Chapter 2

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I just can't wait to write. This quarantine's really gettin' me. Enjoy~

Btw, Imma leave this random Finnlay fact for y'all:

Finnlay loves to listen to Cavetown.

Ch. 2: The Guy Who Stole the Bread


Finnlay didn't want to leave his room. He definitely, ABSOLUTELY do not want to leave the comforts of his room and go outside where he could feel the judgmental stares of anyone he passes by.

However, his stomach grumbled. And once he was hungry, there was no going back. Unfortunately, he had also forgotten to pack some snacks of his own before leaving his house.

And so, armed with his canvas bag containing the printout of the school map and other personal stuff, his headphones continuously playing music, he walked over to the door. He heaved a couple of deep breaths, grasping the doorknob, then slowly opening the door.

Hazel eyes timidly gazed left and right for any signs of people nearby. Confirming the coast to be clear, at least for now that is, he stepped out of the room. He clutched the map on his hands, checking out which route he should be going before moving along.

The music and his occasional glance down the map calmed Finnlay down as he walked along the dorm's halls, going down the stairs and out of the building. There are still quite an amount of people hanging around the open area of the campus, the afternoon breeze providing much relief to everyone thanks to the abundance of trees around the area.

Finnlay went into the currently empty main campus, his route headed for the west side where the cafeteria/convenience store was located. Music kept on playing through his headphones, and the quiet emptiness of the school made him feel like there weren't even other people around the whole place.

At long last, he managed to reach his desired destination, his eyes glancing around in awe. The cafeteria was wide, with even an open seating area where the students can enjoy their food whilst being outdoors. Beside it, was a quaint convenience store. Finnlay tucked the map printout neatly in his canvas bag, brushing hair out of his face as he walked towards it.

The store was surprisingly well-stocked. Complete with foods people usually buy from convenience stores, except for those that require cooking, which is the cafeteria staff's job. There was a couple of shelves filled with personal necessities-toilet paper, soap, shampoo and such. Juices, coffee, tea-but those weren't what Finnlay had come here today.

He walked over to the row of freezers, his eyes brightening up in delight as he saw what he had been wanting to get. With eagerness, he slid open the freezer, taking out a single personal-sized tub of chocolate ice-cream. The mere sight of it was enough to make the excited boy drool. He then grabbed a small carton of his favorite brand of milk, then off he went to pay.


He exited the convenience greatly satisfied, his favorite food in his hand packed in a plastic bag. He began making his way back to his dorm, softly humming to himself.

He walked from the cafeteria's open area instead of going into the empty school hallways once again. He figured it might be nice to look around the other buildings, since earlier he was too busy avoiding other people's stares to even pay attention on Mr. Johnson's little tour.

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