Straightening up, he takes a step towards me until he's directly in front of me. His dark gaze staring into my soul from his six-foot frame. A shiver runs down my spine. "Oh Walters," he chuckles humorously.
"Elle!" I hear Matt yell from behind me w...
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As the door slams shut behind me, I am left alone, standing in my new home. After bringing me to my room, Matt abruptly left, muttering something about letting me get settled in.
I survey the room in front of me, taking in the stark white walls, the black futon, and two identical wooden doors on either side of the room.
Shrugging, I head for the door on the right and pull in open. Taking in the purple bed spread and walls covered in décor, I assume this is my roommate's room. God, I hope she's chill.
I head into the other room and sigh happily. A couple boxes of my things sits in the middle of the room. The bed is unmade, and the desk is clear, waiting for me to unpack my things.
Making my way towards the boxes, I survey the few things I was able to grab from storage before being sent here. I pull out my fleece blanket and toss it on my bed, my laptop and set it on my desk, and a box of toiletries.
I hope up onto my unmade bed, all of a sudden very drained at the day's events.
Knowing it is not wise to make calls right now, I decide not to risk is and text Jordan.
*Jordan, please tell me if Kai is ok*
A couple seconds pass and it feels hard to breathe. I tell myself not to panic just yet. I wait a minute before sending another message. Sometimes, when we would need to lay low, we wouldn't use our phones, but I had to know. I needed to know.
*Tell me right now. I need to know.*
A couple seconds later my phone buzzed.
*Kai is gone. Ditching phone. I'm sorry.*
I reread the line. Once, twice, three times. Gone? I fall against the wall, my shaking hands dropping my phone to the floor as I do. No. My mouth opens in a silent sob so powerful I can't breathe. I feel so hollow. I feel like I am nothing. It's a numbness that spreads throughout your body. No pain, just nothing. I curl into a ball on my bare mattress, wishing it all away.
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I stood in the field, my dress whipping around me.
I looked around to see people seated in chairs around the isle, in which I stand on.
They smile and me, and it seems so real that it scares me.
I take a closer look at my dress and see its white and frilly.
It's a wedding dress.
I'm on the aisle. What if-no, he's dead, they're both dead.
I force myself to look up and gasp when I see a smiling Kai at the alter. He stands there, in a black suit waiting for me.
I look to my right and take a step back in shock.
Jordan stands there, she too, is smiling. She reaches out a hand to help me down the aisle.
I grin, seeing them both makes me happy. As we get closer, I see a middle-aged man to the left stand up. I ignore him, only having eyes for Kaiden.
Just as I reach Kai, he pulls back his hand and looks down at me, regret clear in his eyes.
"I'm sorry, I truly am," he whispers and reaches back out to me.
A gun goes off, and I turn around shocked by the sudden noise.
I see the man holding the gun and turn back around to see Kai on the floor, bleeding. His white shirt is now stained with red. A red that doesn't seem to stop spreading.
I look to my right, to see Jordan is now gone also. So are all the guests.
Now it's just dying Kai and the man. I stare at the man, frozen in place.
"Who are you?" I whisper hoarsely from Kai's side, unable to leave him even though I know he's a lost cause.
"You don't remember me, do you? That hurts. You should know me. I'm a big part of who you are today," he speaks slowly and confidently.
The image begins to dissolve until it is blown away like dust in the wind.
I sit up, drenched with sweat and breathing heavily, scared out of my mind.
"Are you okay? You were screaming, it was getting kind of weird," a small voice says close to me.
I jump at the closeness and turn to look at the source of the noise.
I see a girl with purple hair staring back at me. What?
My first instinct was to run, so me being me, I did what I thought was best.
I bring my legs back, and in one swift movement, I roughly shove her away from me, watching her crumple to the floor. Leaping off the bed and over the shocked girl, I stare at the intruder.
"What the fuck was that for?" She calmly asks, an odd lilt to her voice.
What does she mean, what was that for? Who bursts into someone's room and watches them sleep? "What are you doing in my room?" I retort.
"I'm Josie!" she picks herself up off of the floor, her attitude doing a complete one-eighty. "You must be Elena! I'm your roommate."
My stomach jolts at the mention of my whole name. "Don't call me that. My name is Elle," I say, looking her up and down. She can't be more than five feet tall and maybe 100 pounds, soaking wet. I laugh at the mere idea of her committing something to get put here.
"Okay! Well I just wanted to introduce myself. Maybe next time don't kick me over, yeah?" she lightly laughs.
"Listen, once you've lived my life, you'll know not to chance it. It could just cost you your life," I scoff at her and open the door, shoving her through. "And what, you just decided to come in and watch me sleep? Not really the thing to do. Goodnight, I'm going to bed." I start to shut the door
"Wait, Elena!" She shoves her tiny foot into the door.
"It's Elle," I state coldly, no longer able to tolerate that name again. I firmly shut the door, hopping back onto the bed.
With that, I wrap my fleece blanket around me tightly and fall into a deep, dreamless sleep.