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Finally that weird tomato Kangmin left, I might have learned something from him, finally my brain is starting to process!.


Unknown sent a message


Hey Chira

Who's this?

It's Kangmin, I've got your number from Yongseung Hyung

Oh okay!

What's your time out of school tomorrow?

2 o'clock

Same, we need to start early, I have a family dinner in Busan so I need to go home early

Oh okay, and Busan is pretty far

Yeah, Miss Chira

Hahhaha just call me Chira, were the same age

Is that so?, Anyways I can't sleep, how bout you?

Oh me too, why?

Oh since I'm still on the train to Busan

Oh hahhaha, anyways, my brother will nag at me if he'll knew I've been using my phone for too long, goodnight Mr. Kangmin

Just call me Kangmin, Goodnight Chira

Goodnight Kangmin

End of message

"KIM CHIRA!!!!" I groaned and went down stairs looking like a horrid bitch "Yes oppa?" I asked him "Using your phone for too long again????" I smiled nervously and shake my head "Nooooo, oh would you look at that, I still haven't ate dinner, how about we eat oppa?" I persuaded him, and luckily he agreed and we started to eat.

"I can sense something about you and Kangmin, and I totally ship you both" I face palmed myself literally and finished my food, I kissed his cheek and started to walk away to escape him and his reasoning that my phone will hurt my eyes "Where are you going?, Hand me your phone then sleep" I mourn and threw him my phone and ran upstairs to my room and locked the door.

"KIM CHIRA!!!!!!!!" I laughed and jumped on my bed with my other secret phone, since we're rich I bought another two phones, since the first one which is the gift my oppa was gave to me from them, and I bought two phones, so if the one got confiscated, I'll be using the second one, while the third one is hiding below my bed still fully packed, so if this one is also confiscated, I have another phone.

Weird... Cris still haven't texted me, usually he texts me every night to tell me to sleep well or eat well, have sweet dreams, assuring hes fine.



After I texted Chira my love, I mourn in the corner since I'm in the house of my neighbor again, and boy, I can see Cris from the corner, Sexually kissing the girl from earlier, I'm so sorry for he's future girlfriendS, cause he looked like a angel but then a cute demon behind.


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