The Enchantress

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They all looked at each other and laughed. Pyx filled the air with chiming as she danced around them. The sun rose and the forest came alive around them as critters scampered and birds began to sink. Luke looked around curiously.

"Where...are we?" he wondered, getting to his feet.

Pyx chimed around him as he examined the surroundings. Roy and Anya stood as well and looked around. Anya looked up into the trees.

"Think we could figure out which way we have to go if we climbed up there?" she wondered.

Luke peered up. "Good idea. You two stay here," he said as he grabbed on to the tree trunk and crawled upwards.

"I almost forgot he was a wood elf," Roy said watching him climb higher.

Within a minute, Luke popped his head at the top of the canopy and looked around. Pyx sat on his shoulder as he looked around. He could see the tall trees where they encountered the giant in the far distance. It didn't feel like they traveled that far through the pixie den but they were under an illusion for most of it. Luke saw a gradient of darkness in the distance on the canopies. They were almost to the borders of the shadows. He slid down the tree and landed on his feet.

"We're closer than we think. That pixie den was a hell of a short cut," he said shaking his head. "It looked like nothing but thick forest the rest of the way so we could keep moving during the day and rest at night as long as we're well hidden."

They nodded and followed him through the trees. They came across a stream after a few hours and stopped to rest.

"I wonder," Anya said thoughtfully. "Is that what you really look like?"

Roy looked at her and then at Luke. "What do you think? I didn't get a good look at myself but it felt right."

"That is exactly how I remembered you," Luke said with a nod.

Pyx chimed around him as he said that.

"You usually had on armor and a cape. And that forehead band on. It was a little weird not seeing you with that," Luke explained.

Roy touched his forehead. "I miss that thing."

"I can't wait to see it for real," Anya said shaking her head.

Roy laughed. "It couldn't have been that much of a change. I still look like that, just made of wood now."

"True, but the wood keeps your expression pretty frozen. There was definitely a very different look to you when you could actually smile," Luke told him.

"I feel like most of it was the illusion. Don't get your hopes up, I'm not that amazing," Roy said with a smile shaking his head.

"Alright, if you say so," Luke said, stretching and putting his hands behind his head as he leaned back against the tree.

Pyx settled on his shoulder. Anya scooted to the edge of the stream and reached into the water. A blue light surrounded her hand as the water flowed around it. A calming sensation swept over her.

"You should be able to embrace it," Roy said behind her.

"I'd draw too much attention to myself," she told him.

"How about I help you with your Killian problem after we get my sword back?"

"It's not your fight," Anya said, shaking her head.

"What if it is?" Roy asked simply.

She looked at him thoughtfully. The breaking of branches nearby caught their attention. Luke sat up alert as Roy and Anya stood. He looked at Pyx. "Can you go check it out?" he whispered.

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