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Today has been chaotic and busy. But it's a good chaos because after I had finished dropping off the masks and everything, I next had to run several errands for work and the last thing I needed to do was talk to a client that has recently hired me to create a couples costume for her and her husband and I had to get the final ideas she had for it and her husbands measurements.

After all that was done I headed back home and began to get ready for the dinner party tonight and I also had decided to wear a nice cute little red dress that showed off my curves and did my hair and makeup all nice in hopes that Ferris would take notice and I would finally tell him how I feel about him and maybe even ask him out or better yet try and drop some hints to hopefully have him ask me out instead. I'll play it by ear and I know it's a risk of him rejecting me but I feel like it's worth a try at least.

So I made sure I had a little cleavage showing but not too much, then fixed my hair and before knocking I had remembered that we already agreed a while back that we didn't need to knock to come in. And even though sometimes I knock on the door, I decided to just walk inside since I was also running a little bit late anyways.

The moment I walked in though, I instantly saw his friends look at me and some girl I had only seen him bring over almost everyday for the past week was here also. Then I spotted asshole standing next to them all and looking me up and down making me feel self-conscious again.

"I-I'm sorry I'm late." I tell him.

"It's all good. You're here now." He tells me.

We all then head over to the table and he tells me he wants me to sit next to one of his friends who is hot looking and all but I was hoping to sit next to Ferris instead but no chance.

About halfway into dinner as everybody talked about random things, well, except for Mr. Anti-Social/ Jerk-off, Gunner who didn't say anything, I started to put two and two together in the fact that Ferris seemed to be smitten with this girl and then noticed them holding each other's hand, that I realized, they are dating.

My heart sank to the bottom of my stomach and the guy I was sat next to, he kept trying to put his hand onto my thigh a few times underneath the table and I kept pushing it away and after him not getting the hint, I excused myself for a moment to use the bathroom.

Once inside, I locked the door behind me and held onto the counter and washed my hands then looked in the mirror at myself and was upset and disgusted with myself trying to think about how stupid I was to believe I had a chance with him.

Then again, he has never shown me he cared and this is most likely a crush. Besides, I guess the silver lining in all of this is the fact that I found out before I had made a fool of myself and am happy for him. We'll still be good friends and neighbors of course but still, it hurts a little bit.

To make matters worse though, there is the issue that that Gunner friend of his needs to get a better expression on his face before it permanently becomes permanent if it isn't already since he mostly scowls already.

I try not think about him neither nor let him get to me either. So I then take in a deep breath and let it out before opening the door to come out when I am startled and jump back a little as I see Gunner standing right there leaning against the doorway....Damnit, what is it with Ferris having all these hot friends!?

"You scared me." I said covering my heart.

"Didn't mean to. But in case you didn't notice, there are other people here too that would need to use the bathroom sometime." Gunner says.

"Sorry." I replied then left and decided I had had enough for tonight and the overall day in general, so I said 'goodnight' to everybody and then made my way across the hallway.

I hadn't realized until I got to my door that I left my clutch purse in Ferris' bathroom and had my key in there so I turned around to go back and get it real fast when I noticed Gunner was walking out of the place carrying it.

"This belongs to you, right?" He says rudely. as he holds it up in front of me.

"Thank you." I tell him still being the grownup and mature one. Hopefully soon the manners will rub off on him.

"Yeah." He says then turns and heads back inside the apartment, closing the door behind him before I got the chance to even try and see of we could start over since we got off apparently on the wrong foot. But I guess after shutting the door, I should take that as a sign that unless I need him to help me with something, I need to keep my distance.

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

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