CHAPTER 15: Arya

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Is he for real?! Did he just now tell me he works with the FBI? No, there's no way that he could have just said that. 

In a way, I will admit that deep down it's a little bit cool but on the other hand, I can't help but feel a little worried. Does he know about my past? Is that a stupid thing to even think about? I mean, I'm sure he knows all about me and my family, including my ex-boyfriend, Joshua Hill. But wait a minute, then that couldn't be right because wouldn't he have already brought it up?

"Arya?" I hear him say my name and I shake my head that quickly snaps me back to the present. 

"Sorry. I was just thinking about what you just told me." I admit. 

"I figured." He replies. "I hope this doesn't change anything between us." He tells me. 

While looking into his eyes, I can see that he really is worried a bit and to be honest, I feel like I'm the one that should be more worried than him because of all the people I have been in contact with before I changed my name. Well, rather or not he knows who I am, I think it would be better anyways if I told him myself and he heard my side of things. So I took in a deep breath then let it out and started to just go for it as I pulled my hand out from his and began fiddling with my hands in my life from my nerves. 

"I don't care that you're FBI. But there is something I need to tell you." I started and took in another deep breath then let it out before continuing. 

"What?" I hear him ask. 

"You may already know this but I feel I should tell you tell you it anyways. My real name is LaVinia Dafoe. I'm the daughter of the deceased Teddy Dafoe-one of the biggest Mafia bosses in the world. My ex-boyfriend used to be Joshua Hill. I didn't want to live that lifestyle so I tried to create another identity for myself and leave everybody I used to think of as my family, behind. I took whatever money I had and changed my name to Arya Rammstein before I ended up here. I don't tell anybody for several reasons and now with you telling me that you're FBI, I figured I better tell you before you either find out if you haven't already." I finish telling him as I try and fight back tears. 

There's silence between the both of us and I feel as though he might actually break up with me now because for him to be an agent, that would have to mean he can't be in a relationship or associated period with anybody that has a past or even someone who is related to a criminal. 

"I appreciate you telling me." He says. 

That's it?! That's all he has to say after all that?! I guess his reaction could be worse than that. Maybe I should just not even wait for him to say anything else and just go ahead and accept the rejection as I am sure at any moment he'll break up with me. 

"So I guess this is going to be it for the both of us. I'm sorry I didn't tell you." I tell him as I start to feel some tears begin to fall down my face and I begin to wipe them away before excusing myself to the bathroom to try and pull myself together. 

I was only in the restroom for several minutes before I was able to calm myself down and take in a few deep breaths then let them out and fixed myself a little bit before heading out of the bathroom. As soon as I opened the bathroom door I was surprised to be honest because standing right there a couple feet away from me was Gunner waiting for me it looked like and without saying anything, he walked up towards me, grabbed the side of my face and began kissing me. 

We stood there and kissed one another for several moments and when we pulled our heads apart a little and he leaned his forehead against mine as we took a brief break to catch our breaths. 

"I want to be with you. I don't care about your past or any of that. I care about you and the you that you've shown me since day one." He says. 

"Okay." I smiled. 

"But we do need to talk about some things. Let's head back to my place." He suggests. 

"Okay." I nodded in agreement then we gave each other another kiss, he took hold of my hand and then headed out towards the car. 

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)  

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