11: the 'breakup'

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For hours Jooah stayed in my arms letting out rivers of tears. I don't blame her though, I too genuinely thought Hyunjin was faithful I guess I was wrong.

Jooah looked up at me pausing for a second. Her face was all red and her eyes were puffy. "I forgot about his soup" she groaned before crying again. She continued to blame herself for Hyunjin cheating and forgetting somebody's soup.

Minho burst through the door searching for something. His eyes landed on Jooah and I. Minho dropped his jacket which was covered in blood just like his knuckles. "Jooah" he whispered pulling her into a hug. She moved from me to him holding onto him tightly. Her cries became quieter as she fell asleep in her brothers arms.

Minho covered her with a blanket as he placed her onto the bed. He was going to leave when I pointed out his bruises and whatnot. "It's fine, it's not me who was hurt anyways" he grumbled. I sighed shaking my head "it's not fine. What if Jooah sees you like this tomorrow? What will happen?" I said.
He looked back to be ashamed.

I signalled him to come here as I pulled out a first-aid kit from underneath the nightstand. He sat down opposite to Jooah positioning himself in front of me.

I took out a cotton pag and disinfect thing and put it on his knuckles. He hissed at the stinging pain. "You can take a hit to the face but can't handle this?" I scoffed. He rolled his eyes pulling his hand away. I pulled it back softly so I could bandage it up. His cheeks were fine although there was a small scratch. A plaster would do fine.

He leaned in forward staring as I placed the plaster across his left cheek. I smoothed it out so that there were no bubbles. "Done!" I exclaimed.

He sighed shaking his head and left without his jacket. I didn't bother chasing after him so I let him come get it the next morning.


Danoh didn't come into the cabin that night which was probably for the best. Mina didn't either so she must've stayed with Danoh. Jooah was first to wake up. She was making soup, tomato soup to be exact. I stared at the cab beside her.

'Thick, Rich Tomato Soup, mix well with water'

She must've borrowed that from Mr Lee, our park manager. I watched as she hurried to put out her soup into a container. She dashed through the door not even noticing my presence.

Oh right, the soup phase she had last night.

I walked over to clean her mess on the small kitchen area. The cloth was wet and dirty but this was a cabin in the woods what did I expect? Jooah has left her soup can on the counter I was reading the expiration date on the can. 'Best Before: 2016/2/3' thats was 4 years ago?!

I ran out the door trying to stop Jooah from forcing anybody to eat the expired food which would probably cause 'stomach' problems.'

I searched for her and saw her heading towards the boys cabin. She knocked on cabin 63. Why would she go there that's Hyunjins cabin? But when the door opened revealing Minho I sighed in relief.

This time I calmly walked to the Minho's cabin. I went to knock but small groans caught my eyes. Was that? Hyunjin lying on the floor? He looked beat. Blood coming out of his hands black circles around his eyes, his hair had been ripped out of his skull. "Hyunjin" I gasped rushing over to him.

He was so weak to the point he couldn't get up by himself. I knocked on Minho's cabin door hoping he'd help. But as soon as he saw Hyunjin he slammed the door to our face. "Who was that" Jooah muffled. "Nothing" Minho responded. Even though it wasn't 'nothing.'

I decided to take matters into my own hands and take Hyunjin to my cabin and try treat him there. There was fear in Hyunjins eyes when I mentioned taking him to Jooah and I's cabin. "Look I'm usually nice to jerks who cheat on their partner, so take my help while you can!" I spat.

He shivered due to the coldness which he spent the night outside. I unlocked the cabin door letting him in. I still had leftover stuff in my first aid kit which I could use on Hyunjin.

"I'm sorry" Hyunjin managed to choke out. I glared at him not wanting to look at his face. It was hard because he was my friend. He was a good person to me. He was nice and caring to others. Seeing him hurt like this made my heart ache.

"Well I don't accept it" I huffed out wrapping him in bandages all around. "I'll take you to the office so you can get professional help from the nurses alright" I said. He nodded.

Take me to the back of the shed. Shoot me in the back of the head.

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