Chapter 15

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I quietly headed to my room as soon as Emily left. I shut the door behind me. Luckily none of the boys followed me. I wasn't in the mood to be questioned or have any pity from either of them right now.

I picked up the packet of cig, walked over to the balcony and sat on the chair leaning back, smoking. There were so many emotions running through me right now. It felt like I was dumped with a heavy stone that just rolled over from a mountain crushing me underneath where I was struggling to catch my breath. 

I just feel like I belong nowhere right now. My parents who I thought were my biological parents are my adoptive parents and my biological parent whom I learned after so many years are not alive anymore. It just hurts so freaking much. The fact that I don't even remember them makes me feel like shit. I hit my head with my hand repeatedly in frustration. 

I couldn't shake away Emily's face from my mind. She looked so broken and hurt when she told us about the accident. Having to see your parents die in front of your eyes at that age surely isn't a birthday you would want to remember. I could only imagine what she has been through over these years. She has been pulling herself through that past. But I still couldn't trust her. 

My thoughts were just going in circles. I took up my phone and dialled the number that has always pulled me up through the worst situation and supported me no matter what. 

"Hey love," as soon as I heard her voice tears rolled down my cheeks. I couldn't help and let out a sob, "baby what happened?" she sounded concerned. 

"Why did y'll never tell me?" I asked softly as tears kept rolling down my cheeks. "Tell you what baby? What happened?" my mom questioned from the other end. 

I slowly wiped my tears and took a deep breath, "Is there anything that you and Dad are hiding from me?" I asked softly.

"No love, there's nothing. Why would we hide anything from you?" she answered a little confused. "Zayn what's happening love? Tell me." she sounded worried now. 

"I'm adopted is that true?" I asked my voice cracking as tears kept rolling down. There was a moment of silence. That silence answered my question.

"So I am," I said with a soft dry chuckle. "Zayn, love I can explain." She said softly as her voice cracked. I knew she was gonna cry and I couldn't hear her cry not when I cant comfort her. 

"Will talk later Mom. I have to go. You take care," I said and quickly hung up the phone. I couldn't help but sob. I wanted to cry my heart out, scream out it felt like a betrayal. No, they never made me feel like I was adopted but it still hurts knowing they hid just a big thing from me. I had the right to know. I sat in the armchair crying for I don't know how long until I slowly fell asleep. As I slipped into deep slumber I felt two strong arms lift me and carry me over to somewhere.

John's POV

I quickly got out of the car with Emily in my arms and headed straight to the infirmary. I had already informed Sarah to prep the bed for Emily. As I reached the infirmary, I looked around for Sarah, she was standing by a bed next to the window. I quickly walked over and laid Emily down on the bed.

Sarah and another nurse quickly started to treat her wounds and redress her bandages. "What happened," Sarah asked looking at me. 

I quickly told her everything from the bullet to the story. She softly sighed. "It's not good to put her through such a mental breakdown especially when she's recovering from physical wounds it slows down the healing process," She said as she cleaned her wound and dressed it again. I nodded staring at Emily. 

It was already past 11 pm. I stood a little away from the bed staring at her She never rested not even a single day since the accident. She doesn't open up about the accident much. To be honest I haven't even seen her crying when she woke up from the 3 days coma. I still remember Chief bringing her into the HQ with a bandage to her head and her left arm in a sling. 

I guess she barely rested for a week and then she joined my batch to continue training. She surely didn't need that. Her parents were our trainers and her being their daughter, they did a fantastic job in bringing her up. I feel so proud knowing she never gave up on the values that were taught to her by her parents. I'm sure they would be so proud watching her from above. Even the Chief is so proud of her, that girl never shed a drop of a tear since she came back from the accident, has been through all training evaluations and was honoured as the top performer of the batch. 

I smiled softly staring at Emily. I have never seen her stop to rest not once, not when she lost her parents, not when she lost her best friend not even now. No bullet has ever stopped her. She makes me feel so proud of her, she has always been learning from her mistakes trying to become the best version of herself. She's always been the most composed and alert person when on missions. When not on mission she's either in her lab or helping other agents with their missions. Sometimes I feel like this is her way of escaping whatever thoughts run in her mind when it's at rest.

I was bought out of my thoughts when I heard Sarah, "I have put her on glucose and gave her a dose of melatonin and also a pain relief injection. Her wounds are redressed." She kept a small cream tube on the table beside her bed. "She needs to apply this cream before she redressed her wound this will help in healing faster." I gave a small nod.

Soon the doors opened and RJ and Daniel walked in. RJ went and sat on the other side of her bed staring at Emily. "What happened?" He asked then looked at me and Daniel as Sarah had already walked out.

"Orions attacked Zayn and Niall at the mall but Emily got in between and the bullet greased through her arm. We went back to their suite and she told them about the accident. she fainted when we got in the lift," Daniel said then turned and looked at Emily. "Is she okay?" he asked me.

I slowly sat down on the other side of her bed and nodded. "It is probably the pain from the wound and the stress from remembering the accident," I answered.

RJ slowly got up and looked at me, "Yll should eat something and get some rest. I will stay here."

"I'm not hungry," I responded still staring at Emily. I could sense RJ walking over to me as he slowly touched my shoulder. "I'm sure she would hate to know that you stayed by her side without eating or resting," he said softly.

Though I didn't want to leave her side. I knew what he said was true and she would surely blame herself once she woke up. I sighed softly and got up looking at RJ, "If anything, call me" he nodded.

I slowly turned back to Em and softly kissed her forehead as I stroked her hair. I slowly got back and walked out with Daniel.

After dinner, I went in and checked on Em one more time. She was still the same, in deep sleep and RJ was beside her watching her. I then slowly headed back to my room and took a quick shower. Sleep overtook me as soon as I fell on the bed.

A/N: I'm know it's a short chapter, sorry for that. Hope y'll liked it. Sorry for any errors.

Love you all xoxo!!

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