Chapter 28

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The moment we entered the training room I watched in awe. It was so big, it had all the up to date equipments for training. There was this huge trampoline at one end and also some crates I wondered why? I also noticed there were 2 small glass rooms at the left side of the training room which had some high-tech equipments.

I looked at Emily who looked ready to train. I wondered what she was thinking, two days ago the way she was, so vulnerable and messed up now it felt as if she was reborn. It made me think were they trained so hard that they couldn't even grieve for their loss , but then again spies can't work emotionally that's what I have read, heard and now actually seen.

We all were asked to seat on the seats which were there at the sides of the room. Soon RJ, John and Daniel came in, they looked at us and then back to Emily and the rest of the group. Though they didn't like us but we had grew somewhat close to them over the past two days and it felt nice. I looked at Zayn he had surely changed for the past two days. We all knew he slept less and was always thinking and now this sudden decision to stay here and help Emily to fight Simon, we all were worried.

Suddenly Emily's voice grabbed my attention and we all got up and walked close to them to hear her clearly.

"Well since all are here let's get started," she said and with that she walked towards to left corner of the room and pressed a red button which I hadn't noticed till now.

I heard a click and the wall next to the hi-tech equipments room opened up revealing a compartment filled with all sorts of whips, knives, bats, sticks, rods and swords. Swords? I was puzzled why were swords there?

I turned and looked at the rest of the lads who had confused and surprised look on their faces.

I think RJ noticed it and said, "Swords are Emily's obsession so we have them and they are useful at the times of big missions."

We all nodded and watched Emily as she made her way back to us while tying a white cotton cloth to her hands, "Ciara, Ryder, Simran and Andrew get your weapons and Josh be ready just in case," she said.

"You're not gonna train," RJ said.

"Well we are here to train," She looked at Zayn, "watch this you may needs this," she said with a smirk and made her way to the centre.

We all walked a few steps back and stood at the sides with RJ, John and Daniel. I suddenly felt the need to watch whatever was going to happen with all my attention so I made a mental note of not missing out anything.


I watched Emily as she got ready. At the other end Ciara, Ryder and Andrew were standing.

Ciara had whips, Ryder had knives while Andrew had two bats. Simran and Josh were standing with us and had big sticks in their hand.

To be honest I didn't like the idea of Emily training with those wounds but the others said nothing so I was forced to watch quietly.

"One at a time," I heard John say to which the others nodded while Emily pouted, which made me chuckle; she looked cute.

First Ryder came and took his position, he had two knives. Emily took two daggers and held them professionally in her hands she had this confidence on her face accompanied with a smirk. I wondered if she remembers she is hurt.

Ryder made his first move to slash at Emily with speed, she dodged it and used her dagger to stop his attack. The movement the blades clashed against each other, the sound produce felt like music to my ears, it felt like I had heard them before.

Emily pushed Ryder with her elbow causing him to tremble a few steps giving enough time for her to attack.

They went continuously attacking and defending until finally Ryder's knives dropped and Emily's daggers were at his neck.

She smiled and got back, "Good just increase your speed and flexibility," she said and kept the daggers back.

"Well you still got skills," John chuckled.

"It runs in my blood," Emily said proudly.

"Sure," John said smiling.

At the other end, Ciara got ready with her whips; smirking. Emily slowly walked and stood opposite her.

"Umm, Andrew you too," Emily said taking a big black stick.

"You sure?," Andrew asked.

"Yeah," she said.

"Don't push yourself Emily," RJ said.

"I'm not, don't worry," she smiled to RJ and then looked at me.

I was worried for her and I'm sure she noticed that and gave me a assuring smile.

Soon Andrew and Ciara were against Emily. Ciara used her right whip and attacked on Emily, she blocked it with her stick, and got ready to attack Andrew who was approaching her with his bats. She dodged his attacks but suddenly Ciara hit her whip on her waist and Emily hissed. I sucked in a breath and bite my lips, looking at her worried. Andrew used this opportunity and hit her in her stomach making her step back.

I was about to go and stop them but Daniel stopped me, I could see RJ was going to do the same but John stopped him.

"She is hurt," Harry said.

"She is used to this. Just watch," Daniel said with a smile.

I looked at Emily and she was smirking now. She stood straight and walked towards Andrew.

Andrew was about to hit her when she held his bat and kicked him in his stomach and took the other bat from his hand and threw it at Ciara who was going to hit her again, causing her to step back. Emily used this chance and fought with Andrew who gave up in minutes and stepped back.

Now Emily turned to Ciara who just attacked with her whip, Emily caught it in her hands and hit her forehead with her own forehead, making her step back. Now they started fighting using punches and hand, finally after five minutes Ciara was caught by Emily and was on her knees, with Emily's hand on her neck, other hand holding Ciara's hand back and Emily's leg holding her body for moving. She struggled a few minutes after finally giving up and was left lose by Emily.

Emily was breathing heavily now and all her bandages were red. I quickly went to Emily and looked at the her worried, RJ came in and held her hand and pulled her to the seats and made her sit.

"Get the first aid," he said and Ryder bought a first aid box.

I was looking at Emily who was still smiling. Ciara and Andrew walked to her with her heads down, "We are sorry," they said in unison.

"You should have been careful, " RJ said angrily.

"Hey its fine. Y'll did great okay. Don't be guilty," Emily said smiling.

They both smiled but RJ was still pissed off.
I then remembered that whip hit on her waist,"Emily," I said with a soft voice, "Your waist, Ciara had hit with a whip."

She nodded and looked at her waist, it was red and bleeding a little. She took the cotton from the kit and dabbed it on the wound, her expressions said it was paining her. I looked away.

A/N : Done with this chapter. I know I'm late for the update but I'm really sorry I was so caught up with my job and everything less happening. I will try to update the next chapters as soon as I can.
Sorry for any errors.
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Love y'll and take care.

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