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Jaebeom locks the door behind him, and turned to walk down the dark hallway.

There wasn't much to see but whatever his flashlight is pointing.

Everything was the same as he left it, damaged and broken.

After looking around for anything to use, he found a torch and shotgun lying around.

Homemade crosses were outside, with the names of the miners and people who passed in the fifties.

Jaebeom shoots the lock of a door, trying to find the psychiatric wing to get Hendery in the mines.

All these twists and turns throughout the huge place, he could barely tell if he was going in circles.

Suddenly, a wendigo tries to launch onto him.

Jaebeom shoots the wendigo and makes a run for it.

Running as fast as he can, he heads straight into a room. He pushes a cabinet over the door before the wendigo catches up to him.

"Fuck," He whispers as his torch goes out.

Then, he's in a dark, yet dusty, room. A wendigo is jumping around, looking for its next victim.

Jaebeom stays low, behind a lab table and his shotgun still in hand.

Sneaking around the room, he finally gets out and heads down a hallway.

It's filled with wendigos in cages, all of them reaching their hands out to grab onto him.

Meanwhile, Jaebeom is running for his life, Bambam finally gains consciousness.

Bloody, deep scratches were scattered all over his body and face.

He slipped on a coat that was on a chair, limping as he tried to find his way out of wherever he was.


"Come on, guys, we gotta find Jaebeom!" Mark says, leading the way through the dark tunnel they were all in.

Youngjae stops and puts his hand on the wall, "Hey, uh, I need a breather.. maybe you should go on without me."

Jackson gulped, "Are you gonna be okay?"

He nods and sits against the wall, as the rest move forward.

Mark tries opening a door, but it wouldn't budge. "Crap, Jae probably locked it behind him,"

"What about this?" Jackson points to a hole that leads to the sewer. "Should we try it?"

Mark shrugged, "It's not like we have any other options."

After lifting the cover, Mark is the first to head down.

"This isn't so bad.." Mark tried lightening up the mood as he went down the ladder. "You think this is the tunnel to the sanatorium?"

"Where else would it go?"

They head down the tunnel, excluding Youngjae.

Jackson was trailing behind, and he suddenly heard someone call for help.

"H-hello?" He spoke. "Who's there? Bam? Is it you?"

Instead of investigating, since he didn't get a response, he went to go catch up with Mark.

As they continue, they are left at a dead end.

"The ladder's fucked, we're never going to make it up there.." Jackson says looking up the rocks.

Mark shrugged, "I think I can, it's like.. a rock wall."

He starts to climb, "I'm gonna keep going, you guys should head back to the lodge, I've gotta get Jae."

"Good luck," is what Jackson says, before turning back to Youngjae.


After Youngjae took his break, he started to head down the ladder that led into the sewers.

He limps his way through, until he hears what sounds like Bambam's voice.

Too nervous to go by himself, and with a fucked leg, he decides to try to find the others.

Walking a bit further, he finally reunites with Jackson.


Mark makes it up the wall, and starts to quickly look around.

Every so often, something like a large rock from above would fall and break some set of the wooden stairs.

Mark finds a pipe and uses that as a weapon, just in case.

Faint screams and squeals were heard throughout Mark's journey on finding Jaebeom.

Eventually, he makes it to the sanatorium and hears all the screaming from inside.

Opening the door, Mark finds a wendigo on top of Jaebeom.

He's holding his shotgun against the jaw of the wendigo, trying to get it off.

Mark slams the pipe against the wendigo's head, and the two mark a run for it.

The wendigo lands on top of barrels full of gasoline.

"RUN!" He says as he shoots the barrels, causing the whole place to be engulfed by flames.


it's a shorter one but ya know gotta keep it short for the finale

hope u enjoyed 🖤

until dawn 🌄 got7 auWhere stories live. Discover now