodite Cabin spreading rumors. 

I send a small smile at Chris before we try to go to our seats without being noticed by Chiron. Unfortunately, we fail. 

"Mr. Rodriguez, Miss La Rue, care to tell us why your late?" Embarrassed about getting caught, we both start talking at the same time, before we are shushed by Chiron.

"One at a time please." Chris looks at me, giving me permission to go first. I smirk.

"I was practicing with Maimer, and I lost track of time, it won't happen again." Chiron nods and looks at Chris, who keeps glancing at the Stolls like they are a bomb about to explode.

"Um, I, uh," he stutters clearly thinking of an excuse. "I went for a walk?" I roll my eyes. Idiot. Chiron raises and eyebrow, clearly not believing Chris' crappy lie. Thankfully he decides not to press.

"I hope it was a good walk Chris. Remember, your actions have consequences, so now the two of you are on dish duty tonight." Go figure. I walk to back to my table, ignoring the looks I get from my bunkmates. 

I don't care if I have dish duty tonight. It doesn't really matter as long as I'm with Chris.

-I'm sorry for not updating sooner, I honestly have no excuse. But on the other hand, that was the last chapter! This is my first fanfic, and I'm kind of disappointed in myself. But I am proud of myself for posting my writing, because that stuff usually embarrasses me. Thank you guys so, so much for 100 reads! I know that's not actually that much here on Wattpad, but it means a lot to me. I hope you enjoyed this story, please comment and review! I would love it if you checked out my other stories! Stay safe!


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