Straightening up, he takes a step towards me until he's directly in front of me. His dark gaze staring into my soul from his six-foot frame. A shiver runs down my spine. "Oh Walters," he chuckles humorously.
"Elle!" I hear Matt yell from behind me w...
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Feeling the satisfying crunch of my victim's nose, I quickly jab the knife into his stomach. With a twist of my hand, I hear an almost inaudible gasp as he falls to the ground, limp and lifeless.
I slowly turn around, but I can't find him. All the Crystal Reapers I see are the bloodied corpses lying in the alleyway. The coward can't even face his own mistakes, yet he's still the leader of the Crystal Reapers. I shake my head in disgust.
"Elle! Behind you!" Kaiden yells.
I turn around just in time to see a flash of bright silver as the last remaining member of the Crystal Reapers thrusts a knife into my stomach. I barely register the lethal gunshot he takes. I gasp in pain and fall to my knees. The only thing I can focus on is the warm blood running through my fingers. Warm and sticky. I attempt to apply pressure but immediately stop as pain begins to pulse through my whole body. The one thing I do register, however, are the police sirens getting closer and closer by the second.
The pain worsening, I try to crawl forward towards my gun but only manage one step before my legs buckle, forcing me to collapse on my stomach. The pain worsens at the impact, and I groan aloud. Using the last but if strength I have, I roll myself onto my back, falling right on a bullet-torn bag of cocaine. I am immediately consumed in a white cloud. My blood continues to gush through of my hands, turning the pristine power a lumpy red color. Moaning in pain, I contemplate the outcomes, knowing I will have to take the hit. I frown at the twinkling lights above me. This will be a messy situation.
My eyes slowly focus as Kaiden and Jordan stand above me.
"Go," I cough, feeling suddenly lightheaded. "Go..."
Jordan hesitates, but quickly turns, her blonde hair fanning behind her as she runs down the alley. Kai is the only one left. He stands in front of me with tears I have never seen before streaming down his perfect face.
"Go," I demand, trying not to cry.
He shakes his tear-filled face, unwilling to leave me here to bleed to death.
"Please," I croak out. "Go! I'll be fine." I can't decide if my heart hurts more or my stomach.
The sirens are almost here; the loud wailing sound doesn't escape my ringing ears.
Kai takes a few jerky steps towards me, bends down and slips a USB stick into a pocket of the inside of my coat.
"I love you baby. I'm so sorry for what I did. I'm a real bastard, but always know I'll never stop fighting for you until I die. I love you," he whispers kissing my bloody mouth softly. He slowly backs away, regret filling his face. Confused I open my mouth, but nothing comes out. I hear his feet quicken until he is gone.
Guess it's just me, the drugs, and a bunch of corpses. Just like the beginning, I laugh ironically, only for the blood to begin to bubble up. Lord knows I'd give anything to go back and not get involved in all this. It spiraled out of control so damn quickly.