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Ahh, thank you all for 1k y'all it's means so much to me❤️ on with the chapter....

Song: love galore by sza
(I'm gonna try to do that like every other chapter)

Why does love make people do crazy things? Betray family, friends and people who mean the most to you. Is it that addictive? But are you willing to fall deeply in a one sided relationship? Just ask yourself...is that what love really is?

"I want to thank you my dove, for being loyal to me even when your brother and his 'friends' aren't. I have to say though..I am disappointed in him I thought we made a special bond. But I guess time proved me wrong".

Chungha sighed as she sat on the blood velvet couch in her loft home, next to aecha who smiled shyly as she moved a little closer. Chungha stared into aechas wondering eyes, looking for what made her tell on her brother.

But when her shy blue eyes met hers she knew why. "W-what are you gonna do about this?" Aecha asked finally breaking the tough silence. Aecha smirked, "what do you think I should do!" She blushed.

"Uhm-I don't know I-I'm not really- . She was cut off by a pair of soft lips on her own, she blinked trying to figure out what to do, she cupped her face kissing back, enjoying the moment.

I'm sure you can guess what happens after that😉....

Flashback...when Ae-cha first joined QUEEN......

"I-I'm not sure I didn't catch their names." Ae-cha wiped her tear stained face, looking up at the female boss with pity laced in her eyes. "That's ok darling, you know....you have really beautiful eyes." Ae-cha didn't respond she just gazed upon her face blushing when their eyes met.

"Your gonna help me out little dove ok?" Ae-cha didn't think twice about nodding and getting up face to face with her. "I'll help you find your brother and if he helps me....we can take down ICE together and he and I can finally be together....and he will love me."

Ae-cha didn't pay attention to that last part she was just watching how she moved and the way her lips poked out when she spoke or how she closed her eyes thinking, and the way her manicured fingers moved the black wavy hair from her face-. She was was absolutely swoon.

End of flashback........

Jimin POV...

"M-more kiss me....ahh taehyung!" Jimin smiled in his sleep as he dreamed a wonderful dream. "I love you too." It was just getting good when the door was being banged on.

Jimin ignored it at first but somehow it got louder and his dream was fading, he frowned and turned around. But just a few seconds later the door was being banged on like crazy, he groaned and sat up.

"The f-fuck it's like!" Jimin looked at the clock on the wall. "I can't read that shit." (I deadass can't read clocks like that I can only read digital, gang gang dumbasses) 2:47am

He sighed and rubbed his eyes heading down the stairs into the living room area, "I'm coming!" Whoever it was kept banging making him grow annoyed, "what the hell!" Jimin swung the door open revealing a smiling Ae-cha.

He just looked at her and she moved up and down on the welcome mat. "What the actual fuck? Don't you like have a key!" Jimin said moving his crazy hair out his face.

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