Chapter 31 their side of the story

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(Blitzo POV)

Sir we should go help her. Or at least bring her back!" Moxxie stated more than recommend. I rubbed my Temples stressed out. First with (y/n) leaving and now my coworkers screeching at me like stolas on his birthday last year. I cringed at the memory before looking at my coworker Moxxie and saying with a strained voice "I know mox I'm just trying to figure out how..."

Moxxie looked shocked that I didn't insult him on his rudeness, and that's how he could tell that I was terrified at the fact of losing her.

"Look it's obvious that she's going after her mom and dad... so we just have to find where they are and meet her there before she gets to them.." I said stressed but then came up with and idea I may regret later.

I silently walked over to the front desk and picked up the phone before dialing in a number that I on any circumstances wouldn't call on my own accord


"Hello Blitzo how are you?" I heard from the other end before almost dropping the phone in shock at the birds tone and his verbal language "I'm fine stolac although I have a question for you" I replied with only slight hesitation "look, Blitzo I can tell something is bothering you so spill or else I won't answer your questions." He said bluntly

I physically facepalmed with a groan "ok. Fine! (Y/n) left and went after her parents so we're trying to find her before she gets herself hurt or worse killed" I said leaving out the point she took the spellbook for obvious reasons.

"Oh that is unfortunate Blitzo, but luckily for you I'm one of lunar storms clients!" He said oddly chipper for such a depressing time. "Lunar storm huh. Doesn't sound familiar..." I said aloud mentally pondering my finding.

"Yes. Lunar storm is an organization known mainly for it insurmountable weaponry and science advances" stolas replied barely giving me time to think. "The question is do you know where there facility is?" I said stopping stolas from continuing to talk

"Ah yes, there main operational facility is just past the dry death desert" he said realizing my haste "ok thanks stolas I owe you one!" I said "the only thing you owe me is bringing our (y/n) back safely" he said maturely like a normal adult and not like his normal horny owl highness of bitchington.

"I will I promise" I said smileing before hanging up "ok we need to go to the dry death desert to find her because lunar storm which is run by her parents main base is there!" I said enthusiastic that we have a chance at finding her

"I'll go start the car!" Millie said before grabbing her husbands hand with Loona in tow and running out to the car

"You really care about her, huh?" I turned towards the voice to see a fox demoness smiling crudely at me "who are you and how did you get in here!" I yelled grabbing a blender in self defense only to have the jug part fall off and clatter to the floor with a thud "oh as for who I am well, let's just say I'm a relative of your beloved (y/n) and as for how I got in I just lock-picked the door it's quite simple really." The fox said plainly

"Your her mother am I correct?" I questioned before I got a simple nod from the fox. It took a lot of Will to not run up and smack the shit out of her for what she's done to (y/n) but I remember that I had to get answers out of her before I did that.

We had a few second of silence before I saw the fox lose her cool "you know what I'm gonna keep this short because time is money. In exactly five minutes that car of yours is going to explode with your friends inside. Now because I'm a genuinely kind fox I'll give you time to save them." She said slightly pissed off.

It took me a second to realize what she said before I almost bolted out to the car myself before I turned on my heel at the last second "first of all your a shitty mom, and second of all this is for (y/n)" I said before she looked confused at the last bit "oh really what for my scumbag of a daught-" She said before getting cut off with a punch to the mouth, which probably kicked in a few teeth that are as fake as her marriage.

I quickly turned for the door and sprinted out "mox Millie Loona get out of the car!" I yelled. Confused they did so just she of a few seconds it exploded. Luckily they were a safe distance away. "WHAT THE FUCK? AGAIN!" Moxxie said in anger, combing his claws through his hair stressed while Millie tried to calm him down

"Yea Blitzo what the fuck was that?" Loona said pissed slightly "look don't have much time to explain but, (y/n)s mom was in the kitchen she told me that the car was gonna explode she I went out here before giving her false teeth a good punch" I said hurriedly glossing over the fact that she could be in the building still.

"WHAT!?" Everybody replied shocked, giving me a headache. "Look point is we have to get to the dry death desert to find (y/n) before she gets to lunar storms base!" I said really getting tired of all the yelling and stress

"Uh I don't know if you noticed but the car, LITERALLY EXPLODED!" Moxxie said before yelling "look, I'm trying to work out that bug mox I really am so please stop yelling it feels like my head is gonna explode" I said rubbing my thumb and forefinger on my nose stressed.

I heard a crash of glass from behind us and we looked up to see Loona breaking into a car. "Ok... that will work!" I said before grabbing Moxxie who had Millie in tow throwing them into the car and driving off To the dry death desert.

(Time skip)

"Can somebody roll down the window I feel like I'm going to be sick!" Loona said before I rolled down the window for her. I looked in the dash mirror to see Moxxie and Millie sleeping with Millie curled up next to Moxxie. 'Adorable, let's have some fun' I though before speeding up and then slamming the breaks. Moxxie who didn't wear his seatbelt went flying into the steering wheel causing it to honk. Me and Loona doubled over laughing while Millie helped Moxxie get back to his seat.

I noticed something a head of us. It looked like a tree but trees don't grow in a desert let alone move. 'Huh' I then realized that it was (y/n) due to the wings that fanned out from her back. I abruptly stopped the car causing Moxxie to fly forward into the wheel again "SHIT WHY! ITS THE SAME SPOT! AHHHHH!" He yelled in a mix of pain and frustration before getting up and seeing (y/n) walking in the desert

"Holy shit"Moxxie said
"Is that"Millie continued
"(Y/n)?"Loona finished

"Yep! Let's go get her!" I said before climbing out of the car with Moxxie Millie and Loona following in that order. As we got closer we noticed she was having trouble walking and seemed dehydrated.

We saw her suddenly collapse onto the gravelly dirt below us. We ran up to her worried.

"(Y/n)!" I yelled
"Are you ok?"millie asked her
"Oh shit she's got heat stroke"Loona said
"Let's help her to the car" Moxxie stated worried

We hurriedly got her into the car with her bag and drove back to i.m.p.

Or at least what was I.m.p. But was now a firey flaming corporate building.


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