Chapter 32 flames

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(Y/n) POV

"WHAT THE FUCK!?" I heard Blitzo yell. Reluctantly I opened my eyes and got up only to see the company building up in flames. I stared slack jawed at the fire. Even from 40 ft away the blaze was hot enough to cause me to cough due to the heat. Moxxie Millie Loona and Blitzo all turned around to see me

"(Y/n) Your awake!" Blitzo said happily disregarding the burning building in front of us "Yea that's great and all, but WHAT THE FUCK HAPPENED WHILE I WAS OUT?!" I said before yelling confused

"Long story short, we noticed you were missing decided to call stolace, and he told us where your parents wear house was, but before we left I saw your mom she was being snarky so I did you a favor and knocked in a few of her false teeth, the car exploded we found you in the desert, drove back and here we are now." Blitzo said rushed putting his hands on his hips with an 'oh shit this is bad but I'm not gonna show it' face

"That in no way was a short story..." Moxxie said facepalming angered or stressed, probably both. "So your saying that my mom came to the company building and you didn't make sure to kill her or at least scare her off!?" I said my wings flaring out in equal anger and anxiety "god, this is going to come out of my pay check isn't it" Moxxie said nearing a panic attack as Millie calmed him down

"Nows not the time to talk about pay checks Moxxie if that fox fuck knew where the company building is and has the means to destroy it that could mean that she knows we're we live to!" Loona exclaimed making a valid point

"Oh fuck.... does that mean that- Moxxie. Millie. where is the kid and I swear if you left him at your house I will tear out your throats and shove them up your asses!" I roared growing panicked but also protective of the kid

"Of course we wouldn't do that in hell anybody can pick a lock so we left him in blitzos office- shit."millie trailed off I numbly saw Moxxie pull Millie behind him to spare her my wrath but instead of going towards them I ran into the burning building

(Blitzos POV)
"(Y/N)! GOD DAMMIT GET BACK HERE!" I yelled running after her. I heard Millie Loona and Moxxie try to tell me to stop but I ignored it. I ran though the front door and started to run up the steps before a large piece of rubble fell towards me. I lunged forward hitting my teeth on the step as the stairs behind me broke off due to the rubble landing on it. I got up rubbing the millions of dollars in dental work broken in my mouth before running up the stairs again.

I reached the door that led into the main waiting area and I tried to open it like a normal person before getting my hand scorched on the handle. Angered I kicked it open running into the main area trying to search for (y/n) or the kid "fuck, (Y/N)! KID! WHERE ARE YOU!" I yelled just now realizing I didn't actually know the kids name. 'nows not the time Blitzo gotta search for them before this building collapses harder than a teenagers self esteem in high school' I though before I heard crying under Loonas desk

I ran over and looked to see the kid curled up under loonas desk crying in fear. I felt a stab of worry in my heart for the kid before speaking up "you know kiddo, In hell I expected fire, but this is just overkill" I said making a joke hoping to bring the kids spirit up forgetting momentarily that I was in a god damn burning building.

"UNCLE BLITZO" he said pronouncing the o. Probably Moxxie and Millie's doing to spite me. I smile realizing he called me uncle. 'Aww we really are a family' "well kid how about we make like my dad and leave?" I said smiling before remembering (y/n) "oh shit-" I said before getting cut off with a smack to my forehead "bad language!" He said sternly I smile at him before hearing coughing

"(Y/n) is that you!?" I yelled "who else would I be? freddy Mercury? Of course it's me dumbass!" She replied with a hint of a smirk in her voice. Eventually I saw her around the corner  "(y/n) over here!" I yelled getting her attention.

She ran over to me with soot in her face "are you and the kid ok?" She yelled over the roaring flames around us " yea we're find but the stairs are shot to hell and if we don't get out of here soon we might become hotter than that shit I took after eating chipotle yesterday" I said, smirking at how she tried to hold back a laugh at my 'shitty' humor "nows not the time we need to get to the roof so I can fly us out of here" She said turning serious. I nodded in agreement before we acceded the steps of the office building.

"Wait are you able to carry all of us off the roof?" I said worried "don't worry I'm stronger than I look" she said smirking at both me and the kid which now resides sitting on my head with his arms looped around my horns to keep balance. We continue walking until we heard what sounded like creaking of wood. All three of us looked up before I saw a shocked (y/n) push both me and the kid out of the way as a burning part of the support beam broke. Admittedly it was small so it could be lifted with little trouble but may I remind you IT. WAS. FUCKING. FLAMEING. 

Me and the kid fell back onto the floor, instinctively I pulled the kid to my chest to cushion his fall. I let out a yelp of pain as I hit the wood beneath me. I heard a screech of pain in front of me as I saw a panicked (y/n) yanking herself out from under the broken beam pulling burning pieces of wood out of her right wing. The soft feather burned away leaving scorching flesh. Finally she got the fire out of her wing she helped us up even though her face was laced with pain.

"Are you able to fly?" I said worriedly looking at the used to be wing which looked more like a burnt chicken wing. She shook her head "no it's to burnt up if I tried to fly we'd fall faster than when my dog ran away from me when I was six" she said. I smiled lightly at her joke but shook my head still worried before i noticed (y/n) got an idea.

"What? I know that face. what's the idea?" I said "what if we used the spell that you used to get away from bird bitch when me and him first met ,back to outside?" She said. "That's not a bad idea! Good work!" I praised seeing her smile made my heart throb. We stared at each other leaning in before another piece of the roof caved jolting us back to reality.

I started to summon the spell as more pieces of the roof caved (y/n), who now has the kid in her arms, dodged the pieces waiting for the portal to open up. Finally I recognized the yellow glow of the portal on the floor  before grabbing (y/n)s claws in mine and jumped in. We landed in a heap on the concrete before a non burning piece of wood hit my head in between my horns getting lodged between them. I quickly closed the portal before more rubble could fall just as the company building collapsed in on itself. I got up dusting the soot off my already black jacket and cape before helping (y/n) up.

"Are you guys ok?! Any injuries!"  Millie yelled frantic. "None on me or the kid but (y/n) messed up her wing pretty bad" I said. Millie hurries
(y/n) over to the car and sat her on the hood as she treated her wounds with the first aid kit she had with her just Incase when we found (y/n) out in the desert we could treat any injuries she could have gotten.

Suddenly I felt myself being picked up my the hem of my suit only to see loonas face in front of mine. And boy did she looked pissed. "NEVER DO THAT AGAIN DUMBASS OR ILL KILL YOU RESURRECT YOU THEN KILL YOU AGAIN!" SHe snarled in my face " too late loonie Your stuck with me. Wait would that make me double dead? And were do I go to double hell?" I said while laughing getting a smirk out of Loona and (y/n) who now was walking over to us with a wrap on her wing.

"Now that we're all safe and having a good time Blitzo you said you knew where my parents wear house was. Where is it?" (Y/n) said jolting me roughly from my joking mood into a more serious one.
Whoops, I'm sorry this took a while to make Iv been wrapped up in juggling whisky lullabies and  a new book idea that I haven't had time to work on this and I'm sorry.

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