The Entrance Exam

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The day of the Entrance Exams had finally come with the trio arriving at the gate. They smiled as years of their own work and dedication had led to this. "Well, guess this is it." The two nodded with Eri playing with Momo's chin. "Why so serious all of a sudden?" Izuku felt his mother smack his back to nearly send him to the ground if he didn't catch himself. "You and Ochako are gonna do great, just relax." Izuku took a deep breath with Ochako doing the same. This whole morning, their nerves were on edge with this exam. Momo tried to calm them down, but how can you make someone who is taking a test that has like a 2% success rate to calm down. The only reason she wasn't freaking is because Momo's family was able to get her in with a recommendation. Nana and Toshi both tried to give Izuku one, but he said he wanted to earn this himself and not because of his connections to his family. They understood and offered to give the offer to Ochako as well, but the gravity girl denied it and gave a similar speech saying she wants to do at least this by herself. They weren't completely unprepared though. Izuku and Ochako trained their butts off with studying and combat training to a point a real villain would have to stop them if they were going to fail.

"GET OUT OF MY WAY LOSERS!" "Oh great, the angry garbage mouth is here too." Everyone looked at Momo with Bakugou stopping in his tracks to turn towards her. "What was that ponytailed bitch?" The explosive boy started setting off mini explosions in his hands. "That's enough kid, get out of here before you scare my grandkid." Nana shouts this with bakugou looking at the little girl in the harness. "Guess you finally got one of your slu-*BOOM*" Bakugou stops talking when Izuku sends a bolt of lightning at his face. It only misses by millimeters, but it was close enough for it to burn off small hairs on bakugou's face. "Call them that again and see what happens Kaachan." Izuku was pissed and it was known. Bakugou didn't say a word as he walked away. As he did, Eri thought it was best to blow a raspberry at him to make everyone laugh. "Anyway, you two should hurry up or you're gonna miss your exam." "Gotcha." Izuku went over to kiss Eri and Momo before Ochako hugged Momo and kissed Eri as a goodbye. "See you all when we're done." They ran in with Momo, Eri, and Nana making their way to the observation room.

In the pre exam room

Izuku and Ochako sat down in their seats with them looking to the side and seeing their hot headed acquaintance in the seat. "Stupid fucking nerd. First he gets two bitches, now I have to sit next to the damned asshole." "Not too thrilled with sitting next to you either Bakugou. To be honest, I'd rather sit next to a dog with rabies. Then again, the only thing you're missing on occasion is the foaming out the mouth." Bakugou heard this and felt enraged at this little comment. He attempted to make a few small explosions, but Izuku glared at him with a death stare holding an insane amount of electricity in his hands to make it seem like he had a mini light in his hand. Bakugou stood down at this. He knew first hand how powerful Izuku's lighting was, and seemed to only notice that his control only grew more and more powerful as time passed. While this was going on, the people around them felt the death aura coming off of the two and decided to sit a few seats away from the trio just in case something broke out between them.

"ALRIGHT FOLKS, WELCOME TO YOUR ENTRANCE EXAMS! CAN I GET A YEAH!" Present Mic shouted this with the sound of the room going dead silent. "WOW, TOUGH CROWD! ANYWAY, LET'S GET THIS SHOW ON THE ROAD!" Mic began to explain how this test is graded on a point system with them facing robots with a point value between 1-3. Your final score at the end of the test will vary on how many of these point villains you destroy. "Hmm, so it's like Mario?" Izuku nodded at his zero gravity wife's comment before noticing something odd. "There's four robots on here instead of just three. I don't think this would be a mistake since they're a top tier school, so maybe it's like an obstacle or something." "Excuse me!" A boy with blue hair that seemed like a robot in the way he acted jumped out of his seat to ask a question.

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