12 - The friend zone

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Marissa asked Aidan, "Got a date tonight?"

She was sitting on a bar stool with a glass of wine in her hand. He walked behind her to prepare his dinner. He heated some leftovers from his last visit to Rachel's.

"You know I'm not dating anyone. Liliana is like my cousin. Besides, she's too young for me."

It wasn't technically true about her age, but Lili was still in college. She was younger than his sister, Mia.

"Are you sure you know you aren't dating my friend?"

Thankfully, he was still turned around, because he needed a moment to erase the shock from his face. He set his food in the microwave and started it before he addressed her question.

"Yes, she's my friend too. Just my friend. She's probably doing the horizontal bop with her old man."

"Oh my God, you are jealous! I knew it. My advice is find someone else. William Petersen of PC&S will not approve of you for his only child."

Aidan knew all about Petersen Container & Shipping. His job was to research companies to find good investments. On the side, he had used his skills to investigate the shipping company. Its holdings were vast and prosperous. Sage's family was out of his stratosphere. They were so rich, they probably ate on gold plates and threw them away.

Marissa was absolutely right, he needed to find someone else. Maybe he should ask Sage if she had any friends or he could enjoy being single for a while.

"Thanks for telling me what I already know."

"Sorry, I just hate to see you get your heart broken. I think we both know it's just a matter of time before Sage's is."

"You don't like the old guy do you?" He didn't either, obviously.

Marissa sighed and nodded. "I don't trust him."

If only Sage didn't trust him.

Marissa and Jed went out, and he was glad to be alone, because the girl never went home.

Just before eleven, he was in bed looking at his phone. The futures were down, but there were some GIFs which made him laugh. The notification of a text surprised him.

Sage: hang out tomorrow?

Aidan: no date?

Sage: doubtful

Aidan: pizza?

Sage: pepperoni

Aidan: ok.

Sage: c ya at 7

He sensed something was up. Maybe she finally dumped the guy. Wishful thinking for sure. Even if she had he'd still be out of luck. He was officially in the friend zone.

The following evening he arrived at her building on time. He had changed out of his suit and wore jeans and a sweater. The night air was cold as winter was still hanging on.

Jimmy greeted him. "Is Mrs. Farias expecting you?"

"No, but Sage, um, Ms. Petersen is."

The doorman nodded and smiled. He waited as Jimmy verified with Sage she wanted him sent up. Throughout the day his mind kept drifting to the reason for her invitation. His curiosity hadn't waned as he finally made his way to the elevator with a pizza box in his hand.

Her door was slightly ajar, and he pushed it open with the box and called out, "Lucy, I'm home," using the best Cuban accent he could manage.

He saw her smiling from her small kitchen. She was pouring two glasses of red wine. Drinking her expensive wine had spoiled him. His palate was learning the difference, and he'd have difficulty going back to the cheap stuff.

"You're lucky I know who Lucy is." She handed him a glass.

"I would just show you clips of the funny redhead."

"I'll pass. I'd rather eat."

He loved that she ate food. So many women didn't, and it annoyed him to eat alone. With Sage, he never went home hungry for food.

Before he tasted the wine, he asked, "Have I had this one before?"

She smiled and shook her head. "Go ahead. Show me what I taught you."

He took the time to swirl the glass and breath in through his nose before taking his first sip.

"So what's the occasion for this midweek invite?" She gave them each a slice.

"My mother." It was not a response he expected. "She heard Geoff's voice last night. I tried to deny it, but she didn't believe me. So now she's excited about my boyfriend."

"Good thing she lives in Massachusetts then."

"I called her back, and she insisted I bring him home for a weekend. He won't agree to go and my father would probably cut me off if I brought him."

"What are you going to do?" Break up with him?

"That's why you're here. Help me figure it out?"

"What if you tell her you're too busy with your research?"

"She'll show up here."

"What if you go home alone and make an excuse like you do for him here?"

She glared at him but softened. "She'll still show up here."

"And if you tell her, you broke up?"

"She'll show up here to help nurse my broken heart."

"And my hand cuz I'll hit him if he hurts you."

"The breakup was a lie remember."

"Oh, right." The idea of punching the guy actually excited him. He had turned violent.

"Just tell them he's an ordinary guy,  not royalty, and you're dating but don't plan to marry him, so they don't need to meet him."

She looked at him with a puzzled expression. Slowly a smile spread across his face. "That might work. Thank you."

They ate in silence for a while until she blurted out. "He's not married!"

"How do you know?"

"I asked him and he said he has never been and he hates kids."

"You really asked him?" She nodded. "Well, then, good to know. Do you hate kids, too?"

"What? No, of course not."

"But you're okay with not having any?"

"I remember feeling sad, when I learned Aunt Rachel had never had children." He smiled at the way she now referred to his Godmother, who she had called Mrs. Farias. "I'm not so stupid I think he'll marry me. Plus, we've established my parents would flip. I just like being with him."

Aidan nodded. "I get it. It's about the sex and you're okay with it. I just don't want to see you hurt."

"That's exactly why I need you. To make me laugh if it happens."

He smiled at her, but wished she needed him for so much more. He wished he could have been a fly on the wall when Sage asked the guy if he was married. Something nagged Aidan, and he didn't figure it out until he was on his way home. Adulterers were liars, so he could easily have lied to Sage. He still didn't trust the guy.

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