School Year's End (End)

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Ochako and Deku arose from bed that morning happily. Deku shut off the alarm as the two jumped out of bed. They quickly changed into the nicest clothes they had. Eri was up too getting ready for the event. Momo made her a dress the other day, which was small and beautiful. The three left their room and walked down to the living room and kitchen. Some people were already down there. Everyone was eating their breakfast carefully so that they wouldn't ruin their clothes. Everyone was in some dress, tux, or something. They all waited for the time to come until they went to school. Some of the students were chilling in the living room, waiting for more people to come down. Todoroki was sitting there on his phone pretty bored. He then heard footsteps and looked over. Momo was in a beautiful, probably expensive dress. Todoroki's eyes sparked.
"You see that? That's the most beautiful thing I've ever seen." Todoroki said to the people around him. After a few minutes, everyone was finally down in the living room.
"Alright, let's go." Deku said to Ochako and Iida. They brought Eri along too. The four of them walked to school, talking about the whole year and it's moments. They also talked about the beginning too. The entrance exam and just all that good stuff. They soon made it to the school. They walked into class as Aizawa had his hair combed, in a pony tail, and in a tux. This was a rare creature named the Clean Aizawa. Soon, more people walked in. As everyone entered the room, Aizawa began.
"Okay, everyone." He said quite cheerfully.
"So, today, we are going to hold the ceremony at the cafeteria. I know, it's an every school thing." Aizawa said, letting everyone know that almost every school holds it in their cafeteria or gym.
"It will begin at 12:00PM. Other than that, feel free to talk as much and walked around the halls. We don't have anything planned for anyone, so good luck." Aizawa said as he zipped up his sleeping bag and fell to the ground. Everyone just sat there.
"Seriously?" Kaminari asked.
"Yes, seriously." Aizawa said. Everyone looked at each other.
"Let's go guys!" Kirishima said. Everyone began leaving the room. Ochako, Iida, and Deku stayed a group together. They walked down the hall greeting people that they partially knew. Suddenly, Nejire can out of nowhere.
"Hey guys! How's it going Uraraka? Who's this?" She asked.
"Oh, hi Nejire, how had it been?" Ochako asked. Nejire smiled.
"Oh, it's been okay I guess. How have you been and who are they?" Nejire asked again, pointing at Deku and Iida.
"Hello, I'm Tenya Iida! It's my honor to be talking to you!" Iida said with his hand out. Nejire didn't take it as she turned to Deku.
"I'm Izuku Midoriya. It's a pleasure to finally speak with you." Deku said.
"Oh, wait, I know you! You worked with Mirio and Nighteye!" Nejire smiled.
"Uh, yeah." Deku responded.
"Oh, wait. Hey Tamaki! Come over here!" Nejire called to him. He was looking at the wall a avoiding any social interaction. He looked over at her and sighed. He slowly made his way there.
"Hello." He said with a small wave. Nejire put her arm around him.
"Come on! Show some excitement!" She encouraged.
"Hi, I'm... you probably already know me." He said as he lowered his head. Iida walked up.
"Hello, I'm Tenya Iida! It's an honor to meet you!" Iida said sticking out his hand. Tamaki also didn't take it.
"Wait a minute. You're Midoriya! Mirio told me about you." Tamaki smiled. Deku also smiled.
"Yeah, Izuku Midoriya!" Deku nodded.
"Oh, so your popular with all the popular kids, huh?" Ochako teased.
"Hey, you're pretty good friends with Neijer!" Deku refuted. Ochako rolled her eyes playfully. Nejire smiled.
"Nejire, don't." Tamaki said a worried expression, knowing what she was gonna say. She couldn't help it. Her personality was just like that.
"Are you two—" She was cut off.
"Hello! I am here!" Mirio shouted for them in his Power pose. They just looked at him.
"That wasn't funny." Tamaki said.
"Hi Mirio! Long time no see!" Deku said. Mirio nodded.
"I know, oh, I also have something to show you guys!" Mirio said. He then vanished through the ground along with his clothes.
"Oh, he got his... wait." Deku stated. His head then popped up through the ground.
"I didn't think this far ahead. Drop my clothes through the window." Mirio said as he vanished again. Iida grabbed his clothes, opened a window, and dropped them. They then saw a naked Mirio run out of a bush and quickly grab his clothes.
"He never changes." Deku said. Tamaki and Neijer laughed. Ochako and Iida wouldn't get it since they haven't met him seriously. After a bit of talking and standing around. Mirio ran back to them.
"Hello, I am here again!" He said in another new pose. Deku took the chance to ask his question.
"How did you get your quirk back?" Deku asked. Mirio stuck up his finger.
"Easy! Eri used her rewind on me until my body cells went back to how they were a few months ago!" He said as he tapped his finger on his forehead.
"It just took me a while to get used to it, since it's been about a month when I first got it back." He explained. Deku nodded. They talked a bit more until the time was nearing 11:00AM.
"Okay, we got to go." Nejire said. The three first years nodded.
"We probably do too. See you guys another time!" Ochako waved. The six separated. Before they got too far, Nejire tapped Ochako's shoulder.
"Yes?" Ochako asked. Nejire was smiling and acting a bit nervous.
"Okay, so, um, are you and, um..." She stopped.
"What is it?" Ochako asked again.
"Are you and Midoriya dating?" She asked intrigued. Ochako sighed. Nejire, for a lot of reasons, reminded her of Mina. They both act childish and get in other peoples businesses.
"Yes, not go before Tamaki slaps you." Ochako said. Nejire smiled and nodded rapidly.
"Bye!" She waved. Ochako waved back. The three first years began their walk to the cafeteria. As they were going, they heard chanting. The chanting was fight as they heard an explosion go off.
"Bakugo!" They all yelled in unison as they rushed to the crowed. They pushed through to see that Bakugo and Monoma in a fighting stance. They both started small explosions in their hands. The three spotted Shinso watching and chanting fight. Deku went over and tapped his shoulder.
"What happened?" He asked.
"Well, Monoma over here though it was a good idea to insult Bakugo." He explained.
"What did he say?" Iida asked, now being next to Deku.
"He said something stupid like 'What's the difference between being gay and being Bakugo? Being happy is alright, liking dudes isn't'. Honestly, he's getting punished for it." Shinso said. Deku turned back to Iida and Ochako who were now encouraging Bakugo.
"KICK HIS A$$!" Ochako screamed. Kirishima was behind Bakugo encouraging him too. Nezu walked over to see the commotion and saw the small explosions in each of their hands.
"Now now everyone. Don't use the explosions indoors. Instead, go outside." Nezu said. Some people just looked at him with a confusing look. Bakugo sighed.
"Fine, I won't use my explosion. Not like I need them." Bakugo grinned. Monoma stopped the explosions. Bakugo leapt at Monoma.
"Observe." He said. He then put out his hand and caught Bakugo's punch. Bakugo then kicked Monoma straight in the jaw, sending him a solid foot on the air. Bakugo then punched him in the chest, sending him to the ground. As Monoma hit the ground, the ground cracked. Monoma lay there for a minute trying to catch his breath. Bakugo was about to stomp on him before Kirishima grabbed him.
"That's enough Bakugo. He's already dead." Kirishima said. Monoma raised an arm.
"No I'm not."
"Shut up, yes you are if you keep talking." Kirishima said as he pulled Bakugo away. After that, people began to do whatever again. Iida, Ochako, and Deku began walking to the cafeteria again. They soon made their way to it to see some parents there and tables set up. Deku looked around to found his mother and Toshinori standing next to the Bakugo family having a conversation. The three walked over to them.
"Any, so then I was like— IZUKU!" Inko exclaimed as she ran over to Deku and gave him a massive hug.
"Hi mom." Deku said being squeezed half to death. Inko eventually let go.
"You're growing up so fast." Inko cried.
"Mom, it's one year. I still have two to go." Deku said. Mitsuki walked over.
"Wow, I remember when you were still little!" She said as she squeezed Deku's cheek.
"Yes, I remember when he was still skinny. Now look at him!" Toshinori said. Deku shook his head.
"Okay, you guys are just making fun of me now." Deku said. Everyone laughed a bit.
"Oh, and you must be Uraraka!" Mitsuki said as she shook Ochako's hand.
"I'm Mitsuki, Bakugo's mother. Inko was telling me an interesting story before you guys came." She said. Ochako smiled.
Wow, she is nothing like Bakugo except for the hair. Mabey it's the father.
"Oh, Iida is it? My son had told me stories of you too!" Inko said beginning to shake his hand.
"Yes! Hello Mrs. Midoriya! Pleasure to meet you." Iida said bowing a little. Inko giggled.
"Just like the stories." She said. Iida turned to Deku.
"What did you tell her?" Iida asked. Ochako looked past Mitsuki to see Masaru, Bakugo's dad.
"Is that Bakugo's father?" Ochako shyly asked. Mitsuki turned to see her husband sipping coffee looking into nowhere.
"Masaru, come here and greet Uraraka and Izuku." She said. Masaru seemed to be snapped back to reality as he realized the situation. He got up and quickly walked over. Ochako began thinking what his personality would be like.
Oh no. This has to be where Bakugo gets his personality from. Just act natural.
"Hello! Sorry for not coming over here and greeting you. So you're Uraraka? Inko was telling us a story and, well, that's how I know you." He said quite shyly. They shook hands. On the outside Ochako smiled while on the inside Ochako was massively confused.
He's super nice! Where did Bakugo get his personality?!
"Hey old hag." An angry voice greeted. It was Bakugo. Mitsuki turned to him.
"DON'T CALL ME THAT!" She screamed as she grabbed the back of his neck. Kirishima was behind him. Bakugo and Mitsuki began arguing. Kirishima and Ochako just watched as the two argued and Masaru try to calm them down. Mitsuki smacked Bakugo in the back of the head, ending the argument.
That's where he gets it.
Ochako thought.
"Sorry about that Uraraka." Mitsuki smiled.
"It's fine. Anyway, it was nice meeting you!" Ochako waved and bowed. Mitsuki and Masaru did the same. The two then turned to Bakugo and Kirishima.
"Hello you bi— Oh! I didn't even see you there! Who must you be?" Mitsuki asked, going from Bakugo to Kirishima. Kirishima was about to say something until Bakugo cut in.
"Kirishima, this is my mom. Mom, this is my— I mean—" Bakugo began, screwed up, and got cut off.
"Hello Mrs. Bakugo! I'm his Kirishima!" Kirishima smiled. Mitsuki laughed a little and shook his hand.
"Oh, I'm sorry, but you couldn't have done better?" Mitsuki asked someone. Kirishima's hopes feel as Bakugo got angry.
"WHAT!? THIS IS THE BEST AND O LOVE HIM! YOU CAN GO—" Bakugo was cut off by Mitsuki.
"NOT YOU! I was talking to Kirishima!" Mitsuki yelled. (I just got the two scenes "My Kirishima" and "Could've done better" from comics I found. Hope you laughed.)
"Oh, don't worry. I can put up with him 99% of the time. Im actually surprised that you two could deal with him for 16 years." Kirishima smiled.
"Oh, trust me, we didn't." Masaru said. Kirishima laughed a bit. Bakugo stood there watching the scene unfold.
"I like you." Masaru said. Kirishima smiled.
"You guys are cool too!" He responded. That seemed to end out really well. Deku checked the time. It was 11:47AM.
"Shoot, we gotta go! Sorry but see you later mom! Let's go guys!" Deku smiled and waved. Inko and Toshinori waved back.
"When do you think he'll start calling me dad?" Toshinori asked Inko.
"Soon enough." Inko smiled. Ochako stopped.
"Give me a second guys!" Ochako said pulling out her phone. She ran back over to Inko.
"Hey, can you hold this too the ceremony?" She asked as she hit FaceTime on one of her contacts. Inko nodded as she took the phone and lates it to there it would aim perfectly at the makeshift stage. Ochako sprinted to the stage. She entered to see everyone already in the back stage area. 1st years, 2nd years, and 3rd years. Ochako ran over the stops next to Deku, who was standing next to Iida.
"Hey, I'm back." She said.
"Good, we're about to start." Aizawa responded.
"Everyone, alphabetical order, we're first." Aizawa said. The order was gonna go from 1st years, to 2nd, to 3rd, to Big Three. The classes are gonna be 1-A to 1-B. Soon, the lights dimmed and everyone outside went quiet.
"Okay, you guys are gonna walk across and stand in a line." Aizawa ordered quietly. Class 1-A nodded. Present Mic walked on stage.
"Welcome everyone!" He shouted. People greeted back.
"Now, this was a year huh?" He asked. Everyone agreed.
"Well, for this unnecessary ceremony, let's begin with Class 1-A!" He shouted. Everyone began cheering as class 1-A walked on stage. They all stopped and faced the crowd.
"Take it away Class President, Tenya Iida!" Present Mic shouted. Everyone began to cheer as Iida walked up to the microphone.
"So, as you all know, this was a rough year for us." He said, slightly laughing at the last part. Some people laughed too.
"We've gone against villains, some of us the Chisaki raid, two of us a kidnapping, and the rest of us on the Shigaraki raid." He said. Everyone listened as he listed the major events that happened in the year.
"Above all of that, we lost our Symbol of Peace, All Might." Iida said. Nobody said a word. They all just listened.
"But even through all that pain, suffering, and discouragement, we pulled through till the end!" He said to everyone.
"We've won against villains, saved our fellow classmates, and continued to grow stronger even with the absence of All Might!" He yelled out.
"Through all of that, we continued to prosper! This is class 1-A of the first year!" He shouted out. Everyone began cheering loudly. That was a dang good speech. Iida wiped a tear as he went back and stood next to Toru and Jiro. Out of all the cheering, you could hear Hatsume cheer the loudest. The support team were in the audience until later.
"That's was a good speech." Jiro said. Iida nodded as he continued to look forward. Present Mic walked up to the front.
"Okay, now to give out diplomas! Why are we doing this." Present Mic said, saying that last part under his breath so no one could hear it. They then began calling everyone by their number from class (cause I'm too lazy to put everyone in alphabetical order).
"Yuga Aoyama! Continue to sparkle till the end!" Present Mic said. Aoyama took his diploma and struck a pose.
"Mina Ashido! Continue to raise everyone's spirits!" Present Mic announced. Mina took her diploma and bowed to the crowd.
"Tsuyu Asui! Continue to be the friend of many!" He yelled out. Tsu took the diploma and also bowed to the crowd.
"Tenya Iida! Please continue to lead others when they have no leader!" He yelled again. Iida grabbed his diploma and bowed, the returned.
"Ochako Uraraka. Make those fell weightless by always being there to help!" Ochako walked up and grabbed her diploma. She looked down to where her phone was and saw the FaceTime. It was her parents cheering for her. Even Deku cheered louder than the other times.
"Mashirao Ojiro! Be the guy that can help whenever needed!" Ojiro walked up and took his diploma and bowed.
"Denki Kaminari! Continue to make people laugh literally in any situation!" Kaminari smirked as he walked up to grab his diploma. He slightly tripped a bit but managed to catch his fall. Some people laughed. He took his diploma, bowed, and was lied back into line.
"Eijiro Kirishima! Continue to be the unbreakable wall that will protect others!" Kirishima grinned and harder his arms as he grabbed his diploma. He bowed and walked back.
"Koji Koda! Continue to be the shy but fearsome hero!" Koda went up, grabbed his diploma, and bowed.
"Rikido Sato! Continue to have the sweet tooth for successes!" Sato walked up, grabbed his diploma, and walked back. (Half way guys)
"Mezo Shoji! Continue to be the protect for many!" Shoji walked up, bowed, garbed his diploma, and walked back in line.
"Kyoka Jiro! Continue to rock out those whoever feel down!" Jiro waved and bowed as she grabbed her diploma an was lied back.
"Hanta Sero! Continue to strengthen the bonds of your heroism and friends with your tape!" Sero walked up with a grin, bowed, and took his diploma.
"Fumikage Tokoyami! Continue to use your dark ways to bring light to others!" Tokoyami walked up, grabbed his diploma, and walked back into line without bowing.
"Shoto Todoroki! Continue to freeze and burn your way through life's problems to become a top hero!" Todoroki walked up, bowed, grabbed his diploma, and walked back to line.
"Toru Hagakure! Even with invisibility, we can see the frost work you have done and will do!" Toru walked up, bowed, and took her diploma. She put some makeup on, along with fake eye things and a wig.
"Katsuki Bakugo! Even if your ways of heroism are straight forward and deadly, stoke fear into villains who think they can defeat you!" Bakugo walked up and grabbed his diploma.
"Like hell any hero can defeat me! Bring it on!" Bakugo said as he walked back into line.
"Izuku Midoriya! Continue to break through the boundaries and surprise everyone with you amazing talent!" Deku walked up, bowed, grabbed his diploma and headed back. He was holding back tears.
"Our student who came in half way, Hitoshi Shinso! Continue to be the tireless hero that always finds a way!" Shinso walked up. As he grabbed his diploma, he corrected Present Mic.
"Oh, I get tired for sure." He said as he walked back.
"Last but not least, Momo Yaoyorozu! Continue to work hard and become the hero everyone loves!" Momo walked up, gave a bit now, and went back into line with her diploma.
"Give it up for year 1 of class 1-A!" Present Mic shouted. Everyone cheered as class 1-A left the stage. They got to the back as 1-B walked on.
"That was so stressful!" Kaminari said letting off some heat. Everyone was calming down from the experience.
"Okay class, I'll see you after this at the dorms. Enjoy the rest of the ceremony." Aizawa said as he left. There was a back door everyone took so that they don't interfere with the the ceremony. All the students went back to their parents. Ochako went with Deku back to Inko, as her parents were in the phone.
"That was so good!" Inko whispered. Deku nodded as Ochako grabbed her phone. Her parents were still on the other side.
"Hi mom, hi dad!" Ochako waved and whispered. They waved back.
"Good to see you graduate! Congratulations!" They said.
"Hey, we can talk after this. Bye, I love you!" Ochako said.
"Bye, we miss you!" They responded. Ochako ended the FaceTime as she looked back up at the ceremony just in time to see Monoma make a fool of himself. You could hear Bakugo laugh really loud on purpose. After a few hours of sitting and watching, the ceremony ended, giving everyone the opportunity to talk. Eri was brought in earlier by Toshinori just before the ceremony started.
"Oh Izuku! I'm just so proud!" Inko said again as she hugged Deku tightly. Deku hugged back.
"I know mom, and I'll make you even more proud!" Deku said. After a bit more talking, Deku had to go or else he would be at the dorms late. Ochako was with him too, and Iida tagged along. They took Eri and began moving to the dorms.
"This was fun." Deku said. Iida nodded.
"Certainly." He said. They soon made it to the dorms, where they saw everyone there already. Not even five minutes of entering, Aizawa came in.
"I'm gonna get straight to the point. You guys will get a month break until you come back to school for year two. Okay?" He asked. Everyone stared at him.
"Okay." They responded.
"Also, you guys can stay either here or at your own homes. Either way, you better be back in a month. See you then." He said as he shut the door and left. Everyone sighed.
"Well, that's one year done out of three. I don't know about you, but that was easy." Kaminari said. Aizawa opened the door.
"Next year will be ten times harder." He said before leaving again.
The rest of the day, they all celebrated the night with a good dinner and desert. They all then played a few board games, card games, and just random games as well. Soon enough, time flew by and it was 4:00 in the morning. A few people fell asleep while Deku, Ochako, Eri, Tokoyami, Shinso, and Todoroki were up.
"I'm going to my room." Tokoyami said. Todoroki joined him as they both walked upstair. Deku, and Ochako stared at Shinso.
"Hey, I'm not going anywhere. I'm also not sleeping, so." He said. Deku sighed.
"Let's go to our room." He said. Ochako nodded as they carried Eri up to the room. They put Eri to bed as the two lay in their own snuggled up against each other. Deku looked at Ochako and Eri. He smiled warmly as he embraced Ochako with a warm hug. Ochako hugged back.
"Mmm, this feels nice." She said digging her head into Deku's chest. Deku just smiled. Through all the hardships they've faced in a single year, they and through it. After getting though it, they got stronger. It was gonna take a lot to bring class 1-A down, let alone Deku and Ochako. As Deku fell asleep, he just though fo the whole year. The confession, the kidnapping, the sadness, the fun, everything. His eyes fell into a deep sleep for the next year to come. In the end, a lot of this was a big cliche...

There's a note in the next chapter.

Gravitational Pull: Izuku x Ochako   IzuOchaWhere stories live. Discover now