CHAPTER 26: Gunner

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That motherfucker! He is drowning my girl! Meanwhile, I knew Healey and the rest all had my back and we're already taking care of things that all I could think about was getting Arya out from there before she died.

With her panicking and everything, it was only making things worse for her but I couldn't blame her.

So I quickly made my way up the stairs and shot the asshole in his head before he had a chance to pull the trigger then I tried to climb up the little ladder they had towards the top and realized the type of lid they put on here was screwed in and the water came from a big hose.

There was no way of course to reverse and get the water out but I had to hurry and think of something because she was running out of time and oxygen.

I tried to shoot at the glass with her backed into one of the corners away from where they bullet would hit her but it was of no use. Instead, the bullet bounced off the glass and hit me in the shoulder causing me to drop my gun.

I wasn't going to stop trying. So I next started to hurry and look around me, ignoring the pain I felt and then noticed there was an axe and without hesitation I grabbed it and with everything I had, I started to hit away at the glass and with every second of watching her gasp for air, she seemed to move less and less and that drove me over the edge to where it didn't matter if I lost feeling in my arm, which I could tell was happening, I was going to get her out no matter what.

But although I had made a crack in it before my arm that got hit with the bullet gave out, it wasn't deep enough and as I fell to the ground and looked inside at her, I started to break down and cry then scream at the top of my lungs.

Next I heard a a fire being shot from a gun and the glass broke instantly making the water spill out and all I could think of was her.

So I mustered enough strength to get up and saw down below that a few of the guys had caught her and we're setting her down onto the ground where she wasn't moving.

Once I got down there and looked at her, I couldn't help but sob. She wasn't breathing. She wasn't moving. Her lips were turning a light blue.

Yet I wasn't going to accept that. I refused to let her go. To let her die on account of me.

Though since I couldn't give her CPR, one of the agents starts to and he does it several times and right when we thought it was going to be hopeless and too late, I heard gurgling and spitting out of water along with coughing.....she was alive?

I looked at her and then moved the agent away and thanked him but quickly held her in my arm since the other one became numb already then started to kiss her.

"Baby? Oh my my God baby you're okay." I tell her between kissing her.

She tiredly looks up at me and then smiles and wraps her arms around me as she shakes from the cold of the ice and now the cool air.

"Oh my God. I t-thought i-t w-was too l-late." She shivers.

"So did I baby." I pull her in closer and try to warm her up then the next thing I know, Healey along with a couple of other agents, give us both a blanket to put over us and then the ambulance all come and it looks like things were finally over.

She never had to worry or fear for her life or any of that anymore.

Sure we would have to testify in court, including her but the important thing was that we both were alive and she never had to worry about Joshua or anyone ever again having to come after her.

Well, at least, so far. I mean, rather she likes it or not, there will always be people like Joshua who could come after her because of whose daughter she was. But I will always be there to protect her. No matter what the cost. I would die for her. She is the only one who has stolen my heart and who will be the only keeper of it.

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

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