The Honeymoon

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So this is gonna take place a little bit back in time. This chapter will be about Izuku, Ochako, and Momo's honeymoon. Warning, there will be a lemon in this for those that don't like them. Enjoy!

One week after the wedding:

Honeymoons for newly wed couples are a magical experience filled with romance and the entire experience is dedicated to the consummation of said marriage. Despite this being only for the newly wedded Shimuras, they had made the executive decision to bring their families on the vacation. Momo's parents had not had a vacation since the opening of their company and Ochako's folks couldn't afford to miss a day of work. Nana, Toshinori, and the Yaoyorozu's made this an all expense paid trip to Hawaii so that they and the newlyweds can enjoy themselves. Ochako's parents were over the moon upon finding out that they were going to Hawaii with no cost at all. Needless to say Ochako's mother passed out and accidentally broke a glass coffee table when she fell down. After coming to, she vanishes and before anyone can blink, everything they had needed for the two week vacation was packed and ready for them to leave that second. Aizawa Shouta, a family friend of theirs, had agreed to cat sit their kittens Mushu and Korin while they were away.

Though they were a little saddened they had to wait until that friday to leave for the vacation but as soon as that phone call came in that morning, they were already in their car and ready to go. The first flight from Mustafu to Tokyo was short at an hour at most with Momo and Ochako gushing over an ultrasound picture held by a pregnant woman aboard the flight. Nana knudged Izuku's ribs after catching a glimpse of the picture causing him to blush like mad and for her to laugh in response. From Tokyo international to Hawaii was a 12 hour flight with most of the time, in first class, spent either sleeping or watching movies. Izuku, Ochako, and Momo however made it a point to learn as much english and hawaiian as they could in the time it took them to get from Japan to Hawaii. Though nowhere near perfect, with the help of Toshinori their english was good enough to understand some of the colloquialisms and hawaiian words. Izuku and All Might were particularly amused by the King Kamehameha article they read on the flight over.

After arriving at the airport, the locals greeting them in Hawaii gave them leis and the aforementioned Aloha greeting. Then it was their trip through customs and baggage claim, granted All Might had joint citizenship in the US and Japan but being pro heroes didn't help in getting them through security any quicker. From there they were greeted with a Limousine at the entrance which took them to the two different hotels that they would be staying at whilst on the island. To avoid any awkwardness with having their entire family be in the same hotel they are going to break the bed, and possibly even floor in, their parents will be staying at a different hotel along the shoreline and a 5 minute walk from theirs from along the beach. After getting their belongings out of the limo they were about to enter the hotel when All Might stopped them. He placed a box in Izuku's backpack before tapping it twice. He gives Izuku a wink which instantly procs his selected successor to start hitting his older brother with a brochure he had rolled up.

"Finally! We've been awake since yesterday, I want to sleep." Ochako says as she slunks her way to the floor as they open the door to their penthouse suite of the main island's ten star hotel. She turns to look up at Izuku who's using his quirk to levitate the luggage with him and Momo who's simply walking with a small purse.

"Ochako I offered to take your bags and you can use your quirk here, quirk laws in america are a lot more lax than back home. We also passed the date line, yesterday is today so technically speaking we have been awake for -3 hours now." Izuku explains as he levitates the contents of the bags to the drawers of the massive dresser in their room.

"Yours and Ochako's quirks are very handy for moving things, if we didn't have heroes but had quirks you two would be amazing for any moving company or construction." Momo replies as she sets her purse down on the quartz countertop of their kitchen.

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