Awkward greetings

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"Do you know who they are?" I asked Mrs Hall as I slowly started to walk towards the door which 'Felix and Marzia' were behind.
"No dear, I'm sorry, but they seem nice!"
I nodded as my hand caressed the handle, as I slowly turned it and pushed. I was still standing out in the hall, but the door opened wide into the room. I could tell the couple were talking because the room was silent. It was so quiet, it was like silence had a sound.
I got the courage to walk into the room. I hadn't seen anyone outside of the orphanage for five years. The closest I got was new children coming in. My shiny, black, classical school girl shoes (which I find quite stylish) clanked against the old and creaky wooden floor. My worst enemy by far was my anxiety. As soon as the couple came insight the both of them stood up from their seats and smiled widely. I didn't realise it but I was smiling back at them.
"Hey," I said taking a seat opposite them. "my name is Lottie." I was so nervous, I was squeezing my hands underneath the table and curled my toes in my shoes.
"Hey! I'm Marzia and this is Felix,"the woman smiled. She seemed quite young and very beautiful she had an Italian accent however spoke surprisingly good English! She had wavy caramel hair, the same as mine, and dark brown eyes which showed kindness and gentleness. "and this is Felix." she said, referring to the man next to her. He too seemed very young but had a more mature look.
"Hi! It's so nice to meet you!" He smiled widely at me. he had an accent which I couldn't tell what it was, it almost sounded American but at the same time you could tell it wasn't.
"If it's ok, we would like to adopt you?" Felix said to me, holding Marzia's hand as she looked at me too. Even their eyes were smiling.
"Ok" I said. This is it. I'm finally gonna belong to someone. Wait! I know nothing about them!!
A/N Hey guys! In so sorry I haven't updated in forever but suddenly this has become really popular! TV and so much! Keep commenting and voting it really helps out so yeh! If you want a part or something please message me and we can talk so yeh! -M xxxxxx

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