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When I start off with Chile y'all know ima rant. And I swear on my 10 fingers that I won't rant agin let me just say this real quick.

I know this bitch did not just say, the Korean in scythe isn't necessary...like bitch wtf?? It's not like irl Jimin is Korean or anything that would be crazy!

Yes Jimin learned it when he was younger from his "parents" if you could call them that. He fucking calls his sister Noona, Aecha literally spoke English as a second language. It's been there from the start and it's been ther till the end.

I'm just-like I understand what's the point of adding small bits of Korean if it's a mainly English book but-Because I fucking can that's why. If he learned it when he was younger he's gonna still use it stupid ass bitch. Just like at the ending.

Like I've said a million times, there's a difference between creative criticism and plain just being an asshole. Don't come over in my book with that shit.

I worked hard, and I'm happy with it, go finishing writing your own book then maybe when you complete it you'll know how it feels to be a fucking hard worker only for ppl like u to shit on it.

Just like that other bitch that was going on an angry rant about "were not friends" which was my first Wattpad book and yes it sucks. Yes it has grammatical errors, and the plot is literally horrible but damn she really hurt my feelings and I explained to her and she was like I'm so sorry I love all your books forgive me.
Bullshit. Told her to fuck off, my feelings were hurt. And the more I realize there really is so many rude people who deadass make these authors feel bad and not want to write. Like where is the minding your business. You don't like it don't read. It's that simple, from now on anyone being a dick or being plain rude is getting the boot.

Idc if they see this. It's facts. I speak facts.

And please tell me???


I swear I'm done. For good. No more rants. Promise.

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