4. Hate

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/* hi, sorry im slow on the update, AP tests are coming up and I'm cramming. Next chapter will have fluff, I promise there won't be sadness much longer. I'll try to write it soon but AP physics 2 is whipping my ass. */

Maybe you had just been too tired that morning to notice, but people's eyes definitely lingered on yours in the hallways. You put your head down, trying to hide away your red eyes. You wanted to go up to them and scream the truth into their face, but of course it wouldn't do any good. It was almost comical how fast your happiness was whisked away. You had work so so hard, until your body ached and your head pounded with quirk overuse, to escape into Class 1-A. But it was clear to you in that moment that she would never stop targeting you.

You wandered into the cafeteria, trying not to notice the eyes that followed you when you walked by. You kept your head down, hoping they wouldn't notice your burning flush of shame. Looking around, you were slightly panicked when you saw your usual spot empty. The friends that would normally wave cheerfully at you were gone. Panic and dread washed over you in waves as you looked around wildly. They probably heard about the rumor, and they probably left to avoid associating with you. Damnit, you didn't find them fast enough, and you didn't explain everything in time… you never told them about Inomata and she had cut them all from your life in one fell swoop. You had finally found a community, a family where you felt safe and happy, and in one day, completely out of your control, it was all gone.

Everything was spiraling away. Your integrity was destroyed and your friends were gone. The past couple weeks of happiness were slipping away, all with one evil, evil post. You caught her looking at you. When you met those steely gray eyes, she merely gave you a sweet smile and turned away. You wanted to kill her. 

Turning from the cafeteria, you rushed out. Deafening buzzing to resonate in your ears. You desperately turned the corner, feeling the stares of everyone behind you. 

Finally out of prying eyes, you leaned against the wall with a shaky gasp. You shut your eyes and clamped a hand over your mouth to suppress the sobs. If the school thought you were a faker, fine, so be it, they were all strangers anyways. But the thought of your friends hating you was too painful to bear.

. . .

...don't know anything about her. So don't you dare gossip about her behind her back." 

You perked your head up and slowed to a stop as a familiar croaky voice from around the corner pulled you from your numb thoughts.

"Now excuse me, I need to go find her. And the next time you see (y/n), you'd better apologize for not believing in her!" 

In the whole month that you had known her, you had never heard Tsuyu raise her voice, ever. What was she saying? You couldn't quite comprehend...

"(Y/n)! Oh my- Ochako there she is!" A voice from behind you called. Spinning around, you saw Midoriya and Uraraka speed walking towards you, waving frantically. Eyes widening, you tried to escape by turning the corner only to bump straight into Tsuyu, whose face was still flushed with anger. And suddenly you were surrounded.

"(Y/n)! We've been looking everywhere!" Tsuyu cried, before doing a double take. "You look so sad…" 

You flinched away from them, their wide eyes becoming too intense to look at. Your heart was starting to beat faster and the tears you had just managed to stop were coming back. You really did not want to face them so soon. You didn't ever want to face them.

Urakara stopped you with a hand on your forearm. You squirmed away from her but she held you firm, brushing aside your messy hair and gently poked the wetness on your cheek with a concerned look. 

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