Chapter 8 (Edited)

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Natalia's P.O.V

It's been two days since the date that I had with Jasper and when he asked me to be his girlfriend, I was over joyed about it and Rose seemed happy enough with me being with Jasper, but I was glad to know that her and I were still friends.

The next day I picked up my car on Saturday like I told the airport I would and right now it was Monday morning, 7:00am and I was getting ready for school, Jasper said that he was going to pick me up and take me to school today, but he also wanted to meet my dad.

I got all my things that I needed and walked down stairs and seen that my dad was still here, I walked towards him and kissed his cheek as I put my bag on the empty chair and started to make some breakfast.

"Morning Nat." My dad said as he was reading the morning paper.

"Morning dad, um, listen, I'm in a relationship with Jasper Cullen, he is picking me up for school today and said that he wanted to meet you, officially." I said as I ate my toast with strawberry jam and my dad looked up from the paper at me as I stood next to the counter still eating my food.

"Jasper, I thought you didn't like any of the boys in this town." He said still looking at me with a curious look in his face.

"Jasper doesn't live in town, technically." I said as I put my dirty plate away in the sink.

"Well, alright, let him in when he gets here." He said as he went back to reading the paper, but then my phone went off and I seen it was a text.

'I'm here, want me to come to the door?' He asked and I sent a text back.

'Yes please.' I sent back and looked up at my dad.

"He's here now and please be nice to him dad, he's important to me." I said as I walked towards him and put a glass of water on the table next to him.

"Okay, bring him in." He said as he put the paper down and I nodded my head and walked towards the door and open it to see Jasper at the door with a smile on his face.

"Hey, come in." I said as I let him in and I smiled as we walked towards my dad in the kitchen and he stood up from his chair and both Jasper and my dad shook hands.

"Hello Chief Swan, my name is Jasper Cullen, but I mainly go by Jasper Hale, I'm Doctor Carlisle Cullen's son." Jasper said as dad nodded his head like he approved of him.

"Hi Jasper, nice to meet you, Nat told me you were driving her to school this morning." My dad said.

"Yes Sir that's the plan and if it's alright with you I would like to bring her to my place as my mother would like to properly meet her and cook dinner for her also, I'll bring her home right after." Jasper said as I look at my dad to see he was looking at me to see if I knew anything about this.

"Don't look at me, I didn't know anything about this until now." I said with my hands up as I walked over to my bag.

"Well, I don't see why not, Just have her Home by eleven and I wont have to hunt you to the ends of the earth." My dad said with a small laugh as a joke.

"DAD, please, okay we're leaving for school now." I said as I kissed his cheek and grabbed Jasper's hand, walked out the house closing the door behind me as I sighed and get in the car.

"Okay, so Esme really wants to have me over so she can make dinner for me?" I asked as we drove off to school.

"Yeah, she wanted me to bring you over tonight to talk about you knowing our secret, plus Edward just got back and will most likely end up talking to you sister today." He said and I look at him as he drives.

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