Final Exams (Part 3)

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The horn sounded again. This time, Kaminari and Mina were up against Nezu. With both of their low grades, which have been rising, against a genius, it's gonna be a hard battle. Kaminari and Mina ran ahead into battle. Their plan was to do what ever suited the situation. If they had to, they'll fight. If they couldn't, they'll run. It started as the same. They ran in and nothing happened at first. Just then they heard a loud slam, then the walls and pipes around them shake. Then the wall next to them collapsed. They dodged out of the way so that they don't get crushed.
"Not this again." Kaminari said. Mina smirked.
"It's fine, now that we're trained, we know what to do!" Mina explained as began melting a lot of the debris in front of them. They then heard another bang.
"We gotta go!" Kaminari shouted as he rose to his feet and began running the opposite direction. Mina did the same as more debris came from nowhere and almost crushed them.
"Got, this is difficult. Where are we going?" Kaminari asked. Mina looked around. They were lost.
"I have no idea." She said. They then heard another bang as more debris flew at them. They had to dodge out of the way.
"He knows where we are somehow! We have to hide!" Kaminari shouted as they started running. Nezu was watching through cameras around the arena. He was sitting in his small recking ball machine sipping his tea and laughing like a maniac. He then swung the ball again, destroying more things around the students.
"We don't even know where to go! It's like a maze! We're gonna fail!" Mina shouted to herself. Kaminari saw more pipes shaking. He had an idea.
"Through the wall!" He screamed. Mina melted a hole in the wall as the two jumped through it. They then sat against the wall. They took deep breaths.
"Okay, so, think about this." Kaminari said. He then continued to explain the situation.
"The pipes shake whenever Nezu hits something. That's how we can anticipate an attack. Well, we can also see where he is. Thinking about last time we did this, he was on the left side of the arena. If we find where he is, then we can determine where to go!" Kaminari explained. Mina stared at him in shock.
"Are you the real Kaminari?" Mina asked.
"Yes, now let's go!" He said as he ran back through the hole in the wall. As he waited, he found a pipe begin to shake.
"Mina, melt the left side of it." He said. Mina did exactly that. They then dodged some debris and watching the pipe again. The pipe never shook as debris began to fall on them. They began running.
"This way, follow me!" Kaminari yelled as Mina followed him. On the way, she melted any pipes she could find to try to stop any chain reaction from happening. It seemed to work as they were beginning to stop. They soon found the exit.
"Hey, that was easy!" Mina said as they sprinted for it. Suddenly, more debris fell in front of the exit. They couldn't get through. More debris started falling around them. Mina began melting them whil Kaminari just looked around. He saw a pipe shake. It was to his left and shook the most out of all of them every time. Kaminari gulped.
"Mina, get down." He said quite scared. Mina turned to him to see his finger out in a gun. He then shock electricity, which went everywhere, but did make it to the pipe. Since a lot of the things around them were metal, the electricity traveled though the pipe. It then reached Nezu as it hit the machine.
"What is happening?" Nezu asked himself as the machine stopped. He pressed a button then got immense shock from it. The machine went haywire and stopped working. Mina finally melted a hole in the debris and exited from the area, giving them both passing grades. They both walked into the control room.
"So guys, how was that?" Kaminari asked with a huge grin on his face. Sero instantly went over and grabbed his shirt collar.
"Who are you and where is the real Kaminari?" He asked with his fist aimed at him.
"Relax bro. It's just me!" Kaminari responded. Sero dropped him.
"How did you think like that?" Jiro asked. Kaminari put his hands behind his head.
"When I'm serious, I'm not dumb! Simple!" He said with a huge grin.
"Even that was dumb. Whatever, I gotta go." Jiro said as she walked out the door and Koda followed behind. Soon enough, they were all ready.
The alarm sounded and Jiro and Koda instantly ran forward. They quickly jumped behind a rock. They then heard a really loud "YEAH!" as their eyes began to hurt.
"Okay Koda, you know what to do." Jiro said. Kids nodded as he lifted a rock and told some insects to get Present Mic. By Present Mic, he was waiting patiently. The then saw a single insect come out of the ground.
"That won't work this time. Ya hear that!? I'VE COME PREPARED!" Present Mic yelled at them as he pulled out a bottle of bug spray. He then pulled two rocks over to him and stood on them, just to make sure nothing would get on him. Jiro and Koda were deafened by Present Mic's threat.
"That's not gonna work. Now what?" Jiro asked covering her ears. They both tried to brainstorm until they got another scream from Present Mic. This time, he yelled "COME OUT!" Jiro just got up and began running toward Present Mic. Koda looked, then followed her.
"WHERE ARE YOU!?" Present Mic screamed. Jiro ran out of the brushed alone
"RIGHT HERE!" She screamed with her own sounds. Present Mic felt it, but didn't do anything.
"Wow, that's sad." He said.
"Anyway, let's get this over with." He said. He seemed to be cranking into full volume. He inhaled. Suddenly, a bird came out of nowhere and hit Present Mic in the face.
"Ow, what the—" He began but was cut off by another bird. Jiro then stuck her earphone jacks into the ground and amplified the sounds. They traveled to the rocks Present Mic was standing on and broke them into halves. Present Mic's feet went in between the cracks as insects started crawling up them.
"Oh hell no." Present Mic said as he passed out from being frightened. Jiro and Koda passed their exam. The two walked into the control room.
"That was fast! How did you do it?" Kaminari asked. Jiro grinned.
"Well, Present Mic didn't seem to take it serious, so we took advantage of that." Jiro explained. Aizawa snickered.
"Good. He never takes anything seriously." He said. Next up was Shoji and Toru. They stood in their marble hall type building as they waited for their exam to start...
The exam began with an instant movement to a marble pillar. Snipe knew exactly where they are, even with the smoke bombs he threw out. Shoji put an ear against the pillar.
"He's about forty steps that direction. I he doesn't seem to be getting closer." He explained. Toru nodded as Snipe kept firing shots at them. They kept hitting the marble pillar, but it was just to scare them.
"I'm gonna head out." Toru said, taking off her gloves and boots. She then ran forty steps in the direction of Snipe but off to the side. Through the smoke, she could see a black silhouette of him. Shoji stayed where he was. Toru began creeping up on Snipe to place the cuffs in safely. He stopped firing.
"I know your there." He said as he aimed the gun at Toru. Shoji then ran forward at Snipe. Snipe turned as Shoji dashed behind another pillar. Snipe turned back to Toru to see the floating cuffs gone. Actually, they were on the floor.
"Given that up I see. Well, now I just to keep an eye on you." Snipe talked to himself. He kept firing shots at the pillar. Little did Snipe know, was that Shoji had an arm all the way around the room to the opposite side of the room from Shoji. Toru was there. The arm was a mouth. The arm also extended into eyes and ears.
"Come on! Get closer. Your aim will get better." Shoji screamed out to Snipe. Snipe took the bait as he began taking steps. Shoji could see and hear the footsteps and through the smoke. Step after step Snipe took.
"Now." Shoji told Toru. Toru then sprinted forward. Snipe noticed this and turned toward Toru. Shoji's arm then came around and hit the back of his head. Toru then slid past Snipe, turned, and placed the cuffs.
"Now how did you get more cuffs?" Snipe asked. Shoji walked up.
"I threw mine to her when you turned to her the second time. You didn't seem to notice it." Shoji explained. Snipe chuckled.
"Well, your right. You both pass. Good job." He said. Shoji and Toru made their way back to the control room.
"Great job guys!" Kirishima said with a thumbs up.
"Thanks!" Toru exclaimed with glee that she passed. The next ones up were Sero and Shinso. They walked over to their arena. Before the exam started, Shinso turned to Sero.
"Look, when it come to it, save yourself, not me." He said. Sero, confuses, nodded.
The alarm rang and Shinso and Sero ran to the exit. Their only chance was to leave since Midnight was basically invincible. As they were running, the exit was in sight along with Midnight. She was sitting there like normal waiting for them. Shinso and Sero his behind a rock.
"Okay, so, here's the plan." Shinso began.
"Come out boys, I saw you! Let's have a little fun." Midnight yelled. Shinso and Sero stood up.
"What is it?" Sero asked.
"We'll go without it, let's begin." Shinso said. He then placed the mask on his face for some protection to Midnight's gas. She ripped a bit of her shirt and pulled out her whip.
"It's show time." She said under her breath. Zero shot out some tape in an attempt to restrain her. The tape attached to her arm, but Sero couldn't move anywhere because of the gas. Midnight simply pulled off the tape and ripped the other part of her sleeve.
"At this rate we're screwed." Sero said. Shinso grinned under his mask.
"Stay still, I'm going to run." He said. Sero turned to Shinso.
"Excuse me!?" Sero asked again. Shinso already took off. Sero turned to Midnight, who was staring at him.
"Oh, that gets my taste—" She began but just stopped. The gas was still there but seemed to calm down. Shinso walked over next to Sero
"It doesn't matter what reaction, as long as it's a reaction, whether it's verbal or sexual." Shinso explained. They waited for the gas to clear.
"Make yourself useful and walked over there." Shinso demanded Midnight. Mindnight turned and began walking. Whether it was a coincidence or not, Midnight tripped on a fricken rock. She fell to the ground.
"Sh!t." Sero and Shinso said at the same time. Midnight got up and shook her head.
"Agh, what happened? Wait, you guys are still here." Midnight told herself as she licked her lips she then ripped a bit more of her costume to release more gas.
"Run." Sero said as the two began sprinting the opposite direction. Wether coincidence or not, Shinso also tripped on a rock. He has terrible luck apparently. The gas reaches his nose as he twisted something on his mask. He fell asleep. Sero gulped as he ran away. Midnight followed for sure. Sero turned to see Midnight behind him.
"Okay, here goes nothing." Sero said. He began flinging decent sized rocks at her. She was able to dodge a lot of them and even break a few. Some of them scraped her costume, releasing more gas. Zero placed a piece of tape on his mouth and nose. He then ran up kicked Midnight straight in the chest. He then used some tape to trip Midnight, causing her to fall to the ground. Sero rose to his feet, and as he did, he ran out of oxygen. He tried to run but felt his entire body needing to breath.
"That's enough." "Aizawa" said. Midnight turned around, not seeing him but still having a reaction.
"Oh, I was about to—" Midnight was cut off. The Aizawa was Shinso. Shinso held his breath and pulled Sero out of the gas. He then placed a pill in his mouth. He woke up soon after that.
"Arg, what happened... wait, DID WE LOOSE!?" Sero asked quite panicked. Shinso shook his head.
"No, we won, now let's go." Shinso said. Sero was confused still.
"How did you... how did we wake up so fast?" See asked. Shinso stopped.
"Don't tell anyone, but I smuggled in some drugs under my mask. Thank me later." Shinso explained. Sero nodded. They walked into the control room.
"Great job you guys." Deku said, quite nervous for the next fight.
"Don't worry Deku, you got this!" Ochako grinned, pumping her fist in the air. Deku nodded. Aizawa and Deku began waking to the arena, leaving Recovery Girl to watch over the kids.
"I hope your ready. It won't be easy." Aizawa said.
"Good, I didn't plan on it." Deku said with a smirk. Aizawa also smirked. They soon made it to their arena. Aizawa went down to his side of the arena. Deku went to brainstorming ideas.
He can erase my quirk, so I either have to stay hidden or challenge hime to a battle. Either way, it's gonna be hard.
Just then the alarm rang, indicating the start of the last final exam. Deku took a deep breath and began moving.
He's a stealth hero, so he's probably sticking to shadows and rooftops.
Deku thought. He kept running forward.
Meaning... THERE!
Deku turned to see Aizawa just land on the top of a building. Deku flicked his finger, sending a large amount of air to blast right into him. Aizawa stubbles back, trying to catch his breath. Deku began running again to find the exit. Aizawa jumped again to catch him in his sight. He got a small portion of him, taking the chance to use his quirk. Deku lost speed as One for All disappeared for that small bit.
Shoot, looks like it's gonna he a fight.
Aizawa leapt over to Deku. Deku turned to him in a fighting stance. Aizawa landed on a wall before engaging.
"You can't be too reliant on your quirk." Aizawa said as he grabbed his scarf and threw it at Deku. Deku sidestepped it and grabbed it himself.
"Good thing I've been paying attention in class." Deku said as he pulled the scarf toward him. Aizawa himself jumped at Deku, making it a counter attack. He tried to land a kick, which Deku dodged by letting go of the scarf. Aizawa landed on the ground but carried the attack out by instantly jumped at Deku again with his scarf out. Deku wasn't able to dodge in time as he didn't even catch Aizawa's next attack yet. Deku put out his arm for a block, which Aizawa grabbed with his scarf. Aizawa then pulled Deku to the ground, causing Deku to fall face first. He put one arm out, catching his fall. He then kicked up in an attempt to kick or run away from Aizawa. Aizawa grabbed his legs, now holding Deku upside down.
"This is what happens when you rely on your quirk." Aizawa said. Deku grunted. He then kicked off his shoe, which landed on Aizawa's head. That impact caused him to blink. For that split second Deku has his quirk, he powered up and punched the ground with his free arm. Deku was sent into the air while Aizawa let go of him due to the air pressure from the punch. Deku landed on the ground instantly running behind a wall. He stopped, knowing he won't get far. Aizawa regained his composure as Deku was planning something out. Aizawa quickly jumped up to a lamppost that was nearby. He could quickly see a part of Deku move.
What is he doing?
Aizawa jumped over to the wall Deku was behind. The second he did, Deku threw up some dirt to his glasses. It blocked his vision and causing him to blink. Deku then jumped upward and landed a kick on Aizawa, sending him flying away into the ground. As he landed, he caught himself and looked up to see Deku already in front of him aiming a kick. Aizawa used his scarf to block the kick along with pull in Deku. As he did this, he got rid of Deku's quirk. Deku foot was right next to Aizawa. Deku then lifted his other foot into the air and brought it down. As he did this, he caught his backwards fall with his hands. Aizawa caught his other foot. Deku quickly then swung only his foot the smack off the shoe of his other foot. The shoe came off. Aizawa caught the shoe.
"Nice try but—" Aizawa began until dirt came out of the shoe, falling into his eyes. Deku then charged One for All to send a punch into Aizawa, sending him flying against the wall. Deku then quickly jumped at Aizawa again. Aizawa canceled out Deku's quirk.
He'll raise his scarf to block
Aizawa raised up his scarf to block the punch. Deku smirked. He then grabbed the scarfed and pulled it, send himself into Aizawa. Deku then landed his knee right into his face, making Aizawa's head go flying back and landing it against some rubble, knocking him clean out. Deku then cuffed him. He passed the exam. He made his way to the control room as the robot guys picked up Aizawa and brought him over to the nurses office.
"Alright, you guys are free to go. See you tomorrow." Recovery Girl said as she left the room. Deku walked in at the same time.
"Yay! Good job!" Ochako said giving him a hug. Deku smiled.
"Yeah, it was still hard fought. One wrong move and I would've been a goner." Deku said.
"I'm surprised. Poor old Deku without using a quirk was able to pass." Bakugo said. Deku grinned and looked at him.
"I showed you that during our first training session when I kicked your butt using tape." Deku said. A few people laughed a bit.
"You wanna have another go!?" Bakugo asked. Kirishima went up next to him.
"Bakugo, calm down, not in here!" He tried to calm down Bakugo. It barely worked.
"Man, I hope I pass." Kaminari said.
"You most likely did. Aizawa said everyone got better grades in the written exam." Shoji said. Deku nodded.
"Honestly, I'd be surprised to not see you guys pass. You've all improved a lot since the beginning." Deku said.
"Yes. I hope to see you all get stronger by my side." Iida added. Everyone nodded as they left the school to the dorms and discussed the battle they had. They were all chilling in the living room, relaxing after that stressful day, when the door opened. Aizawa walked in.
"Is everyone here?" He asked. Everyone looked around then nodded.
"Good, I'm here to tell you what we're doing tomorrow, since it's gonna be the last day of school for this year." Aizawa said. Everyone was listening.
"Tomorrow, you guys will go through the most impossible training you've ever went through." Aizawa continued. Everyone let out a worried sigh.
"You will fight Zero Point Robots..." Everyone groaned.
"You will all singularly fight every teacher..." Everyone just stared.
"And lastly, if you don't succeed, you don't pass to Year 2." Aizawa finished. Everyone was just staring at him.
"ARE YOU SERIOUS!" They all shouted at the same time. Aizawa laughed a bit.
"No, I'm not being serious. That was a joke. I'm here to tell you guys that you've all passed." Aizawa said. Everyone began cheering for both passing and that it was just a joke.
"QUIET!" Aizawa screamed. Everyone shut up and looked at him.
"Also, tomorrow, being the last day of school, will just be graduation. I hope you guys can invite your parents to be there. The graduation ceremony will be for each year, passing to the next. I hope to see you all there and to see the people that put up with you." Aizawa said as he exited the building. Deku turned to Ochako.
"Have your parents come back yet?" Deku asked. Ochako looked at the ground.
"No, but hopefully we can find a solution!" Ochako encouraged. Deku nodded. Everyone was cheering and happy and it was a good time. After a bit of celebration, everyone decided to go to their dorms and sleep for the last day of school. Ochako, Deku, and Eri walked into their dorm.
"I can't believe it, school is finished." Deku said.
"Correction, year-1 is almost finished." Ochako said. Deku rolled his eyes jokingly. They lay in bed and looked up at the ceiling.
"This year was fun. I can wait for the next." Deku said. Ochako nodded in response.
"Yeah, it was." Ochako said. They then both drifted into deep sleep...

The next chapter will probably be the last for this story, which is sad. Good news though is that there will be a sequel. I've said that about 40 times, but yes, there will be a sequel.

Gravitational Pull: Izuku x Ochako   IzuOchaWhere stories live. Discover now