CHAPTER 19: Arya

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When we returned back to his apartment and walked inside, Ferris looked to have been waiting for us to return anxiously as he sounded relieved as soon as we walked inside. 

"So?" He asks curiously with a cocked eyebrow. 

Gunner and I both look at one another and look back at Ferris. 

"Arya here, came up with an idea/plan in trying to catch Joshua." Gunner explains. 

"What do you mean? What plan?" He asks. "And hold up, is she allowed to even participate and suggest to be the bait of a mission or whatever you guys call it?!" 

"Not necessarily, but his Director liked my idea and it's one I believe that will really work and help make sure that Joshua doesn't ever find out in what we are doing." I replied. 

"Damn. That sucks ass though." He says. 

"Yeah but hey, on the bright side, at least we won't have to go and hide somewhere at a secluded place in 'hopes' he doesn't find us there. Which more than likely he would and we would be done for sure." I mention. 

Ferris nods in agreement after thinking to himself for a brief moment as we all started sharing a brief moment of awkward silence between all of us. 

"Okay. Now that we got that out of the way with, were starving, so let's order some grub and binge watch some shows or something." Gunner suggests. 

"Sounds good to me." I chuckled a little bit. 

"Alright, but I'm having a couple of drinks." Ferris comments. 

For the rest of the night, we ate some take out and watched several movies before eventually all three of us passed out in the living room. Both Gunner and I fell asleep on the couch in his arms while Ferris passed out in the chair next to us. 

The dream I had tonight was weird and I wasn't sure I could explain why I even had it in the first place. But either way, at the end of it, I had felt almost like it was s sign, warning or a message even. In fact, come to think of it, it might have been also a memory. 

The dream had started out with me being the same age as I am right now and my father was alive still and it almost seemed as though he knew I was there close by to him but yet it seemed he was also looking right through me and wasn't able to interact with me, just as I wasn't able to with him neither. 

I followed him around to wherever he was going to and the few different locations/scenes each seemed to be familiar in some ways but once again, I can't explain the meaning or and significance of either one. 

When the 'finale' of my dream came, things had seemed to have gone so fast, that I wasn't really able to catch anything. 

I do remember that the majority of my dream sequences had consisted mainly of my dad and him doing business with a few people. Although I couldn't really see the dark figures he was talking to each time. Yet, the familiarity in their voices and demeanor and stature or presence if you will, seemed to have me start thinking more in depth a little bit as to the purpose of my dream. 

In a way, I felt as though my dad was also trying to tell me something. Like I was having a dream for a reason and he had come into it to tell me something-What, I have no idea. I don't know, it could also be that I'm being crazy. 

Then once I woke up the next morning, I had noticed that both Gunner and Ferris were still sound asleep so I quietly and cautiously started to get up off the couch and from Gunner's arms slowly so that he didn't wake up, before I next made my way towards his bedroom to try and see something on his laptop. 

After quietly closing his bedroom door behind me, I started scanning the room to try and see where it was at until I spotted it on one of the night stands next to his bed where I then sat down on the side of his bed and placed the laptop onto my lap then noticed too that he had forgotten to log out of his computer. 

I wanted to see if there was a way he maybe also by chance had forgotten to sign out of his account on the FBI website where he accesses all records of anybody, but after I clicked on the FBI icon on his desktop to open it up, he had logged out. I then started to hear the door start to open.......

Next chapter will be posted soon! :) 

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