Entry #02: Not Alone

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"On this path that we walk together
We're never alone..."

I entered one of the Korean university for language class early in the morning. The admission gives a long tour for the foreign students here at this university. Wow, I can't believe that these university interior classrooms will be cool and minimalist style. I met a few friends from a foreign country and a few from my home country. Suddenly at the outside of the campus, I accidentally bump into someone taller than me. "Hey! Watch out what you were going shortie!!" one Korean guy said. He was a sporty one and yet I get annoyed with his attitude. And talking about height issues, Yes I'm a shortie. Lack of height and in need to drink more milk.Period. Now back to reality, a group of Korean boys came to surround me. This is gonna be shit happens today. "Hey, shortie! How dare you tried to hurt my friend!" the guy glared at me. One of them lifts me and inspects something. "Dude, she's a foreign student. I heard that Asian girls have a good body. Watcha think?" they agreed on what the guy said and throw dirty glances at me. Okay, WTF. This is could be crazily perverted.

As they attempt to do something bad. Someone saves me by pulling closer to another guy. Taking me away from these bunch of sporty idiots, I looked up and got mesmerizing on what I see. His muscular body was warm and hard, his visual was no joke! F*cking no joke! Glass-like fair skin, sharp eyes and nose, enticing lips, and huge hands wrap around my shoulder. "Do you know that it's bad to pick up new students like her? How weak you are" the man said in a deep voice. Damn it! A handsome angel was here from heaven. Thank god for this blessing. Ok, back to reality. One of the guys got scared and tries to escape while the leader was scolded his friends not to get away but he has no choice and left me. "are you okay, miss?" he asks in a sincere yet deep tone. Gosh dammit, my legs trembling! I look back at him and give a silent nod. "Jaehyun Hyung! Let's go!" a cute voice of a guy said and eyes turn to a black van where the voice comes from. Jaehyun? so that's his name. "Please be careful next time~ See you later" he winked and walk away. See You Later . . . So, That means it wasn't only this happened.

"Y/N! Are you okay?!" my American friend Alice said as they went to my direction. "Yes, I am okay" I answered. "wow, you're so lucky, angel. You've been saved to a handsome guy" one of my foreign friends, Justin said. "My first day of school was saved from mess because of that guy named Jaehyun," I said. They wowed at me all of a sudden before I stop them messing out and walk inside the campus. "We're very sorry that we didn't help to save you from those Korean bullies," Justin said apologetically. I smiled and went to them. "You know guys, it's our first met here in this school but no worries, you guys were not alone. If something happens, we'll stick together and make it right" I encourage them to feel not worry. They smiled at me means they agree on what I said. I honestly came from a tropical country but I want them to have comfortable together and make it things better. "Thank you for making us better, Y/N" my Chinese classmate, Misty said. "I agree with what you said bruh! Let's make it together guys" one of my classmates from japan named Yasuo said it to them to cheer themselves up.

>>Time Skip at the Cafe<<

"Really!? You've been saved by a handsome guy from those bullies in your school?!" Fany asked in amusing while she was slicing a rainbow cake to be packaged carefully. I simply nod while doing the dishwashing today. Since I'm a new employee of Cafe Bliss who Fany's mom owned it, It was a good start for me after having the first day of class at the university. "Can you describe to that lucky guy? please! please! pleaseeee~!" Fany begged cutely. I was startled by her sudden giddy of knowing the guy who saves me. Guess No choice. "Well, he was very tall like 180cm? and then he has a glass skin and fair too like he has no pores or some pimple marks on it. And then his body was very well-muscled. Hmm . . . Oh! His voice was deep yet he has a gentlemen mannerism. His name was Jaehyun I guess?" I explained it to Fany making herself froze in shook. "Um, What's wrong with that?" I tilted my head in confusion before my shoulders were shaking by Fany vigorously. "You lucky woman! That's JAEHYUN from NCT!!" she yelled which causes the customers startled and turn heads towards the counter. I quickly cover my friend's loudmouth. I had a familiar bad feeling about this since I honestly had a huge fan of the K-pop boy band, NCT. "Wait, What? really?" I was amazed at what I had encountered by this day. She quickly gets some newspaper and shows the photo of NCT and her slim index finger pointing to the photo where the familiar guy was in. "This guy is what are you talking about! You lucky cat!" she said excitedly. I don't know what exactly happening is but I was relieved that it was a gentleman. well, a HAND to the SOME gentlemen. Looking at him in the newspaper, it feels like I'm doom. I am f*cking doom! "Calm down Fany unnie! I know that it was surprising for me that's why!" I said to her. "Y/N! Can you deliver this to the said building here? The delivery man was sick today so, Can you deliver this?" Mrs. Kang said as she hands the small business card to me in which my eyes pop out in shock to see the address. SM Entertainment Building!? "Waaah~ It's a lucky day for you, Y/N!" She said and shaking my hands cutely. I don't know what happened today but yes, I will try on it. "I'll take the delivery to SM entertainment building" I accept the delivery request. Whenever things got difficult and can't stand alone, Think for it. There's someone who is here and you can feel yourself that You're not alone all the time.


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