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Topic| How to have Description and literacy in every reply (from a person who knows very few big words and forgets half of the stuff they need to remember)

Alright! So you've come here to talk about becoming more descriptive and more detailed in your responses. Well, Ravenclaw is here to help!

Now before we get into the nitty gritty let's ask first of all, why should you have more detail in your replies?

Well the answer is simple!

Learning how to be more descriptive in your replies not only improves your role play abilities but also your ability to write actual stories! Now way back when I was a kid, I wanted to be a writer, and looking back into my writing old writing account, lemme tell you, I was a horrible writer. Yeah, I can't even deny that was bad at writing, it was just really bad. I also found some old chains on my old role play account and....I used to write 2 worded replies and that, was embarrassing sure but I'm not really that embarrassed talking about it? I do not know how to say it by my horrible role playing back than made me the role player I am now.

See, when I stepped into the role play community back in 2015? It's been so long I don't remember some details, but when I first started to role play I thought I was fun and I thought my characters were awesome and my replies were on point! (Yes younger me was quite cringey. But we aren't gonna get too into that part too deeply.) Anyways after 3 years of role playing I decided I was gonna take a break as I was gonna work on my education and I recently decided to come back just late December. And oh my goodness, those replies were bad. Like really bad, I wrote replies like "She smiled" or even "she stared" and what's funny was I thought writing 5 lines was hard! I honestly don't remember being like that and I don't want to but when I started my new account I promised myself I wasn't gonna be the same person. I promised myself that I was gonna make sure I took my time with my replies and if I didn't have any ideas on how to reply, I wasn't going to! It's as simple as that.

Now many people are wondering what does this have to do with being descriptive and having longer replies? As confusing as this may seem, the problem isn't that you can't come up with anything to write, it's that you deep down think that what you are writing is the best you can do. Now see, here's where the problem lies, most people like to stay in their bubble, and they think their replies are best, I should know. I was the same way.

See, my point isn't that you shouldn't have short replies, my point is that you cannot change the way you write until you realize what you write isn't the best. When I admitted that my replies were horrible and it was an insult to MY own intelligence, and I think it caused a few people to not wanna be friends with me (probably because I was weird when I was a kid. I would say weird stuff as a kid and it's another thing I don't want to talk about.). But when I admitted this and said to myself I can do better, I kind of started to push myself to do better? I feel like I'm being vague and mean....

Anyways back to question and what this chapter is actually about because as much as I like reminiscing about a time where I am embarrassed about, we still have a lot to cover.

How do I add more description to my replies? How do I make sure I don't end up with a two word reply? Is there anything that can help my role play abilities? Should I learn new words to make my replies better? These may be some of the questions you guys may be asking, and I will answer them all to the best I can.

Well first of all you have to take into account your level of knowledge on your character. I used to just write out my characters as they popped into my head and....oh this was my downfall. I didn't take any FRIGGIN FRACKING time to come with character concepts and I just made the same old character! (If you want help on developing characters please PM or comment than I'll know to make a chapter.)

RAVENCLAW 【ひり現】Where stories live. Discover now