New Earth

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The Tardis landed on an unfamiliar planet, it was a thriving and alive planet but something was off, the Doctor could sense it. If she didn't do something irreversible and fatal would happen.

Yaz's POV
"Hey Doc where are we?" Graham asked as we stepped out of the tardis.
"Hmm it seems like new earth, year 3090." The Doctor said.
"Wow that's pretty cool! Is new earth the same as our Earth?" Yaz said excitedly making the Doctor smile.
"No it's very much like it but it's in another galaxy and it has many different species of aliens living on it."

As they walked around exploring the new planet Yaz noticed a large dome like building expelling smoke from the roof.
"Hey Doctor look at that building. It's a bit strange don't you think?"
"Good work Yaz, your catching in to this whole spotting the wrong thing!" Yaz blushed as the Doctor gave her a compliment. She didn't want to admit for many reasons but she liked the doctor. Not like friend liked like crush liked.
The main reason she couldn't admit it is because she found it to hard to admit that she was bisexual; not because she thought it was wrong cause it's not but because she hadn't accepted it. The other was because the Doctor was a who knows how old alien!

The fam walked up to the suspicious building that just became more suspicious... Armed security guarded the building, they didn't look like the sort of aliens you would expect, they had a human body but a cats head!
The doctor confidently walked in the building hoping not to get stopped.
"Excuse me Ma'm do you have a pass?"
"Ah I'm very sorry you may enter." The doctor had showed the gauged her famous psychic paper, she had no idea what it said but she entered so that was a bonus!
They were confronted with a large machine that had a timer counting down on it, there was only one thing this could be...
"Um Doctor I think that's a bomb..." Ryan whispered as the doctor scanned the machine.

"Um yeah that's not any old bomb this is a smell bomb. It may seem harmless but the smell is so strong and it has deadly chemicals on it, it will kill the whole galaxy! And we only have 1 minute to save it!"
Yazmins face went as pale as a sheet of paper, there was so much she wanted to do with her life but there was no way they would survive this!
"Ok fam here's the plan, we wait for the bomb to go off..."
"WHAT!" Everyone shouted in unison.
"Let me finish! We let the bomb go off so if I can contain the gas to this building and save the galaxy! I will have to be very very quick though but it's not that easy and as much as I hate to ask but I need your help. Your going to have to help me contain the gas. But I do have these face masks that will stop the gas from getting in you."
"Doctor the whole reason we came was to help you so of course. We will!" Gramhem spoke for everyone in them words. Of course they were scared it's human to be scared but this is what they came to do!

The doctor handed out the crucial face masks but left one person out... herself.
"Doctor you need a mask!" Yaz basically shouted, the Doctor was a bit away from them so she couldn't hear well.
"It's fine I'll be fine." The Doctor assured knowing full well she likely wouldn't survive this. She always put her self before the others and as much as Yaz loved that she also hated it! She wanted the Doctor safe too!
10 seconds
As if in slow mention Yaz tore the mask of her face as she ran to put it on the Doctor. In them moments the bomb went of and threw everyone into the wall.
"Is everyone ok?" The doctor shouted as she tried her hardest to get to Yaz.
"I can't b-breathe," Yaz basically whispered. If you could even class that as a whisper, it was so quiet but the Doctor heard it.

"Hey doc we can help what do you need?" Graham and Ryan went running over also trying nit to fall in the smoke. That was very hard for Ryan especially.
"Please can you take her back to the Tardis, on the consult there's a oxygen machine, put the mask over her face and put some blankets on her. I'll be there as soon as possible. Thanks" the Doctor began working on contain the fumes, it actually was a lot easier then expected she managed to get it into a large box that she would store in the Tardis. She really could have used the others help but saving Yaz was more important. (I didn't want to focus on This much so I could focus if thasmin)

"How is she?" The Doctor ran into the tardis carrying a large box full of green fumes.
"She alive but I'm not a Doctor, Doctor."
"Hey Yaz how you doing?" The Doctor flipped some switches in the Tardis and placed yaz's head on her lap.
Yaz didn't respond, she was out of it and she would be for a while.
The others went to bed (they had bedrooms in the Tardis) as the Doctor offered to stay up and keep an eye on yes.
12 hours she'd been out of it but suddenly the Doctor felt a hand on her arm moving.
"Yaz your awake! Don't you ever dare do that again! I love you but I will have to take you home. I just cant risk loosing you!"
Butterfly's flew through Yazs stomach as she heard the words 'I love you' come out of the Doctors mouth. Maybe she meant it in a friend way?
"I'm sorry I love you too and I didn't want to  loose you..."

Hey this is my first time writing a Thasmin one shot so I know it's really bad and I'm sorry! Please ignore any mistakes
Have a good day🌷

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