Night trek- 8

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Minho nervously lead us through the dark forest. I shined my light in front of him just in case he needed a bit of comfort. "I'm not scared" he gritted through his teeth. "I know, I just don't want you falling" I replied. He rolled his eyes and kept walking on through.

Jisoo started to get close with Minho. As in rubbing arms as she walked next to him. She would laugh at his words, which weren't even funny. She'd slightly push him in order to gain contact with him but he dodged it every time. Jisoo was a beautiful girl who was extremely nice, why would he reject her like that?

"Hey! Minho!" Jisoo abruptly started to yell. Chan and I looked forward to see what was happening. Minho was halfway through pushing out the branches when he stopped. He looked at her with complete boredom, not wanting to even listen to what she had to say.

"I've been flirting with you all night, this is a valentines trip! Don't you get it?! I like you now, I like you back"

So Minho likes her oo la la

"Are you still holding a grudges from last time? I said I'm sorry I cheated! Why won't you date me!!" She shrieked. Oh never mind I thought they were cute but no she cheated on him and now wants to get back with him. Not only that but she proceeds to complain about it. Jisoo was a lot different from what I judged. Tagts shocked me.

I looked over to chan who was looking down at his feet. "Haejin, lets let these two talk it out" she whispered. I followed as we walked away from our screaming team mates. During that time chan and I found the rest of the items and returned back to our cabin hall but that's when I remembered. MINHOS afraid of the dark. He was alone out there with Jisoo, who probably didn't know about it.

"Chan I gotta go find Minho" I said while running back to the forest. It was a lot darker than before and I didn't have my flashlight on me. It was also a lot colder too. Imagine how scared Minho must be. I never should've left him alone with Jisoo. Oh no, what if he beats her up? I have to find him.

The grass was muddy and the roots kept getting tangled up around my shoes. I tripped a few times landing on the hard rocks. I hadn't even realised I had gone off track. It was hard to see and It had started to pour rain. I was there in a basketball shirt with no jacket whatsoever. I don't remeber the branches being this long or hurting this much. But that's was because Minho was pushing them out of the way for us.

It's getting harder to breathe through this thick fog and the wind is making me struggle to stay on my feet. I fought for a long time but Eventually it got the better of me and I fell the ground. As if I was shocked by a taser I once again lost unconscious. Back inside my dark mind wandering around until I regain consciousness again.

——— Minho pov

Back in the big hall were all the students gathering around keeping warm around the fire place. I saw chan alone at our team table. Where's Haejin? I asked him. He looked shocked to see me. "She was searching for you..." he replied. My heart dropped. Her? Outside? Searching for me? That idiot! Why would she go out searching for me?!

I ran outside chan alongside me. I didn't care if he was my worst enemy right now, Haejin was out there alone. I don't even like her but I'm still trying to save her because she's my sisters friend. I really have gone soft.

Chan and I were out for hours searching for Haejin. To the point where we even left the track to search for her. That idiots so stupid. Imagine what Jooah would think of her. While I was walking in search for Haejin I tripped over a large price of wood. I didn't realise it at first but it wasn't wood it was a cold dead body. "AHHHH" I screamed terrified of the horrors of what could've happened to that body.

It shifted started to move. Oh my gosh it's a zombie. "CHAN THERES A ZOMBIE!" I screamed jumping up and down pointing at the moving body. The moon shined its light on its face and that's when I realised it's wasn't a dead body. It was Haejin.  She was crying. Chan rushed over cradling Haejin and her small body. Her boney hands wiped her own tears but they didn't stop. More kept running down her dry face.

"Haejin.." I called out to her. She looked up at me pausing for a second before jumping on me again wrapping her hands and legs around me like a koala. It took me a moment to process what was going on but I held her in my arms and nuzzled my head into her neck. Wanting her to feel safe so she would stop ugly crying.

"I thought you hated me" I joked. "I do, I hate you so so much" she sobbed onto my jacket.

I walked her back to the hall with her holding onto me like a child.

So I read somewhere people fall in love in dangerous situations and since I don't like writing 70 episode long books I'm just gonna make lots of dangerous situations so they can fall in love faster.

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