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Title: Tenebrignis

Team: (Part Time) Avengers

(Agent, does anyone even read these?)

(Yes they do, now get working Loki.)


Agent Coulson told me to write this one because he apparently doesn't know Brissy very well. So, here goes nothing. Tenebrignis Daemonson. My best friend since we were very small. He left when we were the immortal equivalent to 18 to fight in the war against the Angels. A hundred or so years later I find him living here in New York. He had only been here for 6 months. We've been on a few missions with The Avengers, and did I mention that he was a demon? He's quite powerful. Without the partial Mirage in place, the one he normally has when we have to do team bonding things, he still has horns and wings, like Lilli's, just black. His eyes just look like mine do in Jotun form, red and black. He still has one fang, because he broke the other one when we were kids, and he has these retractable claw nails. He used to have a tail, like Ria, but... He also has this sort of war paint. He showed me once, it starts between his wings and wraps his torso. He says they are Damithan symbols of luck and strength. He says he still has his uniform but he won't ever show it to me, when I ask he just smiles. But he did tell me it involves quite a bit of jewelry that is a pain to get on.


Agent says to talk about his tail. Well, he was a POW, and those featherbrained @#$!@!$ (Hey! I have feathers too. :( - T.D.) cut it off. He doesn't have a pitchfork, but he has an awesome scythe! It's disguised as a ring. (And always had a twisty sacrifice knife, which, BTW isn't much les suspicious. - T.S.)

(Anything else you wanna say?)


(You sure, Loki.)


Sometimes he calls me Kiki and I like it and I feel all weird when he smiles and it's been like this since we were 13 and Agent keeps telling me to ask him out but I just can't. ( 0.0 - T.S.)

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