2. Talk to Me

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/* hallo. New chapter :)
Enjoy! */

"And tonight's homework will be to read the next two chapters. Oh and don't forget the comprehension questions too!"

The bell rang and you jolted up, completely disoriented before you realized that you must have dozed off in class.

"Ah and there's the bell. Class dismissed." 

Your classmates started packing, and excited chattering filled the room. You sat there tiredly for a second, blinking numbly before gathering your materials. Your muscles were already feeling sore from your workout earlier today, and you were just so exhausted. But as much as you wanted to just go home to your safe warm bed, your part time job required your presence.

"(Y/n)!" Uraraka called, already up and ready to go. "We're gonna go study after school together. Want to come?"

"No thank you!" You called back, a little disappointed that you couldn't go but happy that she cared to ask. "I'm busy, sorry!" 

She gave you a sad pout before waving goodbye and exiting the classroom with the group of friends you had sat with at lunch.

You made your way to your locker, briefly entertaining the idea of calling in sick to work before deciding resolutely that such a thought was solely motivated by laziness. Glancing around quickly, you made sure that a certain… "distasteful person" wasn't lurking around before sorting away all the books you wouldn't need that night. Closing the locker door, you shut the lock and pulled your backpack on…


You practically jolted out of your skin. Whipping your head in the speaker's direction, you were more than ready to escape. But instead you were pleasantly surprised by a pair of sleepy purple eyes instead of the steely gray ones you were expecting.

"Christ… Shinsou don't do that, you scared me!" You sighed, placing a hand over your suddenly racing heart to calm it. You realized that he must of been hidden behind your locker door.

"Mm sorry." He grumbled, not looking especially apologetic. "I was walking by and wanted to check in on you."

"Oh." You said nervously. Much like earlier today, you weren't sure how to talk to him. "I'm doing fine." 

"Really?" He raised an eyebrow at you and suddenly you wondered if something was up. You nodded as sincerely as you could at him.

"Cause I saw you… chatting with Inomata."

You froze at the name, but kept your mouth shut. Inching away, you tried to leave the conversation but Shinsou merely followed you.

"Don't think I don't remember what happened." 

You cringed, trying to suppress the feelings and thoughts pouring into your head. "If this is your idea of 'checking up' then you and I have a problem…" you hissed.

"Listen, (y/n). And stop walking so fast." You stopped to glare up at him. What did he even want? To dig up the past you tried so hard to leave behind? To make fun of you? To embarrass you?

"I just want to give you a piece of advice alright?"

You squinted up at him in confusion, biting back your anger. Advice? On what? His appearance softened a bit and he let out a sigh.

"I know you worked so hard to get to this class to escape her. But running from our old class won't stop her from hurting you, you know." 

You bit your lip, recognizing the fact that you were still in denial. It did hurt to hear him say it though. "That's not even advice…" you grumbled.

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