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"That's an Annunaki??" Miranda gaped. Motherfuck, Nelson thought irritably, I fucking jinxed us At least that's explains why they THOUGHT there wasn't any room to land... Finally the Annunaki spoke. It's voice was uncomfortably deep, to the point where you could feel it vibrate your bones. It made Nelson uneasy. Yet it was also loud and clearly audible. It commanded authority. "I see you have closed my other rifts and killed my pets," it said, "What language is this we're speaking? This seems like the planet with the apes on it, but more... desolate." "What do you mean what Language?" Nelson asked. "You're speaking it right now." "I just learned it from hearing you speak," The Annunaki shrugged, appearing bored. "Oh!" It proclaimed. "You must be the apes. And what of them? They seem familiar.." "You Annunakian scum!" Inukoto spat. "Oh yeah," it said pointing one of its three talon like fingers at Inukoto and his brother. "You were the species that ran away in fear like the little bitches you are." "Tsk," Inukoto grimaced. Ūtaku growled. "It's just one of him, and five of us. Let's.." "You mean four, dog?" The Annunaki interrupted, moving it's finger to the other Inu guard that had accompanied Ūtaku and Inukoto. They turned and saw the guard was dead, blood pouring from his neck. "What the fuck..?!" Nelson gaped. Miranda was speechless. "You didn't see me slice his fragile little throat open?" The Annunaki asked condescendingly. "You didn't hear him gasping for air? Trying to call for help with the vocal chords I ripped out?" "YOU MONSTER!!!!" Ūtaku screamed, "That was my girlfriend!!!!" Man FUCK this, Nelson thought, completely terrified, I didn't even see him move! I need to get the fuck up out of here!!!
       "W-What are you....?" Inukoto muttered. "Do you truly not know?" It asked him, "Or have you been hiding so long that you have forgotten? I am Enlil, King of the Annunaki, your creator! Bask in my glory!!" We are SCREWED. Nelson thought, looking around for any kind of way out. "So, What kind of technology is able to deactivate my rifts?" "Forgive me, brother.." Ūtaku said quietly. "Ūtaku..?" Inukoto asked. Ūtaku ran back to the ship and powered it back on, and flew away. "Did he just fucking fly away???" Nelson gasped. "Cowardly as ever," Enlil yawned. Inukoto said nothing, but stared into the sky, clenching his first tightly and shaking with emotion. Before anyone else could do anything a loud sonic boom. It was Ūtaku. "What the..?" Miranda gasped. Inukoto growled but sprinted and grabbed Nelson and Miranda and jumped out of the way. Enlil stood perfectly still. "Ah.." he said, seemingly curious. "Guess he had some balls on him after all." The cigar shaped spaceship slammed into the Earth exactly where Enlil was standing. The explosion was massive. They were all sent flying away, debris and dirt flying everywhere. And then Nelson went unconscious.
       He awoke on a hard surface, covered in some sort of wool. "You're awake." It was Miranda's voice. She was sitting on the floor beside him. She had burns all over her, but other than that she was fine. He noticed he and she both were now in the same kind of robes the Inu wore. "I'm glad you didn't die," She told him. "What happened?" "We were escorted back to Inukō," She explained, "Ūtaku rammed their spaceship into that Enlil guy. We couldn't find a body but we found a piece of his beak. They think it's all that survived the explosion. Inukoto called for backup just in case. It's a good thing too or we might have died. They're getting ready to have his burial and honor him as a hero to his people, and the galaxy. They also used Nightmare to reseal the seal on mars, but instead of hiding it away, they trusted you to keep it safe, after what Inukoto saw us do. They cleaned up the mess and all the debris but the crater is still there. They'll probably think it was a meteor." "Damn.." Nelson muttered, wincing in pain. "I feel you don't like taking them," Miranda started, "But will you take one of those pills to accelerate your healing? Your recovery is going to be long and uncertain otherwise." "Yeah," Nelson agreed. He ended up needing her help to take it, as his body was really sore. As soon as did he immediately felt a million times better. He was even able to stand up, with some help. "You're gonna need to rest a bit more," she said, "But we should get going, and let them mourn in peace." As they left, Inukoto spoke with them one last time. "Thank you for your help in this delicate matter," Inukoto told them. "Of course," Miranda said, carrying one of Nelson's arms over her shoulder so he could walk. "We will aid the Urzuhg with whatever they might need, all they have to do is ask." "Thank you very kindly. This is more than I could have expected," Miranda replied. "And we are very sorry for your loss." "He died a hero, avenging his girlfriend's death, and saving the galaxy all at once. He can not receive any higher honor. We thank you for alerting us of the Gray Martians' activity. They are the cause of this. If anything, they are also now our sworn enemies as well." "They can't beat us both together," Nelson added with a hopeful smile. Inukoto smiled. "I always liked how optimistic homosexuals are. I wish your species the best." "Yours too."
        On their way back to the mothership, (in the space craft the Inu let them have) Nelson and Miranda talked a bit. "I'm sure everyone will be happy to hear this mission was a HUGE success," he told her. "Yeah," She said, wincing at her own wounds and burns. "I'm sure your dad will be glad your safe too," Nelson added, "That was way too close for comfort. But we went above and beyond." Miranda nodded. "This is the most successful mission I've ever had so far.." she trailed off.
           When they landed the ship on the mothership, they were immediately met by the really tall Urzuhg King, Mari, and a few Urzuhg guards. "This is not our ship," the king spat. "What happened? Did they beat you up and take your ship?" Mari stood there, his face expressionless. "No," Miranda replied dryly. "It was destroyed by an Annunaki. Enlil. He's dead now. Through killing him the Inu have pledged their loyalty helping us in the war." "Is that so? Enlil? Where did you hear that name?" The King crossed all four of its arms. "From the bastard himself," Nelson replied, annoyed at how rude they were. "Oh?" Everyone turned their heads to him. "He spend so much time gloating about how great he was that he was caught off guard when the ship smashed into him and blew him to fucking bits. All that remained was a piece of his fucking beak." Nelson coughed, a bit of blood coming out of his mouth and spilling on his robe. "I told them the Martians were the ones who let Enlil loose." "You really killed him?" The King asked. "You can go to Inukō and view the piece of the beak on display," Miranda said.
"I hate to admit it," The King muttered, "But this... wasn't a bad job. You gained the ally we wanted, fixed the issue and killed the same Annunaki that killed my father. I guess this is a big step in winning the war. I hate having humans on my ship, but at least they're coming in handy." With that, the Urzuhg King walked away. "That was a close call.." Miranda muttered, "I mean we almost didn't make it.." Mari merely crossed his arms. "Yeah that dude almost blew us up," Nelson added in. Mari sighed. "Least you didn't mess things up," he merely said before walking away. "Yea..." Miranda muttered. Nelson eyed her curiously.
She escorted him back to his room. "Well I guess I'll see you later," she said quietly. She seemed a bit sad, and still in a bit of pain. "Maybe we can do more missions together," Nelson told her. Miranda nodded, smiling another obviously fake smile. Nelson sighed, and added in, "Are you okay? You're looking sad again." Miranda shrugged. "It is what it is." "You know," he told her, "I'm really glad you're safe. If that means anything." He patted her on her back gently, as to not hit where she was burned too hard. She seemed surprised by his gesture. When she gave him a surprised look, he just grinned at her. "And if anybody asks, you're my personal favorite person on this ship." She smiled a bit back. "Uhm, thank you.." she said, staring away towards the exit of his room for an odd moment. She turned back around, blinking frequently. Noticing Nelson's curious expression, she said, "Sorry I just had some.. space dust in my eye." Nelson smirked. "Space dust? I better watch out for that then." Miranda smiled a brighter smile. "See there you go," Nelson said, "You should do that more often." "What? Smile?" She asked, glancing down awkwardly. "Yeah! Don't be a grouch like everyone else. You're cooler than that." She giggled a tiny bit. "Yeah sure whatever," she said, rolling her eyes, though her smile didn't go away. "Well I have to get back down to Earth," she said, "Though I should probably wait until my burns and stuff heal up." She helped him sit down, and sat down beside him. "But thank you. I haven't really.. I don't know.." she trailed off again, not finishing her sentence. "No need to explain yourself," he told her. She just smiled and nodded.
She didn't leave to go to Earth for a while, and on the days that she waited to heal (even with enhanced healing from being a hybrid) she stopped by occasionally just to talk to him and keep him company, saying she knew he was probably getting bored in there. He secretly thought the real reason was because she wanted an excuse to talk to him. He figured it worked out in his favor though, because he was getting on her good side, and maybe she would trust him on Earth and some point when he would have a favorable opportunity to escape. Although he genuinely didn't mind her company, either. So it was a win win situation, he thought. She did eventually leave a few days later, and he was sitting locked up in his small room, bored.
          Something like a day passed (he still couldn't tell because he had no way of telling time, he was just guessing at this point) and he got an unexpected visit. It was from Mari. "Human." He said it plainly. "Mari, was it?" Nelson asked. "Come on human," Mari sighed, "We got stuff to talk about." As he followed Mari out of his room, he noticed a sort of ringing sound. "What is that?" He asked. "Probably those Martians calling again. Been blowing our phone up for weeks now. They must have forgotten we aren't on speaking terms." "I wonder what they want," Nelson thought out loud. "Not me," Mari shrugged. He followed Mari through the mothership back to the area where all the ships were kept. Before they got on board, Mari suddenly stopped. "What?" Nelson asked. "It smells like bitch in here," Mari commented. Gee thanks, Nelson thought, but didn't say anything out loud. "Nice to see you too, Mari." A familiar voice approached them. "Hmmmm Nelson, was it?" Nelson then remembered the Urzuhg that specialized in human studies. "Frayuz?" Nelson asked, "And yeah that's me." "I heard about you and Miranda killing an actual Annunaki. It's a monumental feat," Frayuz said. "I was wondering did you unlock any new sort of abilities from your mutation?" "Surely you have other things to do besides bother us?" Mari sighed. "My apologies commander," Frayuz said, crossing his arms. "Perhaps we can speak later, Nelson." "Bye Frayuz," Nelson said politely. It was refreshing to see an Urzuhg that wasn't rude. Frayuz nodded curtly and headed off. He then followed Mari into the spacecraft, which was promptly directly to hover over Hawaii. Nelson didn't immediately recognize what land mass they were over. "Human," Mari began, "I have to ask. What have you been talking about that has Miranda smiling so much? It's weird." Nelson was surprised. "I don't know," Nelson started, "I mean she seemed sad allot so I was making her not sad." Mari gave him an odd look, before turning around. And going to the other side of the ship. It grabbed a box. "If you're going to be accompanying Miranda on her missions, you're going to need to get better at using your genetically enhanced senses. Sure you may be more durable than your appearance suggests, but there is more to battle than just overpowering your opponents." Nelson was confused. "Uh sure..." he said, "But I'm confused. Why are you helping me?" "I see you need to work on your brain power," Mari frowned, "I say, if you're to work with Miranda, you need to be properly prepared. If you're the reason she messes up a mission, if she messes up at all, I'm going to have to deal with it. I don't want to deal with it." "Of course," Nelson merely replied. "Now listen human," Mari began, "First.." but he was cut off by a loud, jarring beeping sound, not dissimilar to what he and Miranda heard when Inukoto called them in that emergency with Enlil. "Damn.." Nelson muttered, holding his ear. Noting his reaction, Mari commented, "I think it could stand to be louder." Then he answered the distress call. "Dad hurry and beam me up they're right behind me!" "Already waiting," he replied nonchalantly. "What's taking so long?" "I'm trying not to get shot! Damn..!" Mari pressed a button on one of the holographic menus and the bottom of the ship became transparent. Underneath them Miranda was fending off a bunch of humans chasing her down for some reason. It looked like she had something in her hand.
"Hey will you go knock them out of the way so I can beam her up without the extra humans?" "Uh sure," Nelson shrugged. "I don't know how to work this... thing." By the time he finished speaking he was already down below the spaceship. "Damn thanks for the warning," he muttered. He was in the middle of a four way intersection. Miranda was fighting off a few people he didn't recognize, two guys and a girl, while trying to hold a video camera in her hand. She was clearly surprised to see him. "I gotchu," he said, scoping out the situation. Clearly distracted by his presence, she didn't notice a woman getting ready to try to stab her in the back of the head. Quickly reacting, he a activated his mutation and pushed Miranda out of the way. It stabbed him in the shoulder, annoying him, so he step kicked her as hard as he could, causing her to fly into a street pole, knocking it over and landing on top of her. The two men approached him each holding guns to his head. "Alien bastards!" One of them shouted with the assault rifle. Before he could shoot, he kicked the gun up in the air, and round-housed the man into the distance, smashing into a car. He instinctively ducked as the other man tried to put him in a head lock, and elbow him so hard in the stomach that he threw up, and fell to his knees. "NESLON!!! STOP!!!" What the hell?? Nelson whipped around and saw Samuel sprinting full speed. "YOU'RE ALIVE!?" He gaped. "Nelson what the hell are you doing?!!" Did Samuel just curse??? Nelson shook his head in disbelief. There's no way Samuel was saying a curse word. It couldn't be. He tackled Nelson with an unexpected speed, arguably close to his own. Why the hell is he this fast?? "Snap out of it man!!" He rose his hand to presumably smack Nelson, but instinctively he kicked Samuel off into the air. He now had two options. Side with Samuel and these strange people and hope they could somehow overpower Miranda and Mari and escape, or, wait it out now that he knew where they were and try to sneak later. As much as his heart and soul wanted to run away with Samuel, he knew that even if they could beat Miranda - mind you he wasn't even sure they could - there's no way they were beating them both. The instant Mari came down it would be over. Damnit!!! Son of a bitch fuck damnit!!!! He cursed vehemently in his mind. He was so close but he couldn't risk being put on a tighter leash. He had to play it smart to get out. "I'm sorry Samuel," he muttered, "Not yet.." Something seemed different about his eyes. They didn't seem natural.
That was when Miranda came and kicked Samuel mid air sending him flying into a car and tumbling into the concrete. The next thing he knew, the were beamed back up. Nelson grimaced. So fucking close... Miranda eyed him closely. There was a strange look on her face. "Nelson..." she muttered. He didn't speak, he just stared at the ground. Should he have chanced it? I'm so fucking stupid, he thought irritably. "Thank you, Nelson.." Miranda said quietly, "I know that wasn't easy.." I was so fucking close to things being normal again! I could have seen Anora again! Oh my fuck! Damn it man! Stupid ass stupid stupid!! Nelson struggled to remain expressionless on the outside, but it was clear that he was bothered. Mari remained silent. "Nelson..?" Miranda tapped his shoulder again. "Hey.." "Hmm?" "Can you follow me please?" She lead him into a quiet, empty room.
"I know you're upset right now.." she started. Upset is a fucking HUGE understatement, he thought silently. "But did you see how they all attacked you? And Samuel? They turned him into a robot." "That's what was different about him," Nelson thought out loud. "Why though.." he asked, shaking with emotion. "He's my best friend.. why didn't you tell me he was alive..." Miranda seemed torn with her answer. "I.. I didn't want to tell you.." she started, "Because the truth might hurt you even more..." "What the hell are you trying to say..?" His voice was quiet, but he was only barely keeping from shouting. "They abandoned you.." she muttered quietly. "I'm sorry..?" Nelson asked, ready to snap. "None of them would ever..." "Samuel attacked you, you saw that. But this is video proof..." Miranda opened the camera, revealing the only video recorded. It was two hours long. "Anora even moved on." Nelson's head snapped up. His vision instantly snapping green. "This is why I was afraid to tell you..." she said, but here's the video.. if you want to look at it.. I-I didn't want you to think they were one way, when they really weren't.. You.. I..." she trailed off, looking troubled. She left the camera in the room as she exited.
No. He thought, this isn't fucking possible. I'll... I'll.. I'll j-just.. look and prove there's nothing can't be... I swear to God it can't be. I love her.. she loves me... he opened the camera, and played the video. The first thing he heard was slow RnB music playing, and moaning, accompanied by a low squeaking sound. "Fuck..." he muttered weakly, recognizing one the voices. Much to his dismay, the camera walked forward and took a look inside the room. His heart sank. It was Anora. No doubt about it. But... with another woman..?
Nelson dropped the camera. He fell to his knees. The moaning and squeaking continued on in the background. Tears spilt out of his eyes. He couldn't even tell what emotion he was feeling right now. He was completely overwhelmed. Did she even mourn him? Even care that he might still be alive?? Is that what he would have walked in on if he had made it back? What if they really did turn their backs on him??
He had never been hurt like this before. It was the absolute worst pain he had ever felt. It hurts so fucking bad.... he clutched his chest. Does she even love me for real??? What were those vows..... What the fuck were those vows... WHAT THE FUCK....!
He covered his ears, trying to block out the sound of his wife's moans, unable to think straight. Fuck it..! He screamed internally, and pulled out all the rest of the glowing green pills they had given him. He scarfed them down dry. He hoped the strain from all of the pills changing him at once would be too much for his body to handle..
Streams of tears continued rolling down his cheeks and spilling on the floor. As all the pills kicked in at once, he felt himself almost black out. He grabbed Nightmare. It cackled furiously with green electricity. He wanted to kill. He welcomed the violent changes taking place in his body. A part of him hoped he wouldn't be strong enough to handle it. His eyes became a brighter, and brighter, and brighter green until they began to hurt. His eye vessels popped, blood beginning to drip from his very eye sockets. Perhaps the mutations were straining his body too much all at once. He had just taken 6 at once. He heard a quiet popping sound come from his eyes. His body convulsed uncontrollably as he started at his reflection in a pool of his own tears and blood.
He saw that one side of his iris in each eye had actually cracked in half from the pressure of the mutation taking form. His veins were practically popping out of his skin. After a moment, he heard someone walk in, and close the camera. It was Miranda. Looking at her, it was the first time he had ever seen her look truly sad, almost on the verge of tears herself, though could barely see past his own tears. "She...she.." Nelson managed, "She said she loved me... but.. now she doesn't anymore..." Miranda to his surprise, picked him up and hugged him tightly. "I'm so sorry.." she muttered. He certainly needed that hug. He let Nightmare fall to the floor, and hugged her back. He just really needed to hold someone or something for a while, or be held... lest it all become too much for him..

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