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The Tardis flew through time and space to take The Doctor and her loyal companions to an mysterious location. As it always did it flew aways to a time and planet in need of help.

"Ok fam ready to see where we landed?" Yasmin seemed the only enthusiastic one out of the companions. These days she was. Graham was still grieving as expected and Ryan, well he just missed home.

"We are in June 1969, New York!" Yaz's heart skipped a beat as she reaslised the possible reason why they were here.
"Wait so we're at the stonewall roots?"
"Right you are Yaz! But there's something else, there's atoms of time travel. This can't be good! Let's go investigate shall we?"

All around people shouting homophobic slurs at the beautiful people who were just roiting for their deserved rights! A tear or two escaped from Yaz's eye seeing what they went through!
"Yaz are you ok?" Graham asked.
"Yeah I'm ok just it's hard to see." Yaz wasn't lying, it was heart wrenching to see but there was something more that made it effect her so bad.

The Doctor seemed really concerned, she could tell it was something deeper was going in. She offered to take Yaz back to the tardis but she denied.
"Ok fam I say we spilt up, New York's a big place. Ryan, Graham you two head south and me and Yaz will head North." The Doctor quietly told Ryan and Graham that she wanted to keep an eye on Yaz.

"So there's nothing around here, I think we should head towards the roits..." the Doctor saw the way that Yaz tensed all her muscles and she went pale. Her heart was beating faster and faster as they walked towards the noise.
The Doctor squeezed her hand reassring her.

"Yaz are you sure your ok? You look like your about to faint." The doctor sat her down on a step attached to a formal looking building.
"Yeah it's just, it's hard to see."
"I know, it is so horrible but there's something else Yaz. I know there is. You don't have to tell me but it might help?"
"Um we need to find them aliens right? Come on." Yaz jumped up trying to change the conversation as soon as possible. With that the time lord and human walked down the street to find out what was going on with the Riots and with Yaz.

"Wow you made me jump!" The Doctor almost shouted as Ryan and Graham came round the corner.
"Um yeah Doc sorry 'bout that, we think we found the perp..." there he stood, Krasko...

"You again, I thought I sent you back in time?"
"Haha well that's what you thought you see my machine didn't work! So here I am!" He smirked looking Yaz in the eye as if he knew.
"Let me guess your here to stop the riots?" Yaz said.
"Obviously they shouldn't be given the right to have rights!"
"You aren't serious are you? We're people too! Just cause we love different people you seriously say that we shouldn't have rights? That's ridiculous! Just because you don't like something doesn't mean you have the right to try and stop the riots! You have no idea how hard it is for us anyway! I didn't even want to imagine the world with out the amazing people who rioted for our rights!" The whole fam looked shocked at Yaz, one they didn't realise she was part of the community, not that it made a difference to who she was! But they also had never seen her so passionately speak or shout about something. (Oops definitely not a lil rant there😂)

Shit i outed myself....

"Ohhh I see your one of them?" Krasko lunged towards Yaz but thankfully The Doctor got in the way so he couldn't hurt Yaz.
"Right you are coming with me and your gong back to prison! This time your staying there!"

1 hour later
Graham and Ryan had returned home after they dropped the man to prison. Now it was just the Doctor and Yaz that we're at the Tardis.
Ever since they got back in the Tardis Yaz just went to sit in the steps, it was clear she didn't want to disturb so everyone obliged.

"Hey Yaz, how you doing?" The Doctor asked passing her a Custard cream.
"Im ok I just didn't think things would happen like that."
"You know known or us care right? I mean, you know what I mean. We just want you happy! It may not have been how you wanted to come out but we don't mind. We love you! The boys didn't come and speak to you because they could see you wanted to be alone but they don except you I promise"

"Thank you Doctor, you really have no idea how much it means to me! Your the first person I've ever talked to it about so thank you." Yaz embraces the Doctor in a huge hug. For the first time in her life Yaz felt like she was finally her, no secrets and she could be herself. Especially with her best friend and unknown to her but her soulmate by her side.

Hey so this is actually what made me want to write a fan fic cause I love this storyline! So here it is!
Inspired by the amazing obsessedmango13 ❤️

Please ignore any mistakes💗
Have a good day✨

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