Skinwalker invasion pt2

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"Understand?" Inukoto asked them when he had finished. Nelson and Miranda nodded. "Good," Inukoto replied, frowning intensely. "The Annunaki are the ones who almost wiped us out a little 498,000 years ago," Inukoto told them as he escorted them back to their spaceship. "I was there. I was young then. We had to preserve our bodies with, at the time, advanced cryogenics and hide on another planet to avoid getting destroyed with our planet." "I thought your planet was lost to your species having poor regulation of your planet, and depleting it of its energy?" Miranda interjected. "That's what we told them," Inukoto admitted, "Because we are ashamed to have hid during the galactic war. But if they are attempting to return, we will do our part and stop them from breathing in even one atom from this Universe. We cannot allow them to return. And please. Do not tell anyone about what you've heard here. We as a civilization would like to keep our honor in tact. We can handle this in secret, and it will be equal to have helped out in the war, would it not?" Miranda nodded. "If that's what you need to aid us against the Martians, consider it done." "We are grateful," Inukoto replied. "The Urzuhg have gained a respectable ally. I look forward to seeing you when this is over, homosexuals." Nelson couldn't help but grin as Miranda had them beamed back up to the ship.
            Once they had returned and taken a seat, Miranda prepared them to head to Earth again. "Man them Annunaki seem like something else," Nelson said. "What if there's one on Earth?" "Don't think like that," she told him. "It's funny though," Nelson wondered out loud, still feeling a bit nervous about the whole situation. "Why is Earth so important in all this? If they can go anywhere in the Universe?" "It's not," Miranda explained, "From what I've been told, it's just the last planet they went to before everyone managed to seal them away. Supposedly, the Annunaki created most of the species in this galaxy to help them mine resources on different planets. Which I guess kind of makes sense. Otherwise, minus the obvious differences due to their different planets, why else would all these different species have such a similar symmetrical makeup? Despite the number, most species have arms, legs, a head of sorts. Speak one language or another, but also conveniently have the proper biology to speak the language of other species?" "Damn I guess you're right," Nelson muttered with a thought. "Talk about food for thought." "Listen," Miranda said, "These Skinwalkers are pretty fast, and we need to ideally kill them as fast as possible and try to figure out if there's anyway we can help close those portals. So we're gonna need to be careful, and precise. I'll show you have to use these weapons properly, then you should work on getting better at controlling your mutation." She grabbed two long rectangle, Obsidian black box looking things. She gave one to Nelson. Looking directly at it in his hand, it looked like just an Obsidian black rectangle, though it felt stronger than any material he had seen on Earth. It started to vibrate and glow green. "That's good," Miranda told him, noting the concerned look on his face. "It's linking with your physiology. Once it done, you shoot it by thinking about it. I know you're like, isn't that dangerous? But it's not just thinking about shooting it. You have to want to shoot it. The picosecond that it detects you waiting on it to fire, it will shoot. It'll make sense once we get to Earth. And the more you shoot it, the more compatible you become with it." "Hmm," Nelson thought aloud. "Perhaps I should meditate with it." Miranda shrugged. "Just try to be ready. This is life or death here."
        He spent all his time meditating on the way to Earth, focusing on using his heightened senses like Miranda was telling him about, and trying to aid the weapon in connecting with him, although he didn't really understand how everything really was supposed to work. He was able to stay focused for a full twenty two hours of the twenty four it took to get there, however he did find Miranda distracted him from time to time, though he didn't mind talking to her. Before he knew it, they were hovering over the skies over SkinWalker ranch, Utah. "Soon as they give the word we're heading out," Miranda told him, "Be ready. Also a word of advice, that weapon, the beam it shoots is like an explosion. So fire from a distance. If they get too close just use that sword." "Nightmare?" Nelson asked. Miranda nodded. "Yeah. You're really sticking with that name, aren't you?" She seemed a bit amused. Nelson nodded. "Hell yup," he popped his neck. "But I was wondering," he continued, twirling Nightmare around in the air with his mind, "I get that I can do this with my mind because I'm a hybrid, but you're a hybrid too. Can't you like.. do something with your mind too?" "Supposedly," Miranda shrugged, "Thing is, either we don't know what it is that I can manipulate, or you're a special case." "I meditated to figure this out," Nelson told her. "It might be useful here." "Even so, I don't have time..." But she was cut off by a loud jarring BEEP. "Homosexuals! Do you hear me?" "Yeah," Miranda answered, "This is bad!" The voice seemed alarmed. He recognized it as Inukoto. "The Key to the seal is missing! It is gone! We even separated the pieces and they are missing! On top of that, the seal is little lose. A fight took place here and dented up a couple of places, likely knocking the seal lose." "Shit.." Nelson frowned. "I have the key," Nelson told them, holding Nightmare. Miranda gaped. "THAT'S what that is!?" She gasped, "And you can control it with your mind??" "Being that over here! Why did you not tell me that??" Inukoto exclaimed, "This is serious!" "We didn't touch the seal," Nelson replied, "I took it away from there so the Martians couldn't find it and try to use it to open the seal again." "Those Grays," Inukoto spat. "Well something went wrong. Come to Mars, quickly!" "Of course." Miranda began interacting with the holographic controls but before she could finish, everything suddenly seemed to just shut down. The ship began falling to the surface. "Yo what the Fuck??!" Nelson exclaimed as he was flung to the back of the ship into the wall. The crash was violent, loud and painful but luckily it didn't explode.
          "Hey Nelson are you alright?" Miranda asked, picking him up and carrying him out of the crashed saucer. "I'm fine," he said, "You?" "Yeah, here, hurry and take this." She shoved the weapon from earlier into his hand after making sure he was steady on his feet. "Where's the key?" She asked. "Hold on," Nelson replied, calling Nightmare with his mind. It flew out of the rubble and into his hand. Luckily neither one of them were hurt too badly, but they were stuck here. "Inukoto is on his way," Miranda told him, fiddling with some sort of earpiece he hadn't noticed before.
              All around them they began to hear strange, creepy, howling sounds. He heard people screaming in agony somewhere, despite the fact there didn't seem to be anyone there besides Nelson and Miranda. It's like they were hearing voices. Even Miranda seemed a bit disturbed. "Stay alert," she said. "Uh... I think.. they found us..." Nelson muttered. Miranda turned around to look where he was looking. She grimaced. A crowd of at least fifty of them had suddenly popped up in front of them, seemingly out of thin air. They were grotesque looking, like a deformed human with light gray skin and ugly scraggly hair that seemed to be falling out. They moved on all fours, and had glowing white eyes. "Eewww," Nelson shuttered. He immediately pointed the weapon at them. I hope this is the right side, he thought, and attempted to fire it. "Wait..!" Miranda gasped, but it was too late. It vibrated violently, but had no recoil. It shot out a glowing green ball of energy with electricity surrounding it as it zoomed toward the Skinwalkers. The instant it made contact, an enormous explosion erupted, with enough force to send them both back flying. They went tumbling back into the desert ground. "I said we have to be farther away!" She repeated, irritated. "Watch out!" Nelson yelled, seeing what looked like the air open up behind her, creating a portal in its place. A furious wind emanated from the portal."Huh?" She asked, confused as the Skinwalkers he shot at were blown to ashes, and a decent crater left where the Skin walkers used to be standing. Another Skinwalker leaped out of the portal with a piercing scream jumped Miranda.
            He immediately rushed to her aid without a second thought. She kicked it off of her but five more came out through the portal. Grasping Nightmare in his hand he expertly sliced the five of them in half as they were exiting the portal. He noticed his blade Nightmare almost accidentally fell inside the portal, and quickly moved it out with a slicing motion. "You okay?" He asked Miranda. "Yeah, but look at that!" She pointed at the portal, which had begun to hum in a low eerie pitch. The portal wobbled vehemently before closing in on itself. "Did that just close the portal?" Miranda asked. "No time to wonder," Nelson frowned, Noticing two more portals opening up on either side of them. A few dozen started leaping out. He offered Miranda his hand to help her up.
          "Guess we're gonna have to chop up these ugly fuckers and close those portals," Nelson sighed. "I think we can do it," she said, "Just watch your back." "Better yet," Nelson said, "Let's watch each other's backs." He popped his  shoulders, and activated his mutations, immediately changing his vision green and sharpening his senses. A strange kind of smile overcame Miranda's face. "That does sound better," she agreed. They stood back to back as the Skinwalkers trotted towards them, too close to shoot with their weapons. Their trots quickly turned to full blown disfigured gallops. With his senses heightened, he could smell how disgusting they were much more obviously. Miranda pulled a small stick out of her pocket, which expanded into a long metal staff with two blades on either side. "Been awhile since I had to use this," she commented. "You sound excited," Nelson said. "Don't judge me," she said.
           They didn't have any more time to speak. Nelson and Miranda, back to back, began slicing up the incoming Skinwalkers. Nelson, extremely focused, was able to slice up three or four of them at time as they came at him, narrowly avoided getting scratched by their dirty claws. He was impressed by Miranda's movement with the staff. She twirled it around, gracefully beheading three at time and swooshing it back around to lop four more in half. They moved in harmony, seemingly naturally. Their backs stayed touching, and he could tell whenever she would spin her double blades staff around and duck accordingly. "My side's almost all dead," Miranda told him in between swings. "Bet," Nelson said, "Switch sides." Back to back, Miranda leaned forward so Nelson could back flip over her. He then jumped as high in the air as he could so Miranda could spin around with her staff and behead the five Skinwalkers that were about to try to leap on them. Mid air, Nelson looked at the portal, then they made eye contact. She smiled and nodded. As fell, she smacked her staff longways down in the ground, crushing one and stunning the surrounding ones, as Nelson landed on the staff, standing on it like a skateboard. She then launched him towards the portal on the other side with her staff while she held off the remained Skinwalkers. He sliced directly through the portal before landing with a roll, and just as he'd hoped, it wobbled vehemently and closed in on itself. "FUCK YEAH!" He exclaimed, his blood pumping. He sprinted at his full unrestrained speed towards the other portal. "Come on!" Miranda yelled to him. She did a fancy twirling motion to behead the rest of the remaining Skinwalkers on that side before grabbing Nelson's hand and spinning around to gain momentum before throwing him towards the other portal. He did the same thing to this portal, effectively closing it.
            Miranda ran up to him to congratulate him. They high-fived each other. "That was pretty awesome," she said, grinning, standing using her staff as support. Nelson grinned back. "I didn't know you could use a fucking staff like that," Nelson said, eyeing it curiously. "We did make a really good team," she agreed. Just then, a long, cigar shaped spacecraft landed silently beside them. It was Inukoto and two of his guards, one of which he recognized as Ūtaku. "Homosexuals!" Inukoto called. Nelson couldn't help but chuckle. "Miranda we really should tell him that it's homosapiens, not homosexuals." Miranda laughed freely for a moment. It was the first time hearing her laugh like that. Damn, he thought, That laugh does kinda have a nice ring to it. He just smiled. "To be honest," she finally said, "I just think it's really funny too." "I watched it all happen from the upper atmosphere. I cannot believe you two killed all of them by yourselves. There's at least 90 dead corpses out here." "Not counting the first fifty-ish that I blew up," Nelson added. "Thank you," Miranda said, "But what about you? Why didn't you help?" Inukoto shrugged. "There wasn't any room to land." Nelson looked around at the HUGE open desert area and compared it to the size of the cigar shaped space craft. Even with the Skinwalkers galloping around, there was plenty of room. He didn't speak though. "Something is not right though," Ūtaku frowned. "I don't remember seeing this much space earlier, do you brother?" Inukoto looked around, then suddenly seemed confused. He started speaking in his own native language.
             All of a sudden the air around them became very still. Gravity seemed to become quite a bit stronger. What the hell..? Nelson thought. The sky suddenly became extremely gray and cloudy. Directly above them, the clouds parted in a blinding white light. Nelson's ears were overcome with white noise, like static from a tv. It became hard to see, and he felt sick. Even Nightmare's usual dim green glow decreased to almost nothing. Then a humanoid looking creature fell from the part in the sky, landing with a loud, deafening THOOM right in front of them. It cause the ground to tremble like an Earthquake. With everything going on, it looked like little less than a giant black shadow. Finally everything calmed down. The clouds remained in the sky, with a beam sunlight shining down where the clouds had parted. The humanoid's features became apparent as it stood tall over them. It was almost entirely human like, but it only had three toes with long claws extending from them. It's skin was lemon colored, and the body was like that of a muscular man, but not overly bulky; it didn't have any clothing covering its chest. It stood no less than seven feet tall, and it had a long, black beak, and pitch black eyes, that seemed to have galaxies glistening in them. It had no hair, and its bald head was elongated towards its back.
                 "What the ungodly fuck..." Nelson muttered, "Is that..?" It crossed its arms. "A...." Inukoto stuttered. "A..A-A..." "Ah?" Miranda asked. "Annunaki.."

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