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"BAM!" Jaebeom chased after the creature that took him.

He followed where he saw it go, still screaming Bambam's name.


"JAEBEOM! HELP ME!" Bambam cried out as the creature grabbed onto his ankles, dragging him further away.

Taking all the shortcuts, being as quick as possible, Jaebeom continued searching frantically for Bam.

He could hear his screams nearby. "JAEBEOM, HELP ME! PLEASE!"


Bam'a screams we're coming deep in the mines, and Jaebeom felt as if he was getting further and further away.

"NO! BAM!"

He was too late.

Bambam had blood covered on his stomach, eyes closed. But he was still breathing.

"Oh, thank God, Bam." Jaebeom sighed in relief. "Are you okay?" He asks as he debated to touch him or not.

"Help.." Bam whimpers.

Before Jaebeom could do anything, the elevator shaft dropped.

Looking up, he sees a figure pop out and look inside the mine.

"Son of a bitch.."

Jaebeom quickly, yet still struggled, to get up towards the mysterious figure above him.

As if luck was on his side, Jaebeom found the person from before.

It was a man in a winter beanie and a army green parka. He walked slow on the tracks.

He followed him out of the mine, but once he lit the lantern he found outside it, he lost the unknown man for a while. Thanks to the light coming from the building near the mine, he found him again.


Youngjae slowly opened his eyes, yet his head was still aching.

Rubbing his eyes as he got up, he picked up the flashlight he dropped earlier.

"Jackson?" He calls out.

Looking around, he found Jackson's wallet covered in blood on the floor.

Panicking, Youngjae looks around further for more clues. He didn't even know where to start looking for Jackson.

"Aw, shit.. no!" He whines once he sees the blood splattered on the wall in the hallway.

Walking further down the hall, still saying Jackson's name, he could feel his heart rate going up.

Youngjae looks around outside, and he stumbles upon a scarecrow except with a clown mask over its head. Blood was on the "clothes" of the scarecrow.

He mutters to himself. "What the hell is going on?"

Looking down, he smelt a sour smell that belonged to a head of a body less pig. It was fresh blood.

They had to get off this mountain.


He hears whimpers coming from a large shed in front of him.

He picks up his pace, "Jackson?"

"..Youngjae?" Jackson's cry is muffled.

"Jackson! I'm here! Where are you?"

"Um.. I don't know.. please, help me!"

until dawn 🌄 got7 auWhere stories live. Discover now