Final Exams (Part 2)

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The alarm rang, starting the third final exam. It was Iida and Ojiro against Power Loader. The second it started, giant holes were made around the playing field and exit. They were placed really tightly together, but there was space between each one. As hike were made, Iida and Ojiro discussed.
"What's the plan?" Iida asked. Ojiro thought for a moment.
"I saw we go for the exit. We don't know where he is." Ojiro said. Iida nodded.
"Alright, get in formation." Iida said. Ojiro sighed as he climbed onto Iida's back.
"Recipro BURST!" Iida shouted as he took off at such a speed. Giant sink holes were still being made. At this point, it was impossible to reach the exit. They were running straight to a hole.
"Now!" Iida screamed. Ojiro slammed his tail on the ground, sending them both upwards. Ojiro then swung Iida in a full 360 then let go, sending him flying toward the exit. This was close to the same plan as last time. Out of nowhere, a bunch of dust flew upwards from the ground. Power Loader caused a bunch of dirt to fly up and blind Iida. He then got in front of the exit and waited for Iida to end up in front of him. Ojiro used his tail to propel himself even higher up using some dirt and saw Power Loader's plan.
"IIDA! WATCH OUT! HE'S THERE!" Ojiro shouted to him. Iida just grinned. His recipro burst was still active. He kicked into full speed and began spinning in a 360 rotation. He did this multiple times. Dust flew everywhere, blinding both Power Loader and Ojiro. With some dirt cleared, Iida saw where Power Loader was. He then propelled himself to him and aimed for a kick. Power Loader easily dodged it, but forgot the fact they were right next to the exit. Iida carried his momentum and boosted himself past the exit, winning the battle. Everyone sitting in the control room cheered.
"Woo! Yes Iida! Smart planning!" Deku cheered.
"Great job!" A woman cheered. Deku turned to see Hatsume leaning in from the door. The two made eye contact and Hatsume instantly left.
She must have wanted to watch Power Loader use his mech type suit.
That's was Deku thought, but there was more of a reason than that. Iida and Ojiro walked in.
"That was amazing!" Toru exclaimed to Ojiro, basically getting in his face.
"Uhh... th-thanks!" Ojiro replied. Deku and Ochako walked over to Iida.
"You did amazing! That was quick thinking!" Ochako cheered. Iida nodded.
"Thank you. I couldn't have done it without Ojiro or Deku teaching me to think like that." He said with a smile. Deku nodded. Next up was Todoroki, Momo, and Bakugo. They were up against Hawks.
"Wow, good luck with this one." Kirishima told Bakugo. He just grunted.
"I don't need it, I have enough skill." Bakugo said. Todoroki smirked.
"But not enough common sense." He joked. Bakugo turned to him and blew off a small explosion.
"Boys, settle down. We're about to face the second in the world." Momo said. Bakugo just grunted.
"Why am I with you idiots?"

The horn rang. That began to he fight. The setting was different. They were in a fake city. They were in the same one Deku and Bakugo were in when they fought All Might. The second it started the three ran to an alley way.
"Okay, we have no clue where he could be." Todoroki explained as Momo made binoculars to search for Hawks. She couldn't spot him.
"Well, why are we eating here. If we can't find him, how is he gonna find us?" Bakugo asked, getting angry from sitting around and doing nothing.
"Well, you see, I'll find you from the skies." They heard a bounce from above. The three looked up.
"Surprise." Hawks said. Instantly Bakugo jumped up while Todoroki and Momo dodged away from an anticipated attack. Hawks didn't move. Bakugo sped up.
"DIE!" He screamed as he sent off a huge explosion. The smoke was still there when Bakugo landed. He looked forward.
"Well that was easy." He said.
"Was it really?" Hawks asked. Bakugo turned around to see him again.
"Quit playing around! SHOW ME WHAT YOU GOT!" Bakugo screamed as he sent off another explosion. Hawks smirked. He began to raise in the air.
"All I got? Good luck." Hawks said. Suddenly, a bunch of feathers flew at Bakugo. Bakugo grinned. He began shooting all of his AP shots, taking out each other the feathers. There were more. Hawks landed on the ground as he was using too many feathers.
"Oh, and I didn't forget about you guys." He said as feather went and swept up Todoroki and Momo from the exit. They were brought back to the start. The feathers began getting closer to Bakugo. He then put out his arm and pulled the pin from his gauntlet.
"DIE!" Bakugo screamed. Hawks looked at him and saw it begin to fire up. The explosion went off, leaving Hawks out of sight. The smoke was in the air.
"What are you waiting for?! GO!" Bakugo screamed. Todoroki and Momo nodded as the made their way to the exit. Bakugo turned back to the smoke to find two feathers move at a really fast pace and pin him to the wall.
"Now die isn't very Hero like." Hawks said as he levitated down to the ground. Two feathers turned Todoroki and Momo to him.
"Your next." Hawks grinned. He then flew at them with a feather sword as a high speed. Todoroki made a giant ice wall, which blocked Hawks from moving at them.
"Go!" Todoroki told Momo. She nodded and began running toward the exit. Hawks flew over the wall.
"You think that's gonna stop me?" He asked as he swooped down toward Todoroki. Todoroki shot fire at him, causing Hawks to fly a different direction. As he kept flying, Todoroki kept firing. Suddenly, a feather stuck Todoroki on the back. He fell to one knee. He then looked to to see Hawks land on him.
"Well, that was impressive as the son of the number one hero." Hawks grinned. Todoroki tried to get up.
"Relax, your down for good. There nowhere you can GAA—" Hawks grunted in pain. He went flying toward the ice wall. Todoroki looked toward the exit to find Momo with a cannon.
"Sorry it took so long." She said as she helped Todoroki up.
"No problem, let's go." Todoroki said. Hawks got up and looked at the two.
"Okay, I didn't see that one coming. But this time, I'm gonna—" Hawks was cut off by an explosion from behind the ice wall.
"Enough talking, let's fight!" Bakugo screamed. Hawks shook his head as he regain his composure.
"Ow, jeez. I guess it's time to get serious." He said. He spread out his wings. Todoroki began zooming away on ice with Momo whole Bakugo stayed to keep him distracted.
"You're not going anywhere." He said as he shot out his feathers. He was running on low supply at this point. The feathers came in front of Todoroki and Momo. Todoroki used fire to burn them to a crisp. Only a few got past, sending Todoroki's to the ground. Momo dodged out of the way into an alley way. Bakugo jumped up at Hawks as he sent off small explosions. Hawks flew down and gave a strong kick to his head. Bakugo hit the ground.
"Well, that's two, where the third?" Hawks asked. Suddenly, Momo ran out of the alley was, or should I say rolled. She was in roller skates making her way to the exit. Hawks grinned as he began flying over at her. Momo suddenly produced a flash bang, stunning Hawks, causing him to hit the ground. He landed on the ground and used some feathers to move toward Momo. They were destroyed by Bakugo as Todoroki stepped on Hawks' back. Bakugo also came over to Hawks and placed his foot on him.
"Don't seem too strong now, do you?" Bakugo asked. Hawks just sighed.
"I'll give up now. Look around you." Hawks said. Bakugo and Todoroki looked around to see them surrounded by feathers. The siren went off. Momo crosses the exit.
"Well, if she wasn't here, you'd all be screwed." Hawks grinned. Bakugo just grunted and began walking away. Todoroki helped Hawks up.
"That wasn't bad though. Still far from a pro, but you're closer than you think." Hawks said, straightening out his goggles. Todoroki nodded. Everyone headed back to the control room.
"Great job everyone." Iida shouted. The three nodded. Hawks was there too now, just to watch the rest of the exams.
"Alright Ochako, your up. Good luck!" Deku encouraged. Ochako nodded. Aoyama was at the door already. They made their way to the fight with thirteen.
"So, it seems my words from last time had brought you joy, hmm?" Aoyama asked. Ochako was confused for a second, then understood.
"Yeah, but I'm not gonna thank you for it." Ochako said. Aoyama just smiled and looked off into the arena. The siren went off, indicating the beginning of the battle. Ochako and Aoyama quickly moved to the exit. Last time, they barely made it out. Thirteen was probably waiting for them near the exit. After a bit of running, the exit was in sight. Thirteen must be nearby. Aoyama and Ochako stopped.
"Alright, we need a plan." Ochako said. They both thought for a second.
"I have an idea." Ochako said. A bit later, there was still no movement. Ochako made the sign, and they began running to the exit. Suddenly, they felt a gust of wind pull them. Thirteen was around a corner waiting for them. The students thought quick. Aoyama quickly dig in the ground with his Naval Laser. From their distance, the laser wouldn't be sucked up. Thirteen was taking steps toward them. They both grabbed the little hole in the ground, stopping them from being sucked up. Thirteen took another step toward them. Ochako looked up to see that the ground was beginning to get sucked in to. There were more holes. Mountain climbing on the ground. The made her way forward. Aoyama saw what she was doing and followed. Soon enough, they made it far enough away to be able to go the rest on foot. They began running. The exit was too dangerous. They were able to find a place to hide. It was a few walls away from the exit.
"Okay, let's begin." Ochako said. After a bit of work, they set up a trap. They just had to wait for Thirteen to walk close... she never even appeared. Thirteen's plan was to just stop them from from reaching the exit.
"It's no use, she won't come over here." Aoyama told Ochako. Ochako grunted and began thinking.
We have to rush the exit. It's impossible to get away from her quick though...
"Okay, we need to rush the exit and try to stay hidden. Got it?" Ochako asked. Aoyama nodded, not having any better ideas. Ochako ran up to the small door way type thing. She looked around and saw a corner of Thirteen sticking out from behind a wall. Ochako turned to Aoyama, who was just getting to her. She pointed Thirteen out, in which Aoyama nodded. They both then began to slowly move to the exit. No sudden movements. They were only a few steps away when Ochako stepped in a hole created by Thirteen earlier. She felt as if she twisted her ankle.
"AH!" She shouted in pain.
"GO!" Ochako screamed. Aoyama began running to the exit until he was being pulled to Thirteen. As he began getting pulled back, he reached his hand down and grabbed a small hole in the ground. Ochako did the same. They were in the same situation from the first time. Ochako took deep breaths.
"I can do this." She told herself. She then let go and moved toward Thirteen. Thirteen deactivated her quick to defend herself. Ochako then placed her feet on the ground. As she tried to use her martial arts she learned, her sprained ankle wore out and she fell to the ground. Thirteen placed her foot on Ochako's left arm while she grabbed her right. She then began to use her quirk again on Aoyama, who was just about to reach the exit.
That's it, we've lost.
That was what Ochako was thinking. What else could they do? Ochako then heard a voice scream to her.
"Release! Use your release!" Aoyama screamed. Ochako was confused. Aoyama then let go of the hole he was holding onto. Thirteen stepped off of Ochako to finish off Aoyama.
"RELEASE!" Ochako screamed. The rock came down from above. As Thirteen deactivated her quirk, Aoyama used his to boost himself past Thirteen and grab Ochako. They sped past Thirteen as the rock came down. Thirteen looked up and realized what was happening. She then began to use her quirk on the rock.
"Zero gravity yourself." Aoyama told Ochako as the stooped moving. Confused, Ochako did what Aoyama said.
"Sorry, but this will hurt." He said. He then blasted Ochako with his Naval Laser. Ochako sped past Thirteen, who was turning to Aoyama. Ochako then made it by the exit.
"Release!" She said as she hit the ground. Thirteen used her quirk on Ochako until Aoyama used his on Thirteen. Ochako was able to get through the exit.
They passed the exam. Ochako instantly fell to the ground. She was breathing heavily from both running and the stress she just had. Thirteen walked over to her.
"Are you okay?!" She asked seeing Ochako on the ground. Ochako laughed a bit as she sat up.
"Yeah, just exhausted." Ochako said. Thirteen sighed in relief.
"Thank god. That was a close battle. That was a really close one. You guys were able to pull through in the end. I'm impressed!" Thirteen explained. Ochako nodded as she lifted herself. She then walked over to Aoyama.
"Hey, how did the rock get there?" Ochako asked. Aoyama smiled and struck on of his posed.
"I planned that from the beginning. It was backup. Also, did my laser hurt you?" Aoyama explained and asked. Ochako shook her head.
"No, and quick thinking. I never would have thought of that." Ochako said. Aoyama smiled even more dazzly after the compliment. They both then began to walk back to the control room. As they walked through the door, Aizawa was the first to speak.
"That was the best performance I've seen all day. Quick thinking Aoyama and great performance Ochako!" Aizawa congratulated. The two smiled slightly at the compliment. Deku ran over.
"Are you okay? I saw you twisted your ankle!" Deku asked as he checked up on her. Ochako giggled a bit.
"Yeah, it's nothing much. All I have to do is watch now." Ochako said. The two looked back up to the screen, which showed Mina and Kaminari. Their battle with Nezu was about to start.

Gravitational Pull: Izuku x Ochako   IzuOchaWhere stories live. Discover now