#28: The Date

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"Loki! You have to get going, you're going to be late" Sofia frowns, watching the god bury himself in clothes and still pulling more off the hangers.

"Well then help me!" he snaps, eyes alight with green magic. Sofia sighs and drags him out into the center of the bedroom. 

"Stay." She then dives into the walk in closet and emerges moments later with a pile of fabric. Within ten minutes Loki is dressed in a simple cream colored knit sweater, a little big on him, and black skinnies. "Now go. Your man is waiting."

She pushes Loki out into the hall and closes the door. Loki doesn't have time to turn back and yell at her for kicking him out of his own room before he hears the nervous shuffle of socked feet on carpeting. He turns back to the hall and blinks. Tenebris is wearing a black tee with a red and black flannel tied around his waist and a silver chain, his scythe in disguise, hanging from the belt loops of his own black jeans. 

"Ready, my love?" Tenebris winks and Loki can't help but giggle. He takes his date by the arm and together they walk to the elevator. Loki frowns, just before the doors closed he could've sworn he saw the vent cover pop off, though he brushes it off as paranoia from living with Clint Barton.


"They're on the move." Clint whispers into his comlink. He heard the ding of he elevator and waited a few moments before flipping down through the vent, closing the grate behind him. He slipped into another vent a little further down the hall near the floor, following the system down to the common area, where everyone's shoes are. 

"Nat, you ready to bug them?" 


Back in the "Shoe Room"

"Oh, hey Natasha." Tenebris turns to see the red head coming through the door, 

"Where're you headed?" He asks, pulling on his paint-covered boots

"HQ. Paperwork." She replies simply and slides her feet into her white adidas. Tenebris zips up his boots, Natasha hold out his leather jacket to him. He thanks her and shrugs the jacket on before grabbing Loki by the had and pulling him back into the elevator, Loki's back to his chest with Tenebris's arms wrapped around him.

I think you get it by now...

"How are they so cute?" Natasha grumbles into her mic, taking out her phone and forwarding the transmission from the two bugs she put on the collar of Tenebris's jacket to Bucky. 

There's a chuckle from the other end of the call, and a gruff, very smug sound voice responds. "Who knew the famous Black Widow actually has a heart? And one so motherly at that, seeing as she's the one who decided to stalk these two on their date in the first place." 

"Can it Barnes." 

"You can't kill me, I've still got eight lives left"

"So I'll kill you eight times."

Natasha is met with silence, which she counts as a win.

Outside the tower

"Where are we going?" Loki pouts,

"Patience darling." Tenebris grins down at Loki, who tilts his head up to make eye contact. Loki blinks, again he catches something out of the corner of his eye, a flash of red and gold, but again he chalks it up to his imagination.

Tenebris kisses Loki's temple and steers them around the corner, putting the tower out of sight. They walk for  little longer before stopping outside of a small café. Loki feels Tenebris tense his shoulders on reflex as they go through the door, even though he was in human form

It's cozy. Bookshelves, mismatched furniture, and a small stage that is currently empty. "go find us a seat, will you?" Tenebris asks, pulling his arm from around Loki's shoulders. Loki nods and goes to sit in an overstuffed plaid armchair that is in an out of the way corner by a fireplace. A nice break from the biting cold of the fall air. 

He eyes a man with a baseball cap pulled low over his face, a wisp of brown hair tucked behind his ear and his head turned down into a book. The man looks familiar, but Loki doesn't have time to ponder this because Tenebris sits in the high backed gothic style armchair across from Loki. 

He looks gorgeous. As he sheds his coat, exposing his tattooed arms, his hair flops into his eyes and he pushes it back. Loki must've been staring, because he smirks and winks, causing Loki to blush. 

They eat over a polite conversation of books and music, then they leave, headed to the park.

To the Café!

"They're on their way to the park. Peter, are you ready?"

"Yes sir!"

"Good. And make sure your finger isn't over the camera, and don't miss a thing! We're going to need this for the wedding."

The park

"Thanks for letting me take you out." Tenebris smiled shyly.

"You're very welcome. It was really nice." Loki blushed.

They were waking along a trail, Loki had no idea where they were going, but at this point it didn't matter. Because looking up at Tenebris, dark hair tousled by the wind, backed by the reds, oranges, and golds of the trees he knows. He knows that he doesn't want to be anywhere else.

Tenebris looked ahead and ran forward, taking Loki with him via their connected hands.

Loki yelps and stumbles into Tenebris's chest when the demon stops. It all happens so quick. Loki registers the golden leaves above before Tenebris's lips are pressed against his own. He can feel his face burning, but he closes his eyes and melts into the kiss. It's long and passionate and filled with emotion, and when they pull away gasping for air, Tenebris smirks, 

"I suppose I can call you mine now, can't I. Boyfriend?" Loki, still tucked under Tenebris's chin, giggles and nods. 

They hear a whoop and turn to see a familiar head of curly hair behind a phone camera.

The three of them stare at each other for a while, before Peter lowers his phone and smiles. He waves, the scampers off. 

"Which one?"

"Probably Natasha."

"My thoughts exactly." Tenebris smiles, cheeks and nose painted red, though not just from the cold. Loki boops him, then gives him a peck on the mouth as a ruffle of feathers and tearing of fabric signifies Tenebris switching forms. All at once Loki is lifted into the air, a squeak escaping his mouth as he grips on to Tenebris while they soar back to the tower. Tenebris comforting him all the way.

Just want to say sorry for being gone so long, and I hope you accept this fluffy, terribly written date as an apology. Also, HOLY CRUD? 600 READS? I JUST. WOW. THANK YOU SO MUCH! I literally started sobbing when I logged in yesterday to check my notifications. THANK YOU!

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 27, 2020 ⏰

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