1. New Faces, Old Faces

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Your new homeroom teacher had assigned a bubbly looking girl named Ochako Uraraka to lead you through the day, so you were at least not hopelessly lost and alone. Pulling you from class to class with infectious energy, she chattered about classmate after classmate, until you couldn’t tell the difference between a Mina or a Mezo or a Momo. But from what you gathered, most of your new classmates were more than excited to accept you, and you could already feel that they were much closer to each other than your old classmates were.

Your new academic classes were not much harder than the ones you took in general studies, but the physical ones were definitely far more vigorous than you would have imagined. Round after round of endurance training, muscle bulking and quirk honing strained your body, which lacked the months of training your classmates had received. It was true that you hadn’t expected Aizawa to go easy on you just because you were new, but the training regimen had you practically passed out in the girls' locker room, much to Uraraka’s amusement.

“Don’t worry (Y/n)!” Uraraka laughed, giving you an encouraging pat on the back as the two of you followed the stream of students to the next class. “Aizawa went tough on us today, probably to see what level you’re at. If you work hard you’ll catch up in no time!” 

You gave her a thankful smile. You had only known this girl for a couple of hours but you already knew that you were going to like her. Upon seeing your smile, she winked her big brown eyes at you.

“(Y/n).” A low voice called, and you turned around to see a familiar face speed up to match your pace. “Long time no see. I’m surprised you made it to this class.” 

Uraraka gave the purple haired boy a scolding smack to the arm. “Shinsou! That's rude.” He merely rolled his eyes before raising his eyebrows at you. It really had been a while since the two of you had spoken—you weren’t anything more than acquaintances with him in your old class, but you still admired him nonetheless for proving to everyone that he was strong enough to be in class 1-A.

“Hi Shinsou…” You said nervously. “How’ve you been doing?” 

“Eh, mediocre. This class will really whip you into shape, if that’s what you’re asking.” It really wasn’t what you were asking, but honestly you weren’t sure how to talk to him. You weren’t even sure if he even liked you very much.

“I see. That’s good for me, I suppose.”

The three of you finally made it to the next class, huddling around the door to be let in. The conversation painfully died off and you hoped the teacher would hurry up. “I don’t remember you being this shy.” He remarked bluntly, only to receive another reprimanding smack from Uraraka. You flushed red with embarrassment.

“I- no! It’s just weird seeing you again!” You said defensively. 

His mouth twitched with what you could only assume was a smile of amusement. Either that or he was laughing at you. “I'm just kidding. Really though, good job making it to this class.”

You didn’t know what else to do other than nod and say thank you, before the door was pulled open and he whisked inside. You let out a huff as you frowned at his retreating figure.

“Old lovers?” Uraraka teased with a giggle.

“Nothing of the sort.” You retorted, without missing a beat. Trying your best to calm your embarrassment, you strode in after him. 

. . . 

The new girl walked in with Uraraka, and Todoroki watched with a bit more interest than he had shown this morning. During gym earlier, you had more than surprised him with your quirk, and he wondered how he hadn't heard of you before. While he acknowledged that you still had much to improve on, the confidence and control with which you regarded your power was nothing short of impressive. He wasn't able to pinpoint just what about you had captured his interest so much, but his attention had definitely shifted to this new member of the class.

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