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The Tardis landed on the cobbled streets of Sheffield, April 9th 2020. It has been over 3 Months since the fam had been home had they had no idea what they were in for...

"Hey Doc why are the streets so empty?" Graham asked, not a single soul was out side. For Sheffield and anywhere this was far from normal.
"Oh right; you guys better get inside I forgot about this..." The Doctor explained gesturing for them to get in the Tardis before they saw anyone.
"Doctor your really scaring us, what's going on?" Yaz's whole body began to shake as she thought the worst. The human race was gone.

*The following information is not accurate cause I'm just going of what I hear*

"Right now there's a worldwide pandemic, no one in our generation has ever experienced anything like this. It's called Coronavirus or covid-19. It started November in China but only began a worldwide problem February time. It's a disease that is spread through contact, your whole country, And others, is in lock down. I'm so sorry i didn't tell you guys sooner!"
"What do guy mean lock down?" Ryan asked.
"No one can leave their house, only for work or essential shopping. If you do see someone you have to stay 2 meters apart."

2 hours later or explaining and processing Graham and Ryan had decided to return home but Yaz had decided to stay at the Tardis. She was a key worker so she still had to work, she didn't want to Catch it and bring it home to her family. The Doctor has run tests and she can't catch the disease so it's the perfect arrangement. Plus it was more time she could spend with the Doctor.
"So Yaz do you want to see your room?"

Hey guys! Sorry for the short chapter but this is actually going to become a hopefully long series about them in isolation cause I'm in isolation and bored😂 please stick with this because I have so many cool ideas! The chapters will become longer💗 please ignore any mistakes
Have a good day🌷

The Universe - Thasmin one shots/ editsWhere stories live. Discover now