Chapter 10

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Mr. Evenstad wiped the sweat off his forehead. Even though the autumn air was rather chilly all three of them were sweating profusely.

Danika handed Adamina one of the tent poles and I placed it in the back of the carriage. 

"Did you get anything sold?" Danika asked her father.

"Yes, a lot actually, though we should have sold more," her father answered grimly, handing her another tent pole.

What was left of the food was in straw bags where their feet would be if they were sitting in the carriage. There were about three or four of them. There was a last bag on the ground. Adamina picked it up and heaved it into the carriage. As she did so a few cabbages rolled out of the top. Danika had told her that the bags were many decades old, but there were still almost no holes in any of the bags, which Adamina found quite amazing. Back in the palace that kind of things were replaced almost once a year.

Adamina threw the empty bags up into the carriage, one at a time. Toss, toss, toss. There were so many bags, Adamina couldn't understand how only a small area of land could grow so much food at once. 

There was so much she would've never known or learned about. Like how to work a farm. There was something so amazing about growing your own food. Or taking care of animals, she couldn't really explain the feeling. But, she knew that, if she could've chosen she would have chosen to live on a farm since she was born. At least she did now, even if she didn't know how long it would last. 

Especially now with Danika having kissed her. It was only a matter of time before he found out that Adamina wasn't a boy, and she was totally going to freak out. Even if she didn't tell her father there was no way Adamina could stay. She would just have to enjoy being on a farm for as long as she could. After all she didn't even know whether her parents' guards were out searching for her. 

Of course they might not be, but she didn't know, and with both that and Danika there was no way she would be able to stay here for long. It was a pity, she really liked it here.

A/N: Here's another update. I hope you like it and thank you for reading. Please tell me if you have any questions or notice any mistakes. Have a nice day and please consider leaving a vote.

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