Unfinished business

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Miranda and Nelson returned to the ship for a moment. She had asked him to pick something inconspicuous from the clothing she'd collected while she was on Earth. She needed to return to make up an excuse to disappear for a while. He chose to wear the all black hooded robe, and the Venta - black mask with a smiley face on it. All black suited him very well, or at least he thought. It was important that no one recognized them. Not only for Miranda, but if anyone recognized him, it would look like he gave up and turned his back on all his friends and Anora, his wife. He couldn't have that. Despite his negative disposition towards humanity, as long as he had people that he felt loved him, he would die before truly turning his back on them. Of course the situation he's in is more complicated than just that.
       He was waiting on Miranda to finish creating an excuse to disappear for an extended period of time so they could get those cameras, and she apparently needed his help on another planet with something. It was a good excuse to get out of the ship he was stuck in, and earn more trust as well as play on her possible crush on him. He wasn't stupid enough to think he could just get away at any time - he didn't understand any of the technology and even if he were on Earth, he had no phone, and no idea where anyone was, and he would likely be recaptured before he could figure something out. His best bet was to fool her into believing he was on their side until he could close enough to home to stab her in the back. Through countless hours of meditation, he managed to gain perfect control over his genetic mutations. From what he understood he could mutate quite a bit more, but he wasn't trying to become any less human than he had to. But as of right now, he could switch the mutation on and off, and control when his eyes turned to that unnaturally bright green color, which indicated his mutation was in full effect. He had to admit though, the sudden boost in his attributes and reaction speed brought on from the mutation were certainly amazing. But he didn't want to freak anyone out any more than they might already be. He was also trying to get information to bring back to the EED about the Urzuhg, as much as he could understand. He smirked to himself as he thought, Damn, I'm a real life spy in this bitch, chuckling at his thoughts. All he understood about why they captured him was this; They wanted his help with some war with another species, and they wanted to fix their planet.. somehow? He didn't really get that and no one explained it further to him. He began meditating more as he waited. His father had taught him to meditate, and since his entire family was killed by aliens, this was the only connection he had to his family, he felt. The things they taught him.
     "Well aren't you getting in the spirit," Miranda commented, interrupting his meditation. Nelson smirked, still wearing his all black robes and venta-black mask as he meditated, so she couldn't see his expression. Alright, get on her good side, he thought before finally opening his eyes, which glowed bright green as he meditated. "Don't I look cool?" He asked her, "Like a ninja or something?" Miranda smiled at his comment, clearly amused. "I don't know what kind of ninjas you've been looking at," she chuckled playfully, "But its definitely gonna do the job. I guess it does have some style." Nelson popped his neck. "I'm ready when you are," he said. "Why so eager all of a sudden?" She asked, picking up a set of matching clothes from the pile of clothes she'd had set aside. "I mean I'm getting bored in here," Nelson said, stretching and standing up. "I don't really care what I'm doing as long as I'm getting out every now and then. I get I'm technically a prisoner. But at the same time, you gotta admit, growing up as a human all this alien shit up here is pretty interesting. I mean look at them doors. You just like, caress it and it opens up! On Earth you gotta fight to turn them door knobs. Sometimes they don't even have knobs." Miranda giggled a bit to herself as he went on. "Yeah I can tell you're getting bored in here," she merely commented. "Are you sure it's you under that mask?" Nelson lifted up his mask and smiled a silly smile. Noticing her just standing there sort of staring at him, he asked her, with an eyebrow raised, "So. Are you gonna change your clothes in here?" Miranda quickly blushed and replied, "I.. what? N-no of course not..!" she said with a stutter. "Just joking," Nelson said with a laugh. "Ah.. a-a joke?" Miranda stuttered. "Yeah 'cause you were just standing here with the clothes as if you were about to change right now," Nelson said. "Oh yeah!" Miranda said quickly, "I knew that... just I'm um, a bit behind on my human studies.. I mean like I'm not studying you.. just like humans.. well that's weird too.. anyway I'm going to just get ready now." She awkwardly went off outside, touching the door softly to open it, before leaving briefly to change.
          Nelson sighed, a put his mask on. She should study sarcasm a bit more, he thought to himself. She returned with her mask and robes on. The venta black mask made it look much more menacing with their glowing green eyes. They looked like floating green eyes inside the hood. "Let's go," Miranda said, motioning him to follow her. "And like I was saying, if you want to get out this room more, I wouldn't mind your help on Inukō." (ee-new-ko). Nelson nodded. "Anything is better than sitting around. Especially for unknown amounts of time. It's like solitary confinement."
It only took them thirty seconds to get from wherever they were behind the moon to the Earth. "This looks like a good spot to set the particle beam," Miranda noted aloud. "Remember this spot too will you? It'll be good practice for later." Nelson nodded. This was how they instantly seemed to disappear. They have invisible points where, at the push of a button, they instantly get dematerialized and rematerialized into their spaceships, based on where the spaceships are in space above them. Good information.
Within moments it seemed they were back at the dojo. They went inside, and Miranda took the device that projected a false image of the dojo being in tact. Immediately, the blood and bodies and the crater in the wall reappeared. Nelson chose to ignore them, and Miranda didn't seem to care as she looked for and retrieved all the cameras in the dojo. She tossed Nelson one. He was sickened at the dead bodies, so he was glad to get out of there. "What are you gonna do with them?" Nelson asked her. "Imma smash them and put the pieces out in space somewhere probably," she said casually. She stared curiously at him, like she had something to say. He was about to ask her what, but the next thing they knew they were surrounded and the Hawaiian Police.
        "Stand down!!" One of the six police officers yelled, "Step away from the camera and put your hands in the air!" Fuck, Nelson thought, Fucking good thing we have these disguises. There's even someone recording over there. He noticed four of the six officers were approaching them slowly, two officers going for each Nelson and Miranda. He really didn't want to have to hurt anyone else. He knew if he spoke, someone would recognize his voice. Too many witnesses. So he spoke with an accent he picked up from Harry Potter. "Don't come any further!" He warned the officers. Miranda glanced at him, through the mask, but didn't speak. "Just let us leave." "Don't resist," the officer retorted. As he began taking out his handcuffs, he knew there was no other way but violence. With a glance at Miranda, they agreed on what to do immediately and simultaneously choke slammed all four of the officers (Miranda took two, and Nelson took two). He tried not to kill his two but he heard the ones Miranda slammed die as their spines and necks cracked. Damn! He thought uncomfortably. With that they ran off, too fast for the bullets being shot at them by the remaining officers. "Nice job!" She told him as the sprinted at supernatural speeds back to the teleport spot. At the press of a button in Miranda's pocket, they were suddenly instantly in the spaceship again, without warning. It was disorientating. "I'm impressed," Miranda said, taking off her mask, "I just kinda gave you a look. Didn't know you would understand what it meant. Back there right before we choke slammed those humans." "Must've been thinking the same thing," he thought, trying to hide the discomfort he felt from hearing those human bones cracking. Finally he took of his mask. "What's up with that voice?" She asked. "Like if I didn't know any better I wouldn't think that was you speaking." "It's kind of a joke," Nelson replied, "But I didn't want to kill anyone. So I used it to warn them without anyone knowing it was me speaking." Miranda nodded, but didn't speak. "Well they aren't gonna wait on us. You ready to go to Inukō?" "Fuck it let's do it," Nelson shrugged. "What do we have to do there?" "We gotta tell them to keep their SkinWalkers on their territory." Nelson raised an eyebrow. "Keep their WHAT?"

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