An Interesting Interview (Part Two)

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"Your next question iiiiis... what is your biggest regret in life? Would you change it if you could?"

The whole room went silent at Hope's words. It was like even the birds outside had forgotten how to chirp.

Sophie's head was spinning with all the things she'd done wrong in the course of her life. There were too many awful, monumental things to count, and it was all utterly unavoidable to not relive in that moment. She glanced at Keefe across the room, and saw what she guessed was the same strained expression on her face.

To everyone's clear surprise, Dex was the first one to clear his throat and give an answer.

"My greatest regret is... not being able to be more useful to my friends. Sure, I make gadgets, and they help a little bit once in a while. But I feel kind of... useless sometimes. I can't protect them the way they deserve to be protected. I haven't been a great asset to the team. Not like Sophie or Tam."

A pang of guilt hit Sophie's heart. Dex felt that way? But he was one of the greatest assets to the team! He was one of the first people to believe in her. And he was so, so smart. How could he not see any of that?

"Dex," Sophie whispered to him, placing a hand over one of his, "don't say that. You're an incredible asset. We would never have gotten as far as we've come in this fight without you."

He smiled the warmest smile she'd ever seen him give, his dimples appearing prominently. And suddenly, Sophie wasn't so upset this stupid interview thing was happening.

After another pause, Linh told the group that she regretted hurting her parents, to which everyone either protested or comforted her. And, shortly after, Fitz admitted he wished he could spend more time with his mom, that the Neverseen didn't keep him from doing that. The others had answers relating to not taking certain chances to defeat the Neverseen.

But Tam's answer... Tam's answer was special. "My worst regret is letting my parents control me."


Then Hope wrongly decided it was time to move on.

"Right!" she said. "The next question is for everyone but Sophie, Tam, and Linh: who did you hang out with before this infamous brown-eyed beauty came into your lives?"

Sophie leaned forward in her seat, curious.

Dex said he was a self-proclaimed loner, while Biana said she hung out with probably every single girl at Foxfire at one time or another. Fitz said he tended to only hang out with Keefe, since he was the only one that didn't think it was weird when he went off to search for Sophie. Keefe said he typically hung out with Fitz as well, but hung out with some of the other cool boys too, who were willing to pull pranks on Dame Alina with him. Marella gave a similar answer to Dex's, but said she'd allow someone to hang out with her every once in a while.

Sophie turned to Keefe with an eyebrow cocked up when everyone was done. "So, who was brave enough to prank the principal with you? I want to know who I should respect."

Hope perked up at this question, and all eyes fell on Keefe. Fitz looked particularly interested in the answer.

"Oh, I can't give names. We swore an oath together," he informed everyone casually, looking at nothing particular.

"Fine, but you're telling me later," Fitz said with a laugh. "No oath can rule over the oath of best friend honesty."

Hope glanced at the camera to shake her head and laugh, like whoever was viewing shared some secret with her. Then she seemed to decide it was time to move on yet again.

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