Chapter 20

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We all were looking at Emily, she promised us to keep us safe and then went into deep thoughts and soon had tears rolling down her cheeks. We all were very confused, Louis called her out and asked why she was crying to which she replied, "Just a memory."

I didn't pay much attention to what she said 'cause all I was worried about was our lives along with more 20,000 people's lives and our crew. What if Emily and her friends failed to save us?

We don't even know who was gonna attack so I looked at Emily who looked a bit better now.

"Emily," I said, "You said we were gonna be attacked but by whom?" I asked.

The rest of the lads looked at me and then back at Emily.

"It's from the B.C. members, we aren't sure if the attack is for y'll or not but there is no other concert tonight over here. And recently Zayn and you boys have been their target," she said looking at Zayn then us.

"What the hell do they want from me?" Zayn said frustrated.

"See guys," Emily said sounding a bit more confident now.

"I know this is difficult but I don't want y'll to panic or worry 'cause that will affect your performance tonight, I don't want that. I don't want people to notice that something is wrong with y'll and if this attack is really for y'll then I don't want B.C members to know that we have got a hint orelse the attack can be worse. I hope you understand what I am trying to say," she said looking at us.

"I know it is difficult to act normal when you know there are people out there ready to kill you along with other innocent lives but if y'll let anyone know about this, it will be worse." She added.

"Let's cancel the concert," Harry said suddenly. We all looked at him.

"It's better. We won't lose anyone's life," He said. Harry had a point there.

"But that will affect the budget and now only a few hours are left and the stadium has already been sold out. What are we gonna tell them?" Niall said.

"We can tell them we are under an attack and Emily can be the one to confirm it," Harry said and looked at Emily, who was now standing with her arms crossed on her chest and a straight face.

"Yeah sure," She said sarcastically.

"In that way, you want us (spies) to come out to the world? Let everyone out there know we exists? Do you even know how bad this could affect us along with the others. The whole world will be in chaos" She said sounding a bit angry.

"But I guess most of the people know y'll don't they? Because of your missions and everything," Louis said.

"Yeah they do know that we exists but none of them know how we look like. We just don't go in front of them and shake our hands saying; Hello I'm Emily a spy agent from O.S.I. it's nice to meet you," she said while mimicking, which made me and Niall chuckle and earn glares from the other three.

"We are always in disguise and it's very rare that someone recognises us and if he/ she does we have our ways to shut their mouth," She said with a shrug.

We all looked at her and visibly gulped, I looked at rest of the boys and I knew what they were thinking.

I gathered courage and asked her almost in a whisper, "You have ways to shut their mouth means, d-do you kill them?" I asked and gulped.

Emily looked at me in surprise than at the rest and busted laughing. We all were confused. "Do you'll really think so? How can we do that?" She said as her laughter slowly died.

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